83R30607 JNC-D
  By: Alvarado H.R. No. 2467
         WHEREAS, The Houston music community lost a local legend with
  the passing of Norma Zenteno on February 22, 2013, at the age of 60;
         WHEREAS, Norma Zenteno was born on June 27, 1952, in
  Monterrey, Mexico; she received her first electric guitar from her
  father, acclaimed trumpet player and big-band leader Roberto
  Zenteno, when she was 11; soon thereafter, she began writing and
  performing her own music; as the years passed, she formed the Norma
  Zenteno Band with her brothers, Javier, Bobby, and Ernie, and their
  group went on to enjoy decades of success performing Latin, jazz,
  and rock music in Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Zenteno was the devoted wife of Stephen Shaw and
  the loving mother of four children, Angela, Victor, Anthony, and
  Miles, and two stepchildren, Logan and Nicole; and
         WHEREAS, Through her consummate musical artistry, Norma
  Zenteno brought joy to innumerable people, and those who were
  blessed to share in the richness of her life will forever hold her
  close in their hearts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Norma Zenteno and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to her
  husband, Stephen Shaw; to her mother, Elsa Zenteno; to her
  brothers, Roberto, Ernesto, David, and Javier; to her children,
  Angela, Victor, Anthony, and Miles; to her stepchildren, Logan and
  Nicole; and to her many other relatives and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Norma