H.R. No. 2975
         WHEREAS, More than 44 years ago, U.S. Army Sergeant James
  Warren Smith of Houston sacrificed his own life to save the life of
  a brother soldier in Vietnam, and his heroism that day continues to
  ring down the decades as an inspiration to those who hold his memory
  dear; and
         WHEREAS, In the summer of 1968, Sergeant Smith, a medic with
  the Green Berets, was serving his second 12-month tour of duty in
  Vietnam at a Special Forces airborne base in Dar Lac province; the
  base was an outpost of makeshift barracks, bunkers, and tents,
  encompassed by sandbags and barbed wire, overlooked by hills, and
  surrounded by a jungle full of Viet Cong guerillas; and
         WHEREAS, There, Sergeant Smith befriended a younger soldier
  named Linwood Hughes, a 21-year-old North Carolinian serving with
  the 4th Infantry Division; Sergeant Smith stood nearly six feet
  tall, while Mr. Hughes stood only five-four, and the two friends
  came to be known as "Mutt and Jeff"; as the more experienced
  soldier, Sergeant Smith took Mr. Hughes under his wing and showed
  him the ropes; and
         WHEREAS, On the afternoon of August 23, 1968, the Viet Cong
  began dropping mortar rounds onto the base, and Sergeant Smith and
  Mr. Hughes raced to their mortar emplacement and began to return
  fire; as Mr. Hughes handed the sergeant a mortar shell, an enemy
  round exploded just in front of the men, wounding them both
  severely; and
         WHEREAS, Ignoring his own injuries, Sergeant Smith carried
  his comrade into a bunker and then collapsed; as Mr. Hughes kept
  pressure on his friend's wound, he promised him that he would find
  the sergeant's family and tell them of the strength and courage that
  he had shown that day; at the time of his death, Sergeant Smith was
  only 26 years old; and
         WHEREAS, Sergeant Smith was posthumously awarded the Silver
  Star and a Bronze Star; Mr. Hughes went on to complete two tours of
  duty in Vietnam and to earn a Silver Star and a Bronze Star as well;
         WHEREAS, Because Sergeant Smith's name was a common one, it
  took many years for Mr. Hughes to find his family, but in 2000, he
  was at last able to fulfill his promise in an emotional 90-minute
  phone conversation with the sergeant's mother, Oleta Smith of
  Dumas; subsequently, Mr. Hughes met with James Smith's family at
  the sergeant's gravesite at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery;
  extending a bond that had been forged some three decades earlier,
  half a world away; and
         WHEREAS, A true American hero, Sergeant James Smith not only
  lived up to the highest ideals of the U.S. armed forces, he
  exemplified the supreme act of selflessness that is extolled in
  John 15:13 in the Holy Bible, "Greater love has no one than this,
  that he lay down his life for his friends"; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the life and heroism of Sergeant
  James Warren Smith; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2975 was adopted by the House on May
  26, 2013, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House