83R6591 BK-D
  By: Marquez H.R. No. 448
         WHEREAS, A life filled with meaningful accomplishments drew
  to a close with the passing of distinguished community advocate
  Erasmo Wilivaldo Andrade of El Paso on March 30, 2012, at the age of
  80; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Wilivaldo and Maria Nieto Andrade, Erasmo
  Andrade was born on May 12, 1931, at the family's ranch near Bruni
  and was raised in San Antonio; a graduate of Fox Vocational and
  Technical School, he served this nation in the U.S. Navy and
  attained the rank of machinist's mate third class; continuing his
  education, he enrolled at St. Mary's University, earning his
  bachelor's degree in international relations, and he later received
  his juris doctorate from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at
  Texas Southern University; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Andrade's early professional experience
  included teaching at San Antonio schools and working as an
  English-as-a-second-language instructor at Lackland Air Force Base
  and in overseas assignments for the Department of Defense; on
  returning home, he became a union organizer for migrant workers and
  other groups, and his involvement in social and political causes
  would remain a driving force in his life; among his other
  achievements was the establishment of the Valley Workers Assistance
  Committee and the coordination of a 1966 farmworkers' march on the
  State Capitol; he additionally took part in a voting-rights
  initiative in South Texas and helped to create the Zavala County
  Mental Health Outreach Program in a partnership with The University
  of Texas Health Science Center; and
         WHEREAS, In 1973, Mr. Andrade and his family relocated to
  Austin so that he could become a staff member for the Joint
  Committee on Prison Reform of the 63rd Texas Legislature; he
  subsequently joined the Austin Independent School District to
  direct a community education program and soon found his way back
  into the classroom, teaching economics, government, and history at
  Austin and Lanier High Schools; during his time at those schools, he
  helped students to form peer mediation teams and assisted them with
  an effort to rename a downtown street in honor of Cesar Chavez; in
  1993, he and his family moved to El Paso, where he taught social
  studies at Riverside High School until 2002; in each of his teaching
  assignments, he was known as someone who cared deeply about his
  students and who encouraged them to further their studies and
  pursue their dreams; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan volunteered with a number of
  social service organizations in each city where he lived; he was
  president of the Austin Child Guidance Center Board and helped
  chair the Tri-Ethnic Desegregation Community Committee for Austin
  schools, and he worked with groups supporting seniors, immigrants,
  and persons with disabilities; in El Paso, he was appointed to the
  city government civil service commission, and he was a member of the
  appraisal review board for the El Paso Central Appraisal District
  at the time of his death; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Andrade was active in the Democratic Party as
  well and held the posts of precinct chair and election judge in the
  El Paso area; previously, he was a member of the Travis County
  Democratic Party Executive Committee, assisted with the
  presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Barack Obama, and was
  honored to be part of the inaugural committee for Governor Ann
  Richards; and
         WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, he enjoyed the love and
  support of his wife, Sally, with whom he shared a rewarding marriage
  that spanned four decades; he was also the proud father of two
  children, Marisa and Carlos, and had four beloved grandchildren;
  moreover, Mr. Andrade was a parishioner at Cristo Rey Catholic
  Church, where he was an usher and a member of the parish council and
  finance committee for many years; and
         WHEREAS, Erasmo Andrade made a profound and positive
  difference in countless lives through his dedication to the city
  and state he was proud to call home, and his legacy will forever
  endure in the hearts of those who were privileged to know him; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Erasmo Wilivaldo
  Andrade and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to
  his wife, Sally Andrade; to his children, Marisa and Carlos
  Andrade; to his grandchildren, Lucas, Isabel, Emma, and Joaquin; to
  his sisters, Lupe Sanchez, Maria Dominguez, Paula Cervantes, Eva
  Franks, Oralia Moran, Velia Perez, Alicia Wolfshol, and Helen
  Guzman; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Erasmo
  Wilivaldo Andrade.