83R16795 BK-D
  By: Marquez H.R. No. 1674
         WHEREAS, The city of El Paso lost an exceptional young police
  officer on December 16, 2012, when Angel David Garcia was killed in
  the line of duty at the age of 27; and
         WHEREAS, Born on November 3, 1985, Angel Garcia was the son of
  Miguel Angel Garcia and Elsa Silex Garcia and grew up with the
  companionship of his brother and sister, Miguel and Allyson; he
  earned his diploma from Clint High School in 2004 and went on to
  serve his country in the U.S. Marine Corps; and
         WHEREAS, Following his military service, Mr. Garcia began
  pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a police officer; he
  excelled in his training at the police academy, where he was singled
  out for his leadership skills and made commander of his class;
  shortly after graduating in March 2012, he was sworn in as an
  officer of the El Paso Police Department; and
         WHEREAS, Officer Garcia's career in law enforcement was brief
  but distinguished; possessing a strong work ethic, he was often one
  of the first to begin his shift in the early morning hours; he was
  noted for his expertise on the tenets of military protocol, which
  the Police Department follows, and enjoyed widespread respect among
  colleagues of every rank; and
         WHEREAS, This caring Texan embraced opportunities to serve
  others in need, even forgoing a day off to take a group of
  underprivileged children on a shopping trip during the annual Cops
  Helping Kids event; regardless of the challenges and
  responsibilities laid before him, his enthusiasm for his work
  showed at every turn, and his cheerful attitude and lively sense of
  humor were a source of enjoyment throughout the department; and
         WHEREAS, Although Officer Garcia's tragic death has brought
  an untimely end to a life so filled with promise, the memory of his
  generosity and devotion to duty will forever endure in the hearts of
  his family and friends, his brothers and sisters on the force, and
  all others who were fortunate enough to know him; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Angel David Garcia and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his
  parents, Miguel Angel Garcia and Elsa Silex Garcia; to his
  siblings, Allyson Mariah Garcia and Miguel Andres Garcia; to his
  grandparents, Miguel Garcia and Maria Esther Garcia; to his uncles,
  Sal Silex, Jose Arturo Aguilar, Tele Mario Gustavo, and Julio
  Garcia; to his aunts, Martha Silex and Juana Garcia; to his
  girlfriend, Melissa Alvarez; and to his other relatives and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Angel David