83R18840 BK-D
  By: Marquez H.R. No. 1466
         WHEREAS, Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso is marking its
  100th anniversary in 2013, and this milestone provides a fitting
  opportunity to pay tribute to the powerful impact that the school
  has had in the lives of countless young people; and
         WHEREAS, The institute's groundwork was first laid in the
  early 20th century when Lydia Patterson, a Methodist laywoman
  working through the women's outreach ministry of her church, took
  notice of the lack of schools available for young Hispanic boys in
  the barrio and began arranging classes out of the homes of some of
  her fellow Methodists; in time, she envisioned a more centralized
  location to educate high school students and train future Methodist
  ministers, but she died before it could be realized; a few
  like-minded contemporaries took up her mission, and in 1913, after
  her husband donated a substantial sum to finance its construction,
  Lydia Patterson Institute opened its doors; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Lydia Patterson Institute provides a
  challenging academic environment and a source of Christian
  instruction for more than 400 high school-age men and women, a
  majority of whom live in the Mexican border town of Ciudad Juarez;
  as one of the first schools in the United States to emphasize the
  teaching of English as a second language, the institute has a
  longstanding record of nurturing bilingualism and biculturalism
  and preparing its students for success in higher education; and
         WHEREAS, The efficacy of its academic programming can be seen
  in Lydia Patterson students' outstanding record of achievement,
  with graduation rates among entering freshmen exceeding 95 percent
  and with more than 90 percent of seniors going on to attend
  universities in the United States; the graduating class of 2010
  collectively received more than $2 million in competitive college
  scholarships; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of a century of "building bridges on
  the border," Lydia Patterson Institute has helped many motivated
  young leaders develop a strong foundation of knowledge that will
  serve them throughout their lives, and its enduring success is
  indeed a tribute to the numerous dedicated educators and
  administrators who have graced its halls; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Lydia Patterson Institute on the occasion
  of its centennial and extend to its teachers, staff, and students
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the institute as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.