83R21557 LB-D
  By: Hunter H.R. No. 1532
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
  recognize April 17, 2013, as Transit Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Texans are served by numerous transit agencies,
  including the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority
  (CCRTA), Capital Metro in Austin, the Fort Worth Transportation
  Authority (The T), Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), the VIA
  Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio, the Metropolitan Transit
  Authority of Harris County (Houston Metro), Sun Metro of El Paso,
  and Denton County Transportation Authority, as well as additional
  members of the Texas Transit Association that provide public
  transportation services to the citizens of their respective
  communities; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas transit authorities combined provide more
  than 285 million passenger trips per year through needed
  transportation services for individuals to go to and from work,
  school, medical visits, shopping trips, and other destinations; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas transit agencies operate a unique mix of
  transportation systems, including traditional fixed-route bus
  service, park-and-ride service, rail service, paratransit service,
  downtown trolleys, harbor ferries, van pools, and various special
  event services; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas transit agencies have been proactive in
  providing transportation services for individuals with
  disabilities through their paratransit service, accessible
  fixed-route service, and a broad range of mobility improvements on
  the streets and sidewalks of their service areas; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 17, 2013, as Transit Day at the
  State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegations sincere best
  wishes for an enjoyable and memorable visit to Austin.