83R28709 LB-D
  By: King of Parker H.R. No. 2542
         WHEREAS, Residents of Parker County lost an esteemed public
  official with the passing of James Garland Thorp II on March 26,
  2013, at the age of 50; and
         WHEREAS, The son of James and Becky Thorp, Jim Thorp was born
  on May 5, 1962, in Fort Worth and was a lifelong resident of Aledo;
  he married the former Zan Bowlin on October 12, 1996, and the pair
  shared many happy years and enjoyed raising their blended family of
  three children; and
         WHEREAS, This dynamic Texan was first elected to serve as
  Parker County treasurer in 1994, and voters subsequently returned
  him to office four times; active in the Republican Party, he also
  served as an election judge, a precinct chair, and a member of the
  1998 Republican Party of Texas State Convention Host Committee;
  moreover, he received gubernatorial appointments to the Regional
  Review Committee and was involved with numerous steering committees
  for Congressman Joe Barton; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to his family and his community, Jim
  Thorp made a meaningful difference in the lives of his loved ones
  and fellow citizens alike, and he will be fondly remembered for
  years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of James Garland Thorp
  II and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his
  wife, Zan; to his mother, Becky; to his sisters, Gay and Garlan; to
  his children, Becky and Jimbo; to his stepson, Joey; and to his
  other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jim Thorp.