H.R. No. 1673
         WHEREAS, Trooper Javier Arana, Jr., of the Texas Department
  of Public Safety was killed in the line of duty on March 24, 2012, at
  the age of 32, and his untimely death was a tragic loss to his
  family, to his fellow peace officers, and to the entire El Paso
  community; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Javier and Blanca Arana, Javier Arana was
  born on July 20, 1979, in Glendale, California; he later moved with
  his family to Texas and, after graduating from Parkland High School
  in El Paso in 1997, enlisted in the U.S. Marines and served for four
  years; following his discharge, he worked as a civilian contractor,
  supporting joint efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and during this
  time he also earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice;
  continuing his studies, he graduated from the Department of Public
  Safety Law Enforcement Academy in November 2010; and
         WHEREAS, Known as a charismatic and compassionate officer,
  Trooper Arana was committed to his family and to his faith; he and
  his beloved wife, Cindy, shared seven happy years of marriage
  together, and he delighted in the couple's five children, Naomi,
  Kayla, Diego, Julian, and Desiree; and
         WHEREAS, This courageous Texan exemplified the highest
  ideals of his profession, and he will long be remembered with
  admiration for his dedication to public service and for his
  tireless efforts in behalf of the citizens of this state and nation;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Trooper Javier Arana,
  Jr., and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to
  his wife, Cindy Arana; to his children, Naomi, Kayla, Diego,
  Julian, and Desiree Arana; to his parents, Javier and Blanca Arana;
  to his sisters, Martha and Bianca Arana; and to his other relatives,
  friends, and professional peers; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Javier
  Arana, Jr.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1673 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on May 1, 2013.
  Chief Clerk of the House