83R24629 JNC-D
  By: Bonnen of Galveston H.R. No. 1956
         WHEREAS, The outstanding work of the Communications
  Department of the Friendswood Independent School District has been
  recognized with a number of awards from the Texas School Public
  Relations Association; and
         WHEREAS, At the annual conference of the nonprofit TSPRA,
  1,000 entries were submitted by communications professionals in
  school districts and education organizations across the state for
  the annual Star Awards Celebration, and the talented staff of
  Friendswood ISD came away with an impressive 12 awards, including
  three Best of Category Gold Medals, six Gold Star Awards, two Silver
  Star Awards, and a Bronze Star Award; and
         WHEREAS, Webmaster Jolly Ayrhart and communications director
  Karolyn Gephart won Best of Category and Gold Star Awards for the
  Bluebonnet Ball image identity package, while the Friendswood ISD
  Education Foundation won Best in Foundation Campaign and Gold Star
  honors for its Adopt a Grant program and online donation page; and
         WHEREAS, The district was further recognized with Gold Star
  Awards for retirement and Bluebonnet Ball invitations and for the
  annual report for the previous fiscal year; and
         WHEREAS, Other notable TSPRA accolades received by FISD were
  Silver Star Awards for the Adopt a Grant poster and the Bluebonnet
  Ball program and a Bronze Star Award for an early registration
  poster; and
         WHEREAS, The communications professionals of Friendswood ISD
  have distinguished themselves as writers, editors, and designers,
  and they may take great pride in the recognition they have earned
  from their peers; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Friendswood Independent School
  District Communications Department on earning 12 awards from the
  Texas School Public Relations Association and extend to department
  staff sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.