83R27668 STE-D
  By: Walle H.R. No. 1948
         WHEREAS, Five schools in the Aldine Independent School
  District, Mendel Elementary, Stehlik Intermediate, Aldine Ninth
  Grade, Aldine Senior High, and MacArthur Senior High, were among a
  select group of just 16 schools in the country to receive the 2013
  National Excellence in Urban Education Award; and
         WHEREAS, Presented by the National Center for Urban School
  Transformation, this distinction is bestowed on urban schools that
  serve a large population of low-income students, adhere to
  nonselective admissions criteria, and have high attendance;
  winning schools must feature rigorous curricula, including courses
  in science, technology, engineering, and math, maintain classroom
  conditions that prepare students for postgraduate success, and
  demonstrate academic proficiency across the general student
  population; and
         WHEREAS, Schools that meet the specified criteria are
  evaluated by a team of educators, researchers, and leaders
  representing award-winning schools from prior years; during a site
  visit, finalists are judged on curricular rigor, instructional
  effectiveness, and the quality of the learning environment; and
         WHEREAS, The exemplary showing of the Aldine Independent
  School District derives from a mission designed to equip students
  with critical thinking skills and instill the values of productive
  and responsible citizenship; through the careful allocation of
  resources and the involvement of parents in the educational
  process, the district engenders support throughout the community
  and encourages exceptional achievements; and
         WHEREAS, Aldine ISD is an award-winning school district and
  the recipient of the 2009 Broad Prize for Urban Education and the
  2008 H-E-B Excellence in Education Award; moreover,
  representatives of school districts from across the nation and from
  other countries have visited Aldine ISD to observe the district's
  approach to instruction, which is based on an alignment of
  curriculum, assessments, instructional support, and staff
  development; and
         WHEREAS, Through commitment and hard work, the
  administrators, teachers, and students of Aldine ISD have built a
  noteworthy record of academic accomplishment, and the five
  institutions selected for this prestigious award are truly
  deserving of special recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Aldine Independent School
  District and Mendel Elementary School, Stehlik Intermediate
  School, Aldine Ninth Grade School, Aldine Senior High School, and
  MacArthur Senior High School on receiving the 2013 National
  Excellence in Urban Education Award; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Aldine ISD and each of the schools as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.