83R12902 JGH-D
  By: Guillen H.R. No. 990
         WHEREAS, The Texas Historical Commission is celebrating its
  60th anniversary in 2013, and this is a fitting opportunity to
  recognize the commission for its immeasurable contribution to
  preserving the history and heritage of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Founded as the Texas State Historical Survey
  Committee by the Texas Legislature in 1953, the agency was charged
  with sponsoring projects and serving as a clearinghouse to record
  and preserve material culture from all phases of Texas history, in
  concert with state, regional, and local groups as well as
  individuals; it was to accomplish this mission by designating
  historic houses, sites, and landmarks, preserving important
  documents and artifacts, and publishing and distributing materials
  about Texas history; and
         WHEREAS, The first Texas Historical Marker was placed at Camp
  Ford in Tyler in 1962, and that same year, Eggleston House in
  Galveston was designated as the first Recorded Texas Historic
  Landmark; in 1963, the legislature gave the Survey Committee legal
  authority to preserve and protect the heritage of Texas, and it went
  on to empower the agency to administer the Office of the State
  Archeologist; and
         WHEREAS, After the U.S. Congress passed the National Historic
  Preservation Act in 1966, Governor John Connally made the Survey
  Committee responsible for administering the act in Texas, and three
  years later, the legislature created the Antiquities Code of Texas
  and established the Texas Antiquities Committee to protect all
  cultural resources within the state; and
         WHEREAS, In 1973, the name of the Survey Committee was
  changed to the Texas Historical Commission, and the legislature
  granted the commission additional protective powers and expanded
  its leadership role and educational responsibilities; and
         WHEREAS, The THC created the Texas Main Street Program in
  1981, and today it ranks as one of the oldest and largest such
  efforts in the nation; this initiative has played a crucial role in
  the restoration and revitalization of the downtown area in more
  than 80 Texas communities, 67 of which recently received national
  recognition for their progress; each year, the First Lady of Texas
  personally welcomes each new Main Street City into the program; and
         WHEREAS, In 1995, the duties of the Texas Antiquities
  Committee were transferred to the commission, and that same year,
  THC archeologists made a spectacular discovery when they found the
  17th-century French explorer Robert de La Salle's sunken ship, La
  Belle, in Matagorda Bay; thanks to a special appropriation of $1.7
  million, nearly two million artifacts were recovered from the site,
  and today the hull of the ship is being prepared for display at the
  Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum; and
         WHEREAS, The THC was granted oversight authority for the
  Governor's Mansion in Austin in 1998, and that same year the Texas
  preservation trust fund was established; also in 1998, the
  commission launched its Texas Heritage Trails Program with the
  inauguration of the Texas Forts Trail Region; now encompassing 10
  heritage regions, all centered on a scenic driving trail, this
  program was recognized with the Preserve America Presidential Award
  in 2005; and
         WHEREAS, In 1999, the legislature provided $50 million to the
  THC to restore historic county courthouses, and 83 counties have
  participated in this award-winning program, which has generated
  nearly 10,000 jobs, $269 million in income, and more than $367
  million in gross state product; in addition, 18 historic sites were
  transferred from the Parks and Wildlife Department to the THC in
  2007; with the aid of a $34 million bond issue, the commission has
  restored several of those sites, resulting in a six percent
  increase in visitors; in 2009, the THC joined with the Texas
  Department of Transportation to create the Historic Highways
  program; and
         WHEREAS, For six decades, the Texas Historical Commission has
  provided an invaluable service to the people of Texas, recording
  our heritage, preserving our landmarks, and drawing national and
  international attention to the real people and real stories that
  make up the rich history of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Texas
  Historical Commission and extend to the commission's staff sincere
  best wishes for continued success with its important work; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the commission as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.