83R15386 MGR-D
  By: Herrero H.R. No. 2222
         WHEREAS, A life made rich through meaningful service drew to
  a close when Geraldine D'Unger McGloin of Corpus Christi passed
  away on March 10, 2013, at the age of 74; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus
  Christi, Mrs. McGloin worked for many years with the United Way of
  Houston before returning to her alma mater to serve as its director
  of development; she raised two adored sons, Phillip and Andy, and
  later welcomed into her family four grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. McGloin, whose roots in Texas extended back to
  the days of the Republic, was passionate about history; as a member
  of the Nueces County Historical Commission, she helped to restore
  and preserve the Old Bayview Cemetery, as well as to develop a
  website for the burial ground; she also served on the board of the
  Corpus Christi Area Heritage Society, during which time she
  assisted in overseeing renovations to the Centennial House, and on
  the board of the Nueces County Historical Society, which honored
  her with the Daniel E. Kilgore Local History Award; in addition, she
  played an important role in locating and acquiring for the Corpus
  Christi Museum one of the earliest paintings of the city, a
  watercolor made by British artist Thomas Flintoff in 1852; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply involved in the life of her church, Mrs.
  McGloin wrote numerous articles for the South Texas Catholic, a
  publication of the Roman Catholic diocese of Corpus Christi, and
  she performed research for the book marking the diocese's
  centennial celebration; and
         WHEREAS, Geraldine McGloin contributed in myriad ways to the
  fabric of life in Nueces County, and those who were privileged to
  know this beloved woman will forever hold her close in their hearts;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Geraldine D'Unger
  McGloin and extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to
  her brothers, Claude and Jerry D'Unger; to her sons, Phillip and
  Andy Wright; to her grandsons; and to her other relatives and
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Geraldine
  D'Unger McGloin.