83R26192 BK-D
  By: Naishtat H.R. No. 2005
         WHEREAS, Postsecondary education offers numerous
  opportunities and benefits for young people, including those with
  intellectual disabilities; and
         WHEREAS, Education is a key determinant for the future
  success of students with intellectual disabilities, much as it is
  for the general population; research studies have found that
  persons with disabilities who attend college are significantly more
  likely to obtain competitive employment with higher wages, live
  with less support, and play an active role in their communities; and
         WHEREAS, College can foster academic as well as personal
  growth by allowing students to explore new interests, pursue goals,
  and form friendships, and the experience of studying alongside
  peers without disabilities can have a positive effect on
  self-esteem; moreover, postsecondary education can provide a
  healthy challenge to students with intellectual disabilities that
  segregated school programs do not, and maintaining high
  expectations for these students is vital to their success; and
         WHEREAS, A range of federal laws and initiatives exists to
  help persons with intellectual disabilities seamlessly transition
  into places of higher learning and to encourage the establishment
  of inclusive programs; from 2002 to 2010, the number of college
  programs open to students with intellectual disabilities increased
  from 4 to more than 250, according to the Administration on
  Developmental Disabilities; even so, too few people with
  intellectual disabilities advance to postsecondary education, in
  part because programs that accommodate them do not exist within
  their communities; and
         WHEREAS, Regardless of ability, all students stand to gain
  from the rigor, resources, and advantages afforded by a quality
  postsecondary education, and its increased accessibility is indeed
  an endeavor worthy of support; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the importance of postsecondary
  education for persons with intellectual disabilities in attaining a
  secure and rewarding livelihood.