83R10861 LB-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.R. No. 591
         WHEREAS, Members of Concord Missionary Baptist Church in
  Dallas are gathering on March 31, 2013, for the inaugural service at
  their new sanctuary; and
         WHEREAS, Established on June 29, 1975, Concord Missionary
  Baptist Church has long served members of the Oak Cliff community;
  under the dynamic leadership of the Reverend E. K. Bailey, the
  church began with 228 members and today welcomes thousands of
  worshipers; and
         WHEREAS, Concord was expanded to accommodate the growing
  congregation and eventually moved from its original location on
  South Polk Street to a much larger property near Boulder Park; the
  new sanctuary will seat approximately 3,200; and
         WHEREAS, United by  their shared faith and strong traditions,
  members participate in a wide variety of ministries, educational
  programs, and service opportunities; and
         WHEREAS, For nearly four decades, Concord Missionary Baptist
  Church has served as a source of inspiration and guidance for
  countless Dallas residents, and it is indeed a pleasure to join in
  congratulating its members and clergy on this noteworthy occasion;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the opening of Concord Missionary
  Baptist Church's new sanctuary and extend to the members of the
  congregation sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the church as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.