83R28813 JGH-D
  By: Hilderbran H.R. No. 2452
         WHEREAS, U.S. Army Brigadier General (Ret.) Walter
  Schellhase is stepping down from the board of the Hill Country
  Veterans Council in 2013, after nearly two decades of outstanding
  service to that organization; and
         WHEREAS, A resident of Kerrville, General Schellhase has
  devoted much time and energy to the council's efforts in behalf of
  the nearly 20,000 former servicemen and servicewomen in the Hill
  Country; over the years, he has served the council in a variety of
  offices, including that of board president; and
         WHEREAS, General Schellhase has worked tirelessly to
  preserve the vital medical services provided at the U.S. Department
  of Veterans Affairs facility in Kerrville; his efforts have
  included repeated trips to San Antonio, Austin, and Washington,
  D.C., to speak with officials on behalf of veterans and their needs;
         WHEREAS, In addition to helping to guide the Hill Country
  Veterans Council, this esteemed Texan has held leadership positions
  with the Upper Guadalupe River Authority, the Kerr Economic
  Development Foundation, the Downtown Business Association, the
  Friends of the Kerr County Historical Commission, and the Boy
  Scouts; he has been named as Citizen of the Year by the Kerrville
  Area Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, Through his unwavering dedication to the men and
  women who have served in this nation's armed forces, General
  Schellhase has earned the lasting respect of his community, and he
  may indeed reflect with pride on all that he has accomplished; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Brigadier General Walter Schellhase on
  his distinguished contributions to the Hill Country Veterans
  Council and extend to him deep appreciation for a lifetime of
  service to his country and fellow citizens; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Brigadier General Schellhase as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.