83R27459 MGR-D
  By: Frullo H.R. No. 2123
         WHEREAS, Nathan Daniel Sosa of Boy Scouts of America Troop
  No. 157 in Lubbock has attained the rank of Eagle Scout, and this
  accomplishment truly merits special recognition; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Eddie and Beverly Sosa, Nathan Sosa met
  other scouts through his baseball team and joined Troop No. 157 in
  2006; he attended summer camp for several years at Lake Murray in
  Ardmore, Oklahoma, and served the other members of his troop as a
  leader, holding the positions of patrol scribe, quartermaster, and
  senior patrol leader; he also became a member of the Order of the
  Arrow; moreover, he organized and completed an Eagle Scout project
  of benefit to his community, constructing a fence around a dumpster
  at Aldersgate United Methodist Church; and
         WHEREAS, This fine young Texan is a graduate of Monterey High
  School, where he played the trombone and baritone in the band and
  marching band and took part in the All-Lubbock Marching Band's
  performance in the Rose Bowl Parade in California in 2012; he now
  studies at South Plains College, plays the euphonium in the
  symphonic band there, and plans to enter the paramedic and nursing
  programs, as well as to continue helping out at scout summer camps;
         WHEREAS, Eagle Scout Sosa's dedication to excellence and his
  perseverance in the pursuit of his goals have proven him worthy to
  stand among scouting's elite, and he may indeed reflect with pride
  on a job well done; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Nathan Daniel Sosa on achieving the
  rank of Eagle Scout and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Sosa as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.