H.R. No. 3028
         WHEREAS, Barbara Jean Morgan Dillahunty is retiring as the
  organist at the First United Methodist Church of Uvalde on June 30,
  2013, after serving the congregation in that capacity for half a
  century; and
         WHEREAS, As the church organist, Mrs. Dillahunty has played
  for services, weddings, funerals, special events, and children's
  programs; in addition to enjoying a long and productive career as a
  legal secretary, from which she retired after 48 years of dedicated
  service, she also has given back to her community through her civic
  involvement with the El Progreso Club, the El Progreso Memorial
  Library, and the local Girl Scouts; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Dillahunty takes pride in a family that
  includes her husband, Bill, a son, Jeff, and a daughter, Dee Ann;
  having completed one phase of a richly rewarding life, she now plans
  to spend more time traveling in the coming years; and
         WHEREAS, During her remarkable tenure as organist, Barbara
  Dillahunty has used the beauty of music to enrich the lives of
  fellow members of the congregation, and it is a pleasure to
  recognize her as she looks forward to the next exciting chapter of
  her life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Barbara Dillahunty on the occasion of her
  retirement as organist at the First United Methodist Church of
  Uvalde and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Dillahunty as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  King of Zavala
Straus M. Gonzalez of El Paso Oliveira
Allen N. Gonzalez of El Paso Orr
Alonzo Gooden Otto
Alvarado Guerra Paddie
Anchia Guillen Parker
Anderson Gutierrez Patrick
Ashby Harless Perez
Aycock Harper-Brown Perry
Bell Hernandez Luna Phillips
Bohac Herrero Pickett
Bonnen of Brazoria Hilderbran Pitts
Bonnen of Galveston Howard Price
Branch Huberty Raney
Burkett Hughes Ratliff
Burnam Hunter Raymond
Button Isaac Reynolds
Callegari Johnson Riddle
Canales Kacal Ritter
Capriglione Keffer Rodriguez of Bexar
Carter King of Hemphill Rodriguez of Travis
Clardy King of Parker Rose
Coleman King of Taylor Sanford
Collier King of Zavala Schaefer
Cook Kleinschmidt Sheets
Cortez Klick Sheffield of Bell
Craddick Kolkhorst Sheffield of Coryell
Creighton Krause Simmons
Crownover Kuempel Simpson
Dale Larson Smith
Darby Laubenberg Smithee
J. Davis of Harris Lavender Springer
S. Davis of Harris Leach Stephenson
Davis of Dallas Lewis Stickland
Deshotel Longoria Strama
Dukes Lozano Taylor
Dutton Lucio III Thompson of Brazoria
Eiland Marquez Thompson of Harris
Elkins Martinez Fischer Toth
Fallon Martinez Turner of Collin
Farias McClendon Turner of Harris
Farney Menendez Turner of Tarrant
Farrar Miles Villalba
Fletcher Miller of Comal Villarreal
Flynn Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Frank Moody Walle
Frullo Morrison White
Geren Munoz, Jr. Workman
Giddings Murphy Wu
Goldman Naishtat Zedler
Gonzales Nevarez Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 3028 was adopted by the House on May 27,
  2013, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House