83R28182 LB-D
  By: Huberty H.R. No. 2387
         WHEREAS, April 29, 2013, was indeed a special day in the lives
  of Sam and Casey Schrade of Humble, for on that day they became the
  proud parents of a baby girl, Emma Avery Schrade; and
         WHEREAS, This charming bundle of joy weighed 3 pounds, 5
  ounces, and measured 16.5 inches in length when she made her
  much-anticipated debut at 1:18 p.m. at Kingwood Medical Center; she
  has been enthusiastically welcomed by her grandparents, Cliff and
  Claudia Hess and Herb and Betty Schrade, as well as by her older
  siblings, Pierce and Mason, who will undoubtedly delight in sharing
  their worldly wisdom with their younger sister in the years to come;
         WHEREAS, In addition to meeting the demands of parenthood,
  Mr. and Mrs. Schrade are both working professionals; he is
  president and owner of Digital Network Associates in Humble and a
  contractor with ESPN and Comcast, while she is the manager of member
  programs for the Greater Houston Partnership; the couple are active
  in their community, with Mr. Schrade involved in the Lake Houston
  Area and the Eastern Montgomery County Chambers of Commerce and
  Mrs. Schrade a member of the Junior League of Houston; when not
  doting on their adorable children, they enjoy taking time out for
  golfing and volunteering; and
         WHEREAS, Emma Avery Schrade has already won the hearts of all
  who know her, and it is truly a pleasure to welcome this fine young
  Texan as a new citizen of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Sam and Casey Schrade on the birth
  of their daughter and extend to Emma Avery Schrade warmest best
  wishes for a bright and promising future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Schrades as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.