83R27271 BPG-D
  By: Naishtat H.R. No. 2266
         WHEREAS, A full and generous life drew to a close with the
  passing of Marlee Baker of Austin on May 19, 2012, at the age of 80;
         WHEREAS, Born in Belton on September 30, 1931, Ms. Baker was
  the daughter of Paul Bruce Baker and Lillie Lee Isleib Baker; she
  graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School and earned her
  bachelor's degree in music education at Southwestern University;
         WHEREAS, She married Parker C. Folse, Jr., in July 1951, and
  after moving to Austin, they became the parents of two sons, Paul
  Gabriel and Parker; the marriage ended in 1957, and Ms. Baker worked
  to support her children as an elementary school teacher, piano
  soloist for the Austin Symphony Orchestra, writer for the Austin
  American-Statesman, and travel agent; in addition, she served on
  the staffs of numerous state legislators, first as a secretary and
  then as an office manager; she was administrative assistant to
  Barbara Jordan when she became a state senator and was executive
  assistant to then-senator Charlie Wilson; and
         WHEREAS, In 1971, she was joined in matrimony to Cater Joseph
  and briefly stopped working, but she soon obtained her real estate
  and broker's licenses; she established her own company and sold
  commercial property, land, and homes for many years; when her son
  Parker entered The University of Texas School of Law, she fulfilled
  a long-deferred dream by gaining admission herself at the age of 49;
  following a divorce, she practiced as a criminal defense attorney
  in Austin for nearly a decade; and
         WHEREAS, Retirement allowed this charming and multifaceted
  Texan to pursue her host of interests, including music, movies,
  politics, travel, and sports, particularly Longhorn football; a
  voracious reader, she especially enjoyed biographies, histories,
  and mystery novels; in addition, she adored animals and served on
  the board of the Austin Humane Society; she was a kind and loyal
  friend, and above all, a deeply devoted mother who encouraged and
  supported her sons, making myriad sacrifices in their behalf and
  avidly following their careers; in all her endeavors, she was
  sustained by a great faith; and
         WHEREAS, Those fortunate enough to have known Marlee Baker
  will remember the way she touched their lives with her wisdom,
  strength of character, and wonderful sense of humor, and she will
  forever hold a treasured place in their hearts; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Marlee Baker and
  extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her
  sons, Paul Gabriel Folse and Parker C. Folse III; to her
  grandchildren, Alexis and Connor Folse; to her former husband,
  Cater Joseph; and to her other relatives and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas House
  of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Marlee