H.R. No. 1465
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas lost a revered elder statesman
  with the death of the Honorable Raymond L. Telles, Jr., on March 8,
  2013, at the age of 97, and his passing has deeply saddened admirers
  across the Lone Star State and beyond; and
         WHEREAS, A trailblazer in government and international
  diplomacy, Raymond Telles was the first Hispanic mayor of a major
  American city and the first Hispanic United States ambassador; he
  led El Paso from 1957 to 1961, and his effective management paved
  the way for other Latinos in politics across the nation; and
         WHEREAS, Ambassador Telles was born in El Paso to Ramon and
  Angela Telles on September 5, 1915; after graduating from Texas
  Western College, he began his career with the United States
  Department of Justice; he answered his nation's call to duty in 1941
  with service in the United States Air Force and eventually attained
  the rank of colonel; along the way, he served as chief of the
  lend-lease program for South and Central America and as a military
  aide to Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower, and
  for his accomplishments, he received the Order of the Southern
  Cross from Brazil, Columbian wings, the Mexican Legion of Merit,
  and the Peruvian Flying Cross; and
         WHEREAS, Following World War II, Colonel Telles returned to
  his hometown, where he was elected to the first of four terms as El
  Paso County Clerk; he was recalled to military service during the
  Korean War and commanded the U.S. Air Force 67th Tactical and
  Reconnaissance Group, for which he earned the Bronze Star Medal;
         WHEREAS, This remarkable Texan overcame prejudice and
  persevered to win a hard-fought 1957 mayoral campaign, and his
  skill, expertise, and collaborative management style won him an
  uncontested second term; in 1961, he left the office of mayor when
  he was appointed ambassador to Costa Rica by President John F.
  Kennedy; he was subsequently named chair of the U.S.-Mexico border
  commission by President Lyndon B. Johnson, and he went on to serve
  as head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission during both
  the Nixon and Ford administrations; throughout his tenure in the
  federal government, he was a valued advisor and friend to both
  Republican and Democratic presidents; and
         WHEREAS, While at home in the halls of power, Ambassador
  Telles was naturally modest, and he unfailingly credited those who
  helped him accomplish his goals; he was, in turn, a wise and caring
  mentor who personally helped to nurture succeeding generations of
  Latino leaders; he was named Mayor Emeritus of El Paso in 2006, and
  he was recognized for a lifetime of achievement by the Hispanos
  Triunfadores Awards program in 2008, among myriad other accolades;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Telles shared a fulfilling marriage of 68 years
  with the love of his life, Delfina Navarro, and he was devoted to
  his daughters, Cynthia and Patricia, and his two grandsons, Raymond
  and Daniel; and
         WHEREAS, Through his commitment to progress and his selfless
  dedication to public service, Raymond Telles made a lasting,
  positive difference in the world around him, and his achievements
  will continue to inspire his fellow Texans and all Americans for
  many years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Raymond
  L. Telles, Jr., and extend sincere condolences to the members of
  his family: to his daughters, Dr. Cynthia Telles and Dr. Patricia
  Telles-Irvin; to his grandsons, Raymond David Jimenez and Daniel
  Irvin-Telles; and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House
  of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of the
  Honorable Raymond L. Telles, Jr.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1465 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on April 24, 2013.
  Chief Clerk of the House