83R31202 JH-D
  By: Dale H.R. No. 2697
         WHEREAS, The Cedar Park High School Destination Imagination
  team took high honors at the state Destination Imagination event to
  advance to the global competition to be held in Knoxville,
  Tennessee; and
         WHEREAS, Destination Imagination is an international program
  that promotes cooperation and creative problem solving among
  students; teams compete to find innovative solutions to a variety
  of challenges; and
         WHEREAS, Calling themselves Diving Cheese, the seven
  talented students on the Cedar Park team took first place in the
  critical-thinking problem-solving category for a community service
  project for which they collected more than 2,600 coloring books and
  DVDs for patients at Dell Children's Medical Center; they also won
  first-place honors in the theatrical category for producing a
  five-minute movie, writing a presentation, and designing their own
  set and costumes; additionally, they won second place in Project
  Extreme; and
         WHEREAS, The members of Diving Cheese, who are defending
  Cedar Park's 2012 Destination Imagination world championship,
  include Nico Hawes, Catherine Jordan, Lindsey Koski, Jeremy Martin,
  Lindsey Stawowy, and Connie Zhao, with Amy Koski serving as team
  manager; and
         WHEREAS, Diving Cheese is a source of great pride to the Cedar
  Park High School community, and it is indeed a pleasure to honor the
  team on its latest achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Destination Imagination team
  from Cedar Park High School on its first-place finish at the state
  competition and extend to the team's members best wishes for
  success at the Global Finals in Knoxville; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.