83R21659 STE-D
  By: Anderson H.R. No. 1723
         WHEREAS, Dustin George, a senior at Lorena High School, has
  been named a finalist for a National Merit Scholarship; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1955, the National Merit Scholarship
  Program honors less than one percent of all high school seniors each
  year, based on their scores on the Preliminary Scholastic
  Assessment Test; the designation represents an opportunity for
  young men and women to compete for scholarship awards and win entry
  into some of the nation's best schools; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. George is a high achiever not only in academics
  but also in extracurricular activities, and he takes part in band,
  robotics, University Interscholastic League academics, football,
  computerized game design, and one-act play competition; moreover,
  he is involved in the youth and children's ministry at his church,
  and he holds a part-time job at Chick-fil-A; he plans to pursue a
  career in mechanical engineering and has narrowed his college
  choices down to MIT, Baylor University, and Rose-Hulman Institute
  of Technology; and
         WHEREAS, His scholastic achievement places Mr. George at the
  forefront of academic excellence in the nation, and it is indeed a
  pleasure to honor this notable student who is well prepared to face
  the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dustin George on being selected as
  a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. George as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.