83R7818 LB-D
  By: Miller of Fort Bend H.R. No. 972
         WHEREAS, Area residents are gathering at the Sugar Land
  Skeeters Constellation Field on May 28, 2013, to recognize Memorial
  Day and pay tribute to the men and women who have served, are
  presently serving, or are on their way to serving in the United
  States armed forces; and
         WHEREAS, Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a
  day of solemn remembrance for those who have died in our nation's
  service; the toll of war has indeed been a heavy one: more than one
  million U.S. military personnel have died during wartime, and
  approximately 1.5 million have been wounded; thousands more have
  endured extreme privation as prisoners of war, and still other
  thousands have been listed as missing in action; and
         WHEREAS, In communities across the country, monuments have
  been erected in tribute to those who have risked all in defiance of
  tyranny and in their country's defense, and these memorials are the
  physical representation of the gratitude that all Americans should
  carry in their hearts for these brave individuals; and
         WHEREAS, With U.S. troops today engaged in difficult
  operations overseas, endeavoring to secure peace and stability in
  dangerous environments, Memorial Day ceremonies once again
  resonate with profound meaning, and it is a privilege to join with
  citizens throughout the nation in paying homage to the immeasurable
  courage, commitment, and sacrifice of this country's military
  personnel; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the Memorial Day event at
  Constellation Field, honor the memory of those who have perished in
  service to their nation, and extend deep gratitude to all members of
  our country's armed forces who have served or are serving to protect
  our freedom.