83R11289 JWI-D
  By: Moody H.R. No. 1004
         WHEREAS, The basketball teams of Franklin High School and
  Coronado High School in El Paso performed an admirable act of
  generosity at a game held on February 12, 2013, that has won acclaim
  throughout the country; and
         WHEREAS, For the Senior Night game held at Coronado High
  School, Coronado coach Peter Morales invited team manager Mitchell
  Marcus, a special-needs student in his fourth and final season with
  the Thunderbirds, to suit up against the rival Franklin Cougars;
         WHEREAS, In the final minutes of the game, with the
  Thunderbirds in the lead, Coach Morales put Mr. Marcus into the
  game, and the crowd began to chant his name; after missing his first
  scoring attempts, only 13 seconds remained, and the Franklin
  Cougars had the ball, making it unlikely that Mr. Marcus would have
  another opportunity to score; and
         WHEREAS, Just before the final buzzer, a guard on the
  opposing team, Franklin High's Jonathon Montanez, passed the ball
  to Mr. Marcus and encouraged him to shoot, telling him, "it's your
  time"; with one second left in the game, Mr. Marcus sank a basket,
  and the crowd rushed onto the floor to celebrate, carrying him off
  the court on their shoulders; and
         WHEREAS, The gesture made by Mr. Montanez was videotaped and
  has received national attention, with sports commentators calling
  it "the play of the year"; and
         WHEREAS, By putting their sports rivalry aside to help
  Mitchell Marcus achieve his moment in the spotlight, the Franklin
  Cougars and the Coronado Thunderbirds demonstrated the spirit of
  fellowship that is one of the finest hallmarks of athletic
  competition, and their actions serve as a positive example of
  goodwill that all can appreciate; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Franklin High School and Coronado High
  School basketball teams for their exceptional display of
  sportsmanship and extend to Jonathon Montanez, Mitchell Marcus,
  Coach Morales, and the players on both teams sincere best wishes for
  the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the teams as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of