83R26865 MGR-D
  By: Anderson H.R. No. 2607
         WHEREAS, The City of Hewitt designated April 1, 2013, as
  Charles Slough Day in recognition of an esteemed Texan who worked to
  make a positive difference in the lives of his fellow citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Charles Morgan "Chuck" Slough was a Waco native who
  played an active role in Kiwanis International, serving as
  president of the Kiwanis Club in his hometown and as the lieutenant
  governor of the organization's Texas-Oklahoma District; in 2009, he
  began to raise funds and make plans for the construction of a
  barrier-free playground in the Waco area for children with special
  needs; however, he passed away in 2010 before this dream could be
  realized; and
         WHEREAS, Inspired by Mr. Slough's vision, Kiwanis members
  continued to pursue his project; they secured a grant of $20,000
  from Valero Energy Corporation, and the money was donated to the
  City of Hewitt Parks and Beautification Committee to help pay for
  what has become known as the Adventure Playground; now completed,
  the facility features a plaque memorializing Mr. Slough; and
         WHEREAS, Chuck Slough was dedicated to his community and to
  upholding the Kiwanis mission of serving others, and the Adventure
  Playground in Hewitt Park will long stand as a testament to his
  generosity of spirit; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the memory of Chuck Slough for his efforts
  in behalf of area children with special needs and commend all those
  who helped complete the playground project that he initiated; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the family of Mr. Slough as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.