83R16818 STE-D
  By: Deshotel H.R. No. 1386
         WHEREAS, Felix Lugo of Houston demonstrated great patriotism
  and determination during his participation in the 2013 Gusher
  Marathon in Beaumont, running the entire 26.2-mile race carrying
  the American flag; and
         WHEREAS, A running coach and avid long-distance enthusiast,
  Mr. Lugo has competed in a total of 50 marathons, and in 27 of the
  events he has proudly held the Stars and Stripes aloft while
  completing the route; he began this practice in January 2002 to show
  support for his country following the 9/11 terrorist attacks; this
  army veteran hails from a family with a proud history of military
  service, and his father's harrowing recollections of combat during
  the Korean War were another factor that convinced Mr. Lugo to begin
  flying Old Glory in his races; and
         WHEREAS, Despite being a skilled athlete, Mr. Lugo faces
  challenging physical demands as part of this undertaking; the
  flag's weight and wind resistance make a difficult race even
  tougher, and that was particularly true in the Gusher Marathon;
  struggling against winds that gusted up to 25 miles per hour, he was
  forced to drop to the back of the race field; the exhausting
  conditions made him consider quitting, but he persevered; and
         WHEREAS, After six hours of running, Mr. Lugo still had
  several miles to go, but officials agreed to keep the course open
  while he covered the final distance; as he approached the finish
  line, he was greeted by the inspiring sight of additional American
  flags being flown by members of the Patriot Guard Riders; the
  motorcycle group had waited patiently to honor him for his actions,
  and its members presented him with a certificate and a
  commemorative coin after the race was completed; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Lugo has also received heartfelt expressions of
  support in other events he has taken part in, with spectators
  enthusiastically cheering him on as he passes; in addition, other
  runners frequently offer to help him carry the flag, but in most
  cases he declines, believing it to be his personal mission to
  complete the race with the banner in hand; he is aided in his task by
  his loving wife, Sylvia, who provides him with water, other
  supplies, and encouragement every step of the way; and
         WHEREAS, The final results of the 2013 Gusher Marathon show
  that Felix Lugo was the last runner to finish the race, but the
  remarkable dedication that he demonstrated while paying tribute to
  this nation's military service members has defined him as nothing
  less than a true champion; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Felix Lugo for his inspiring performance
  in the 2013 Gusher Marathon and commend him for his efforts to honor
  current and former members of the armed forces; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Lugo as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.