83R12665 BPG-D
  By: King of Zavala H.R. No. 696
         WHEREAS, Many proud citizens of Dimmit County are visiting
  the State Capitol on March 6, 2013, to celebrate the prominent role
  this southwestern Texas county has played in the annals of our
  state; and
         WHEREAS, According to archeological evidence, humans have
  inhabited the area of Dimmit County for at least 11,000 years; the
  native Coahuiltecans were eventually pushed out by Apaches and
  Comanches, as well as by Europeans, with the Spanish passing
  through via the famed Old San Antonio Road in the late 1600s; and
         WHEREAS, Dimmit County was named after Philip Dimmitt, one of
  the framers of the Goliad Declaration of Independence; established
  in 1858, it was formally organized in 1880 with Carrizo Springs as
  its county seat; the town flourished and cattle ranchers
  established themselves in the county; by 1890, it was home to nearly
  100 farms and ranches, averaging over 4,000 acres in size; and
         WHEREAS, In the first decades of the 20th century, the use of
  underground water facilitated the introduction of commercial
  agriculture, bringing new settlers and soaring land values; the
  long growing season and new irrigation methods combined to make the
  county one of the most prolific vegetable-growing areas in the
  country, and it gained recognition as part of the Texas Winter
  Garden Region; and
         WHEREAS, Drought and the Great Depression took a toll on
  agriculture in the county in the first half of the 20th century, but
  vegetable farming rebounded following World War II; later, water
  supply problems again hampered farming and ranching regained
  dominance in the economy, and oil and gas production became
  increasingly important; the area continues to be known for its
  abundance of mineral resources; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Dimmit County has a population estimated at
  more than 10,000, and oil and gas company investment in the Eagle
  Ford Shale is bringing rapid development and a rush of newcomers;
         WHEREAS, The industrious citizens of this vital Texas county
  can take justifiable pride in its history as they prepare to embrace
  the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in a new era of
  progress; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 6, 2013, as Dimmit County Day at
  the State Capitol and extend to the delegation sincere best wishes
  for an enjoyable and memorable visit.