83R20095 MGR-D
  By: White H.R. No. 1436
         WHEREAS, June 29, 2013, signals the beginning of a new
  chapter in the lives of Paula Michele Jones and Benjamin Odis
  Newman, for on that day they will exchange their wedding vows at
  Katy Baptist Church in Colmesneil and embark on a rewarding journey
  together as husband and wife; and
         WHEREAS, Born and raised in Woodville, Ms. Jones graduated
  from Woodville High School in 1990; while there, she participated
  in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Family, Career, and
  Community Leaders of America, 4-H, and the choir, and she continued
  to serve 4-H as a judge and leader after graduating; she is a former
  president of the Tyler County Chamber of Commerce and a current
  member of the Woodville City Council; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Newman graduated in 1996 from Colmesneil High
  School, where he was a member of the Fellowship of Christian
  Athletes, the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, and
  the FFA; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Jones and Mr. Newman met at their mutual place of
  employment, Walmart, and bonded over their love of movies and Star
  Trek; they both attend Katy Baptist Church in Colmesneil and
  contribute to the congregation as volunteers with the young adult
  group; the bride is the daughter of the late Carl and Gloria Jones,
  and the groom is the son of Debie Zumwalt and the late Terry
  Zumwalt; and
         WHEREAS, The wedding of Paula Jones and Benjamin Newman marks
  a profound deepening of a relationship that has grown in love,
  respect, and mutual regard with each passing day, and it is truly a
  pleasure to honor this fortunate couple as they are united in
  marriage; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Paula Michele Jones and Benjamin
  Odis Newman on the joyous occasion of their wedding and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for a lifetime of happiness; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the couple as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.