83R16582 MGR-D
  By: Rodriguez of Bexar H.R. No. 1389
         WHEREAS, Drowsy driving is estimated by the National Highway
  Traffic Safety Administration to cause about 100,000
  police-reported crashes every year, resulting in tremendous
  financial costs, numerous injuries, and great loss of life; and
         WHEREAS, Those at particular risk of drowsy driving or
  falling asleep at the wheel include young men, shift workers and
  those who work long hours, commercial drivers, people with
  undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea,
  business travelers, and those on sedating medications; however,
  drowsy driving can affect anyone, especially those who have not
  gotten a good night's sleep; and
         WHEREAS, According to a 2005 poll commissioned by the
  National Sleep Foundation, more than one-third of respondents said
  they have fallen asleep while driving at least once; also, less than
  half of Americans claim to get a good night's sleep every night; and
         WHEREAS, The goal of Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, an
  initiative organized by the National Sleep Foundation, is to
  encourage drivers to "Drive Alert, Arrive Alive"; the organization
  suggests that drivers get a full night's sleep, plan to make long
  drives with a companion, schedule regular stops, and avoid alcohol
  and medications that may cause sleepiness; and
         WHEREAS, The Lone Star State will benefit from greater
  numbers of drivers who understand the dangers of drowsy driving and
  continue to address this problem that threatens all who use our
  streets and highways; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize November 6-12, 2013, as Drowsy Driving
  Prevention Week in Texas and urge all members of the motoring public
  to support this worthwhile event.