H.R. No. 523
         WHEREAS, The office of justice of the peace, first
  established in 1362 by King Edward of England, and the office of
  constable, first established in 1215 by King John of England, were
  two of the first offices established in the American colonies in
  1620; and
         WHEREAS, Both offices were created by the Texas Constitution
  and serve a vital role in the delivery of county government
  responsibilities to citizens on the local level; and
         WHEREAS, The justices of the peace are an integral part of the
  Texas judiciary; they exercise jurisdiction in criminal
  misdemeanor cases punishable by fine or sanctions and exercise
  civil jurisdiction in matters in controversy up to $10,000;
  justices of the peace preside over those courts closest to the
  people, first established as "grass roots" courts in 1836 when
  Texas became a republic; and
         WHEREAS, The constables serve as officers of the court as
  bailiffs, execute civil and criminal process issued by Texas
  courts, and enforce criminal laws as certified peace officers;
  constables were first documented in Texas in 1823 by Stephen F.
  Austin when Texas was still under Mexican rule; and
         WHEREAS, The men and women who accept the responsibilities of
  the offices of justice of the peace and constable perform the duties
  of their office with integrity, dedication, and the required
  knowledge of the law, thereby contributing immeasurably to the
  justice system, the safety of the citizens of Texas, and the peace
  and order of our society; and
         WHEREAS, The Justices of the Peace and Constables Association
  of Texas, Incorporated, has represented the interests of more than
  4,000 Texas justices of the peace, constables, and members of their
  staffs for over 60 years; and
         WHEREAS, The dedication of a special day to focus attention
  on the contributions of these public officials will benefit the
  citizens of Texas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 26, 2013, as Justices of the
  Peace and Constables Day, welcome the visiting members of the
  Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas,
  Incorporated, to the State Capitol, and commend the justices of the
  peace and constables for serving and protecting the citizens of
  Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Justices of the Peace and Constables Association
  of Texas, Incorporated, as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
Straus M. Gonzalez of El Paso Oliveira
Allen N. Gonzalez of El Paso Orr
Alonzo Gooden Otto
Alvarado Guerra Paddie
Anchia Guillen Parker
Anderson Gutierrez Patrick
Ashby Harless Perez
Aycock Harper-Brown Perry
Bell Hernandez Luna Phillips
Bohac Herrero Pickett
Bonnen of Brazoria Hilderbran Pitts
Bonnen of Galveston Howard Price
Branch Huberty Raney
Burkett Hughes Ratliff
Burnam Hunter Raymond
Button Isaac Reynolds
Callegari Johnson Riddle
Canales Kacal Ritter
Capriglione Keffer Rodriguez of Bexar
Carter King of Hemphill Rodriguez of Travis
Clardy King of Parker Rose
Coleman King of Taylor Sanford
Collier King of Zavala Schaefer
Cook Kleinschmidt Sheets
Cortez Klick Sheffield of Bell
Craddick Kolkhorst Sheffield of Coryell
Creighton Krause Simmons
Crownover Kuempel Simpson
Dale Larson Smith
Darby Laubenberg Smithee
Davis of Dallas Lavender Springer
J. Davis of Harris Leach Stephenson
S. Davis of Harris Lewis Stickland
Deshotel Longoria Strama
Dukes Lozano Taylor
Dutton Lucio III Thompson of Brazoria
Eiland Marquez Thompson of Harris
Elkins Martinez Toth
Fallon Martinez Fischer Turner of Collin
Farias McClendon Turner of Harris
Farney Menendez Turner of Tarrant
Farrar Miles Villalba
Fletcher Miller of Comal Villarreal
Flynn Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morrison White
Geren Munoz, Jr. Workman
Giddings Murphy Wu
Goldman Naishtat Zedler
Gonzales Nevarez Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 523 was adopted by the House on February
  25, 2013, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House