83R28034 BK-D
  By: Kuempel H.R. No. 2460
         WHEREAS, While the Texas House of Representatives
  anticipates the conclusion of another legislative session, much
  gratitude is owed to the staff of the House Business Office; and
         WHEREAS, This office is overseen by executive director and
  accounting manager Steve Adrian, whose administrative abilities
  are a considerable asset to the legislature; and
         WHEREAS, Assisting Mr. Adrian in the accounting department is
  his dedicated staff, which includes Denyce Deadrick, Gerri Foster,
  Donna McNees, Veronica Morales, Scott Siebert, and Donna Wessner;
         WHEREAS, The payroll and personnel department is led by
  manager James Freeman, and he is supported in his duties by
  Christine Anderson, Virginia Bostic, MaryAlice Cortinas, Erika
  Lacey, Barbara Mokry, Suzette Motal, and Diana Rodriguez; and
         WHEREAS, Guided by the expertise of manager Monti Patterson,
  the photography department consists of staff members Ted Albracht,
  Brian Diggs, Leisha Dowers, Tanya Fleming, Thao Nguyen, and Kyle
  Woods; and
         WHEREAS, Vernon Green oversees the task of dealing with a
  vast assortment of mail that is part of a legislative session, and
  he is aided in this endeavor by house post office employees Steve
  Bullerman, Collin Cauley, Irene Constancio, Paul Hays, and Michael
  Rodriguez; and
         WHEREAS, Working diligently to meet the inventory
  requirements of house members and their staff are property
  department manager Pat Mills and employees Jesse Casarez, William
  Diaz, Ken Fretwell, Ray Guerrero, Natividad Mendez, and Kelly
  Simmons; and
         WHEREAS, The purchasing and supply department, under the
  direction of manager Dean Howard, employs John Alvarado, Lidia
  Castillo, Gary Richter, and Will Travis, all of whom help ensure the
  expeditious handling of the supply needs of house offices; and
         WHEREAS, Also doing their part to support the representatives
  are reproduction department manager Scott Williams and staff
  members Gerard Caballero, David Cavazos, Dorothy Davis, Guy
  Desrochers, Deborah Hayes, Cindi Henry, Lindy Jordaan, Tom Ruedas,
  Fred Schattenberg, Erica Sebree, Jimmy Starr, David Thompson, Joe
  Torres, Jr., and Sue Watson; and
         WHEREAS, The special services department contributes in
  myriad ways, thanks to the efforts of manager Rebecca Ford and
  employees Catherine Carpenter, Claude Dove, Julia Hernandez,
  Gilfert Hunt, Hattie Jean Lewis, Maria Loredo, Jeffrey Oakford,
  Gabriel Reyes, and Jose Jaimes Rodriguez; and
         WHEREAS, The skillful professionals behind the video and
  audio department are manager Mike Blackwell, Joseph Bermea, George
  Hewitt, Bobby Hunter, Robert Igo, Adam Marker, Ada Ortega, Oswaldo
  Padron, Abby Pettinos, Homer Robbins, Scott Sanders, and Suzanne
  Schreve; and
         WHEREAS, The hardworking and resourceful men and women of the
  House Business Office have attended to their duties with
  professionalism, efficiency, and remarkable energy, and they are
  indeed deserving of our utmost appreciation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Steve Adrian and the employees of the
  House Business Office and extend to them sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Adrian and the business office staff as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.