83R17589 STE-D
  By: Marquez H.R. No. 1467
         WHEREAS, The University of Texas at El Paso is celebrating
  the 100th anniversary of its founding in 2013; and
         WHEREAS, On April 16, 1913, Governor O. B. Colquitt signed
  Senate Bill No. 183, creating the Texas State School of Mines and
  Metallurgy, an educational institution to be established by the
  citizens of El Paso and overseen by the board of regents of The
  University of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the school is the second oldest academic
  institution in The University of Texas System; renamed several
  times, it became the College of Mines and Metallurgy in 1920 and
  Texas Western College in 1949; it has been known as The University
  of Texas at El Paso since 1967; and
         WHEREAS, Recognized as a leader in American higher education,
  UTEP has received numerous accolades for academic distinction; the
  National Science Foundation has tabbed it as one of six models for
  excellence, and the Carnegie Foundation has classified it as a
  Doctoral/Research-Intensive institution; the U.S. Department of
  Education has identified it as the national research institution
  with the lowest net price, and Washington Monthly has ranked it 12th
  overall among American universities and number one in fostering
  social mobility among its graduates; in 2009, the Texas Legislature
  designated UTEP as one of our state's seven emerging Tier One
  universities; and
         WHEREAS, UTEP currently serves nearly 23,000 students
  through its 70 bachelor's, 75 master's, and 19 doctoral degree
  programs; this prestigious school ranks third among all U.S.
  universities in awarding undergraduate degrees to Hispanics and is
  one of the top 10 in preparing Hispanic students to successfully
  complete doctoral programs; the school's more than 100,000 alumni
  are accomplished leaders in fields ranging from science,
  engineering, health, politics, and business to law, entertainment,
  the arts, and education; and
         WHEREAS, UTEP plays a significant role in fostering economic
  development and enhancing the quality of life of the Paso del Norte
  region; and
         WHEREAS, In winning the National Collegiate Athletic
  Association championship, the 1966 Texas Western College men's
  basketball team marked a turning point in the history of American
  higher education that now inspires all UTEP students to achieve
  individual aspirations, fulfill family dreams, and enrich
  communities in Texas and across the nation; UTEP remains the only
  university in the State of Texas to win the national title in men's
  basketball; and
         WHEREAS, For a century, The University of Texas at El Paso and
  its graduates have been making important contributions to Texas and
  the world beyond, and it is most fitting that they be honored on
  this momentous occasion; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate The University of Texas at El Paso
  on its 100th anniversary and extend to the university's
  administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for The University of Texas at El Paso as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.