83R24839 BK-D
  By: Simmons H.R. No. 1782
         WHEREAS, Autism is the general term for a group of complex
  neurodevelopmental disorders that are estimated to impact 1 to 1.5
  million American adults and as many as 1 out of every 50 children;
  those living with autism in Texas number approximately 260,000; and
         WHEREAS, Symptoms of autism typically emerge during the first
  three years of life and include varying degrees of difficulty in
  social interaction and communication and the presence of certain
  repetitive behaviors; persons affected by autism may also
  experience intellectual disabilities, motor coordination
  impairment, and physical health issues, such as sleep and
  gastrointestinal disturbances; and
         WHEREAS, While there is no known cure for autism, early
  diagnosis and intervention can drastically alleviate symptoms and
  can reduce the cost of lifelong care by as much as two-thirds;
  research has further underlined the significance of family
  involvement, making connecting families with autism education and
  resources a priority of particular urgency; and
         WHEREAS, The United States is home to a number of advocacy
  groups dedicated to ensuring that all persons living with autism
  receive appropriate and effective treatment and to allaying the
  challenges and expenses faced by their loved ones; and
         WHEREAS, One such group is the Autism Society of America, one
  of the oldest and largest grassroots organizations of its kind in
  the nation; composed of 107 local and statewide affiliates, the
  Autism Society provides more than one million people a year with
  information, referrals, and support services to help affected
  individuals reach their full potential and attain an optimal
  quality of life; and
         WHEREAS, This admirable group offers a wealth of important
  resources, including a national contact center that each month
  responds to over 24,000 people in need of answers or assistance; the
  society also hosts one of the longest-running and most
  comprehensive national conferences on autism, a gathering that
  brings together the expertise and experience of professionals,
  family members, and individuals along the autism spectrum to build
  more effective advocacy and support strategies; and
         WHEREAS, Another organization worthy of note is Autism
  Speaks, founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, grandparents of a
  child with autism, and their longtime friend Bernie Marcus, whose
  $25 million donation was instrumental to the group's launch; Autism
  Speaks has since grown into a leading worldwide research sponsor,
  having committed over $160 million toward investigations into the
  causes, prevention, and treatment of autism; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to its range of research endeavors, the
  organization's focus includes the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment
  Network, the Autism Speaks Autism Genetic Resource Exchange, and
  various other scientific and clinical programs, as well as
  awareness initiatives like the Light it Up Blue project; moreover,
  members of its Government Relations Team have successfully
  campaigned in behalf of federal legislation concerning persons with
  autism, in particular insurance reform to cover behavioral
  treatments; and
         WHEREAS, On April 30, 2013, representatives of the Autism
  Society of America and Autism Speaks are joining with other
  concerned individuals from across the state in Austin to observe
  Texas Autism Awareness Day; designed to increase public
  understanding of the rights and abilities of autistic persons and
  to draw attention to advocacy efforts, this event is among many ways
  that Texans and their national allies are working to foster an
  environment of compassion, encouragement, and acceptance for all
  those touched by autism; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 30, 2013, as Autism Awareness
  Day at the State Capitol and commend the Autism Society of America
  and Autism Speaks for their many meaningful contributions; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the Autism Society of America and Autism Speaks as an expression
  of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.