H.R. No. 3056
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on Senate Bill 1158 (relating to higher
  education for veterans and their families) to consider and take
  action on the following matters:
         (1)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on matters which are not included in
  either the house or senate version of the bill in SECTION 1 of the
  bill by amending Sections 54.341(d), (h), and (l), Education Code,
  to read as follows:
         (d)  The governing board of each institution of higher
  education granting an exemption under this section shall require
  each applicant claiming the exemption to submit to the institution,
  in the form and manner prescribed by the Texas Veterans Commission
  for purposes of this section under Section 434.0079(b), Government
  Code, an application for the exemption and necessary [satisfactory]
  evidence that the applicant qualifies for the exemption not later
  than the last class date of the semester or term to which the
  exemption applies, except that the governing board may encourage
  the submission of an application and evidence by the official day of
  record for the semester or term to which the exemption applies on
  which the institution must determine the enrollment that is
  reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board [one year
  after the earlier of the date the institution:
               [(1)     provides written notice to the applicant of the
  applicant's eligibility for the exemption; or
               [(2)   receives a written acknowledgement from the
  applicant evidencing the applicant's awareness of the applicant's
  eligibility for the exemption].
         (h)  The governing board of each institution of higher
  education shall electronically report to the Texas Veterans
  Commission [Higher Education Coordinating Board] the information
  required by Section 434.00791, Government Code, [61.0516] relating
  to each individual receiving an exemption from fees and charges
  under Subsection (a), (a-2), [or] (b), or (k).  The institution
  shall report the information not later than January 31 [December
  31] of each year for the fall semester, June 30 [May 31] of each year
  for the spring semester, and September 30 of each year for the
  summer session.
         (l)  To be eligible to receive an exemption under Subsection
  (k), the child must:
               (1)  be a student who is classified as a resident under
  Subchapter B when the child enrolls in an institution of higher
  education; [and]
               (2)  as a graduate or undergraduate student, maintain a
  grade point average that satisfies the grade point average
  requirement for making [make] satisfactory academic progress in a
  degree, certificate, or continuing education program as determined
  by the institution at which the child is enrolled in accordance with
  the institution's policy regarding eligibility for [of the
  institution's] financial aid; and
               (3)  be 25 years of age or younger on the first day of
  the semester or other academic term for which the exemption is
  claimed [department, except that the institution may not require
  the child to enroll in a minimum course load].
         Explanation: These changes are necessary to clarify the
  reporting and eligibility requirements for certain tuition
  exemptions awarded to veterans and their families.
         (2)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter which is not included in
  either the house or senate version of the bill in SECTION 2 of the
  bill by adding Section 54.3411(e), Education Code, to read as
         (e)  The amount available for distribution from the fund may
  be appropriated only to offset the cost to institutions of higher
  education of the exemptions required by Section 54.341(k). The
  amount appropriated shall be distributed to eligible institutions
  in proportion to each institution's respective share of the
  aggregate cost to all institutions of the exemptions required by
  Section 54.341(k), as determined by the Legislative Budget Board.
  The amount appropriated shall be distributed annually to each
  eligible institution of higher education.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to clarify the
  distribution of funds for certain tuition exemptions awarded to
  children of certain veterans.
         (3)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter which is not included in
  either the house or senate version of the bill in SECTION 3 of the
  bill by adding Section 434.0079(c), Government Code, to read as
         (c)  The commission shall adopt rules governing the
  coordination of federal and state benefits of a person eligible to
  receive an exemption under Section 54.341(k), Education Code,
  including rules governing:
               (1)  the total number of credit hours assigned under
  that section that a person may apply to an individual degree or
  certificate program, consistent with the standards of the
  appropriate recognized regional accrediting agency; and
               (2)  the application of the assigned exemption to
  credit hours for which the institution of higher education does not
  receive state funding.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to require rules to be
  adopted for the administration of certain tuition exemptions
  awarded to veterans and their families.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 3056 was adopted by the House on May
  26, 2013, by the following vote:  Yeas 143, Nays 3, 2 present, not
  Chief Clerk of the House