83R25817 STE-D
  By: Gutierrez H.R. No. 1967
         WHEREAS, The City of Live Oak is encouraging health and
  fitness by promoting parkour, and this effort has resulted in a
  range of other positive developments for area residents; and
         WHEREAS, Commonly known as free running, parkour developed
  out of military obstacle-course training as a method of traveling
  from point to point with quick, efficient body movements;
  participants surmount barriers by various methods, including
  running, climbing, vaulting, jumping, and rolling; and
         WHEREAS, Fulfilling Live Oak's motto of "Strength in
  Community," a beneficial collaboration has taken place between
  local government and the Live Oak Parkour, Skate, and Bike
  Association to help further this endeavor; the PSBA is a youth group
  with several hundred members that is devoted to promoting
  recreation, and it helped develop a plan for a fitness park that
  includes facilities for parkour as well as other outdoor
  activities; the City of Live Oak Economic Development Corporation
  unanimously approved funding for the design and construction of the
  park, which will be an outstanding resource for people of all ages;
         WHEREAS, The project has also helped foster civic engagement
  among Live Oak citizens, particularly its young people; the PSBA
  has become actively involved in city council meetings and
  elections, and the city solicits the group's input when setting the
  parks and recreation agenda and assists its members by providing
  leadership opportunities and mentoring; moreover, the PSBA has
  launched a service project in which its members help refurbish the
  homes of seniors and residents with disabilities; and
         WHEREAS, Local businesses have embraced the health benefits
  of parkour as well and have helped support the work of the city and
  the PSBA; the widespread backing that parkour has received has
  contributed to its popularity, and it has become a much-anticipated
  event at fairs and summer camps held in the San Antonio area; and
         WHEREAS, Through its endorsement of parkour, the City of Live
  Oak is helping residents to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle
  while also strengthening community cooperation and citizen
  involvement, and this initiative is indeed deserving of
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the City of Live Oak for its efforts to
  support parkour and extend to all those involved in this endeavor
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the city as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.