83R22002 BK-D
  By: Rodriguez of Travis H.R. No. 1545
         WHEREAS, For the past 30 years, the members of Minorities in
  Government Auditing Services have gathered to share their
  collective knowledge and skills while contributing to the
  efficiency of the public sector; and
         WHEREAS, The group was founded in the mid-1980s by a number of
  men and women from diverse cultures and backgrounds who had
  recently begun working at the State Auditor's Office; they soon
  realized the advantages of joining together to discuss issues and
  standards in auditing and to support one another's career goals,
  and their numbers gradually expanded with the addition of new
  members and perspectives; and
         WHEREAS, In time, they began to adopt a more formal approach
  by holding weekly breakfast meetings; moreover, they adopted the
  name Minorities in Government Auditing Services, or MIGAS, which
  serves as a fitting acronym for a group that--like the savory
  dish--is made up of an eclectic mix; and
         WHEREAS, The members of MIGAS have continued to nurture their
  strong social and professional ties through the years, sharing
  joyful events, comforting one another in times of sorrow, and
  offering congratulations as individuals advanced in their jobs or
  began their well-deserved retirements; and
         WHEREAS, Serving as the bedrock of this close-knit team are
  charter members Jesse "The Senator" Ancira, Odelia Cruz, Mark "El
  Cantador Suave" Garcia, Hector "El Licenciado" Gonzales, Nellie
  "Robledo, the Radical" Gonzalez, Marshall "El Gato Negro" McDade,
  Gilberto "The Archbishop" Mendoza, and Eddie "The Commissioner"
  Longoria; among the more recent recruits are Marios Parpounas, Gary
  Payne, Larry Vinyard, James LeBas, Nick Villalpando, Kerry Barton,
  Rick de Leon, and Ronnie Jung; the group also continues to be
  influenced by the past friendship and contributions of the late
  Kelton Green; and
         WHEREAS, Drawing from their vast range of expertise and
  experience, the men and women of MIGAS have promoted excellence in
  government service, and in so doing, they have benefited their
  fellow citizens in the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the members of Minorities in Government
  Auditing Services and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for MIGAS as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.