83R14231 MGR-D
  By: Guerra H.R. No. 1166
         WHEREAS, Marcus C. Barrera is concluding his notable 12-year
  tenure as a member of the McAllen City Commission on May 11, 2013;
         WHEREAS, Raised in McAllen, Mr. Barrera graduated from
  McAllen Memorial High School in 1984 and from Baylor University in
  1989; five years later, he earned both a law degree and a master's
  degree in business administration and then started his own firm in
  McAllen in 1997; and
         WHEREAS, Elected to the McAllen City Commission in 2001,
  Commissioner Barrera has served as the District 2 representative
  and held the position of mayor pro tempore from 2007 to 2009; in
  addition, he has presided over the McAllen Development Corporation,
  chaired the audit and investment committee, held a seat on the
  Anzalduas Bridge Board, and contributed to many other boards and
  committees; and
         WHEREAS, Commissioner Barrera has helped guide the
  construction of the Anzalduas International Bridge and a new police
  station and police substation, convention center, fire station,
  fire training facility, public library, and numerous other
  projects; he has promoted financial stability and the sound
  stewardship of public funds; and
         WHEREAS, Seeking to encourage beautification efforts and
  increase parkland and recreational opportunities, Commissioner
  Barrera helped to develop programs to realize these goals, and
  McAllen now boasts a newly renovated Bill Schupp Park and a soccer
  park is under construction; and
         WHEREAS, Commissioner Barrera has made important and lasting
  contributions to the city of McAllen, and he can indeed take pride
  in his myriad accomplishments as he looks forward to the next
  exciting chapter in his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Marcus C. Barrera on the occasion of his
  retirement from the McAllen City Commission and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Barrera as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.