83R19724 BPG-D
  By: Anchia H.R. No. 1444
         WHEREAS, Anna Michele Bobadilla of The University of Texas at
  Arlington has been recognized as a Mujer Legendaria by the Ford
  Motor Company for her contributions to her community; and
         WHEREAS, A Dallas native and Grand Prairie resident, Michele
  Bobadilla serves the university as senior associate vice president
  for outreach services and community engagement, and she is also the
  assistant provost for Hispanic student success; she graduated from
  Stephen F. Austin State University and went on to complete her
  master's degree in elementary education at East Texas State
  University; and
         WHEREAS, This civic-minded Texan has championed access to
  education for well over three decades, serving on state councils,
  working with national boards, and volunteering for organizations
  offering opportunities for growth and lifelong learning; in
  cooperation with the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  and community partners, she established the Society of 100 Endowed
  Scholars' Fund, and as chair of the Stars on the Rise Scholarship
  Program, she helped raise nearly $5 million in 2012 to provide
  substantial grants for more than 270 students; she has further
  served as chair of the advisory council for the Foundation for the
  Education of Young Women, and she has co-chaired the scholarship
  program of the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, In addition, Ms. Bobadilla has worked with the
  Hispanic 100 to promote Latina educational and employment
  opportunities, and while serving on the board of the Dallas
  Concilio, she was instrumental in the creation of Psyched Out About
  Math and Science, a program for sixth-grade girls; she also founded
  University Crossroads, a partnership among North Texas
  institutions that promotes college readiness, and she has served as
  vice chair of the national LULAC Education Commission; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, Ms. Bobadilla has greatly benefited
  the wider community through her service on boards and committees
  for dozens of organizations, among them the North Texas Navidad en
  el Barrio Foundation, the Greater Dallas Mental Health Association,
  the Dallas Commission for International Cultural Affairs, the
  Dallas Committee for Racial Healing and Understanding, and the
  Hispanic Leadership Forum; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Bobadilla is the recipient of myriad accolades;
  selected as a 2012 Woman of Distinction by the Texas Association of
  Mexican American Chambers of Commerce, she has been accorded the
  2011 Martha H. Salmon Leadership Award by the Southwestern Regional
  College Board, the 2010 Ultimate Latina--Community Service Award by
  the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the national
  Raymond Telles Award for Excellence in Education by LULAC; she was
  inducted into the national LULAC Women's Hall of Fame in 2002, and
  that same year, UT-Arlington president Robert E. Witt established
  the Michele Bobadilla Bridge to Excellence Scholarship in her
  honor; and
         WHEREAS, Through her tireless efforts in behalf of education,
  Michele Bobadilla has made a lasting, positive difference in the
  lives of innumerable young people, and her wide-ranging
  accomplishments indeed merit special recognition; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Anna Michele Bobadilla on her
  selection as a Mujer Legendaria by the Ford Motor Company and extend
  to her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Bobadilla as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.