83R13105 STE-D
  By: Carter H.R. No. 1235
         WHEREAS, For more than three decades, members of the
  Richardson Central Rotary Club have worked with great dedication to
  make a positive difference in their community; and
         WHEREAS, Chartered on April 11, 1980, the club was formed to
  bring together business and civic leaders for the purposes of
  serving others and fostering self-improvement among members; the
  club encourages high ethical standards, humanitarian service, and
  volunteerism, and its members give back to their community in a
  number of ways; and
         WHEREAS, The club has provided generous support to a wide
  range of worthy organizations through the years, donating funds to
  the YMCA, the Boy Scouts, the fire department, and children's
  health care providers; the group has also promoted excellence in
  education by providing money for college scholarships; and
         WHEREAS, In order to sustain its mission of charitable
  giving, the club relies on a number of fund-raising tools,
  including a flag lease program that delivers and installs the Stars
  and Stripes at the homes of subscribers on designated flag holidays
  and then collects them for proper storage afterwards; and
         WHEREAS, Members further contribute to the betterment of
  Richardson through such projects as mentoring children at area
  elementary schools and hosting an annual swim party and picnic for
  the Boys & Girls Club of Richardson; moreover, the club's
  international endeavors include sponsoring teacher and student
  exchanges and lending monetary assistance for clean water and
  immunizations in developing countries; and
         WHEREAS, Richardson Rotarians have performed works of
  lasting benefit to the local community and beyond for over 30 years,
  and the group's noteworthy achievements are a tribute to the
  commitment and hard work of its members, both past and present; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the members of the Richardson Central
  Rotary Club for their steadfast devotion to Service Above Self and
  extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the club as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.