83R28184 LB-D
  By: Guerra H.R. No. 2532
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Hidalgo County lost an esteemed
  community leader, legal advocate, and friend to many with the death
  of Elizabeth M. Garcia on May 5, 2013; and
         WHEREAS, Born to Lorenzo and Ercilia Garcia, "Lisa" Garcia
  graduated in 1983 from Pharr--San Juan--Alamo High School, where
  she served as president of her senior class; she went on to attend
  The University of Texas at Austin, earning a bachelor's degree in
  finance and international business in 1987, and to obtain her juris
  doctorate from Texas Southern University in 1992; and
         WHEREAS, Beginning her notable career as a briefing attorney
  with the Second Court of Appeals of Texas, Ms. Garcia continued her
  record of public service as an assistant attorney general for the
  State of Texas, as an attorney with the Office of the Texas
  Comptroller of Public Accounts, and as a prosecutor in the Hidalgo
  County District Attorney's Office; in 2004, she entered private
  practice as a civil and personal injury litigator with what would
  soon become Vidaurri, Lyde, Rodriguez & Haynes, LLP; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Garcia served as an outstanding example of her
  profession, and she was a mentor to many aspiring female attorneys;
  dedicated to ensuring access to justice, she was a member of the
  Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc., Board of Directors, and she
  provided pro bono legal assistance to Volunteer Legal Services of
  Central Texas; she further contributed to her profession as a
  fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, which she served as chair of the
  District 12 Nominating Committee, and as a member of the Hidalgo
  County Women's Bar Section; engaged in her community as well, she
  served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and
  participated in the Hidalgo County Democratic Women of Texas;
  moreover, she established an endowment to benefit bilingual UT law
  students from the Rio Grande Valley; along the way, she endeared
  herself to countless people with her warmth, her ready smile, and
  her generosity of spirit; and
         WHEREAS, While the life of Lisa Garcia ended far too soon, she
  leaves behind a legacy that will forever be treasured by all those
  who knew and loved her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Elizabeth M. Garcia
  and extend deepest sympathy to the members of her family: to her
  mother, Ercilia Z. Garcia; to her brother, Javier Garcia, and his
  wife, Connie; to her companion, Gary C. Hughes; to her siblings,
  Anna M. Garcia and Gerardo R. Garcia; to her nephew, Eric; to her
  nieces, Jennifer, Lauren, and Sabrina; and to her other relatives
  and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Lisa