83R28763(1) BPG-D
  By: White H.R. No. 2477
         WHEREAS, The observance of Texas Federation for Republican
  Outreach Legislative Day at the State Capitol on May 23, 2013,
  provides a fitting opportunity to recognize Zoia Jones of Houston
  for more than two decades of distinguished service as a Republican
  Party precinct chair; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1986 as the Black Republican Council
  of Texas, the Texas Federation for Republican Outreach is an
  auxiliary of the Republican Party of Texas that recruits African
  American voters as Republican precinct chairs in Harris and Fort
  Bend Counties; citizens who have participated in this initiative
  come from a wide range of backgrounds, but they share common values,
  including devotion to family, faith, and freedom, and they strive
  together to promote increased diversity in the party; and
         WHEREAS, Precinct chairs serve as the ambassadors of their
  political party, and they take on responsibilities that require
  great dedication and many hours of hard work; moreover, they serve
  as election judges in primary and general elections; these
  civic-minded individuals are integral to the success of the party's
  mission to elect public servants who will build a better tomorrow;
         WHEREAS, Through their involvement, precinct chairs are
  making a profound difference in their communities, this state, and
  the nation, and they may take justifiable pride in their admirable
  record of civic engagement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Zoia Jones for her longtime service as a
  Republican Party precinct chair and extend to this outstanding
  Texan sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Zoia Jones as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.