H.R. No. 1025
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Real County are beginning a
  yearlong celebration of the county's centennial with a Birthday
  Bash Weekend on April 5 and 6, 2013; and
         WHEREAS, Situated among the rugged canyonlands of the
  Balcones Escarpment, this striking country was first inhabited by
  Paleo-Americans 7,000 years ago; later residents and visitors
  included the Tonkawa Indians, the Lipan Apaches, and Franciscan
  priests of the Spanish empire; John and Nancy Leakey were among the
  first Anglo pioneers in 1856, settling in Frio Canyon near the site
  of the town that now bears their name; the community of Rio Frio was
  settled around the same time, and Camp Wood was created by the U.S.
  military in 1857 and later used by the Confederate Army and the
  Texas Rangers; and
         WHEREAS, Leakey originally served as the seat of Edwards
  County, but in 1891, the county seat was moved to Rocksprings,
  requiring citizens of Leakey to travel on horseback through
  difficult terrain to do any official business; as a result, on April
  3, 1913, the Texas Legislature created a new county out of parts of
  Edwards, Bandera, and Kerr Counties, with its seat in Leakey;
  originally slated to be called Murphy County, the name was changed
  to honor Julius Real, a former county judge and the only Republican
  at the time in the Texas State Senate; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout 2013, the county's residents are
  celebrating their first 100 years with a variety of events; the
  Birthday Bash Weekend will include the unveiling of a Texas
  Historical Marker, a golf tournament, a quilt exhibit, a mohair
  style show, and a barbecue and street dance, to be followed by
  Pioneer Days in late April, when the lifestyle and activities of the
  county's original settlers will be reenacted; and
         WHEREAS, The festivities continue on Labor Day Weekend, which
  will feature the performance of a melodrama based on the county's
  history, and again in October, with the Camp Wood Centennial
  Celebration, which will include a parade, a salsa cook-off, and a
  cowboy symposium; regular annual events such as the Frio Canyon
  July Jubilee and the Nueces Canyon Old Settlers Reunion will also
  incorporate the theme of the centennial; and
         WHEREAS, Real County's distinctive landscape and rich
  heritage represent a unique contribution to the history of the Lone
  Star State, and the people of the county may take justifiable pride
  in their strong community ties and independent spirit; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the centennial of Real County and
  extend to the county's residents sincere best wishes for a
  meaningful and memorable year of celebration; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Real County as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1025 was adopted by the House on March
  27, 2013, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House