83R13534 NEB-F
  By: Howard H.R. No. 813
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
  join Texans across the state in celebrating Big Brothers Big
  Sisters of Texas Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the largest volunteer
  supported mentoring network, began its service to the children of
  Texas in Dallas in 1927 and has subsequently expanded those
  services to 9 regional offices and 35 field offices throughout
  Texas; and
         WHEREAS, The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to
  provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring
  professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that
  change their lives for the better, forever; and
         WHEREAS, Over 16,000 students throughout Texas have Big
  Brother and Big Sister mentors, and national research has shown
  that students mentored by a Big Brother or a Big Sister are less
  likely to start using drugs, are less likely to begin using alcohol,
  are less likely to skip school, and are even less likely to skip a
  class during the school day; and
         WHEREAS, Additional national research also shows that
  children mentored by a Big Brother or Big Sister have increased
  performance in science, math, and oral language, and further
  research done in Central Texas revealed that 87 percent of children
  mentored by a Big Brother or Big Sister graduated from high school
  or received a GED; and
         WHEREAS, Big Brothers Big Sisters is successful because of
  the efforts of thousands of volunteers and especially Texas Big
  Brother of the Year Tri Dang of Travis County and Big Sister of the
  Year C. J. Legare of Hays County, both of whom are present in the
  chamber this morning; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Big Brothers Big Sisters on their
  efforts to help children in Texas, many who have the odds stacked
  against them, achieve success in their lives and extend best wishes
  for a memorable day at the State Capitol; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.