83R8568 BK-D
  By: Turner of Collin H.R. No. 434
         WHEREAS, Family, friends, and admirers are joining together
  to celebrate Nate Oxford Day on February 15, 2013, in honor of a
  courageous young boy who lost his battle with cancer on January 28
  at the age of six; and
         WHEREAS, Nate Oxford of Fate was diagnosed with cancer a few
  months shy of his third birthday; although the disease would
  ultimately claim his life, he never let it diminish his spirit or
  his determination; he bravely endured multiple rounds of
  chemotherapy and several surgeries, always maintaining a buoyant
  sense of optimism as he outlived his doctors' expectations time and
  time again; and
         WHEREAS, Along the way, this inspiring young Texan's bright
  smile and sense of humor in the face of adversity endeared him to
  thousands of supporters across the nation, who dubbed themselves
  "Nate's Mates"; they rallied around his family for more than four
  years and organized a 5k fund-raiser for the boy's treatments,
  during which Nate, sporting his "number 1" race bib, surprised
  everyone by clearing the finish line; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to his many friends and admirers, Nate
  drew comfort and encouragement from his loving parents, Wes and
  Jackie Oxford, and his brothers, Jake and Luke; always warmhearted,
  he had an uncanny ability to lift the spirits of others with a joke
  or a simple act of kindness; and
         WHEREAS, Although Nate Oxford's time on this earth was far
  too brief, he left an indelible mark on his community and will
  forever hold a treasured place in the hearts of all those who knew
  and loved him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Nate Oxford,
  recognize his birthday on February 15, 2013, as Nate Oxford Day, and
  extend sincere sympathy to his relatives and many friends; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House
  of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Nate