83R7955 PMO-F
  By: Carona S.B. No. 19
  relating to certain residential and other structures and mitigation
  of loss to those structures resulting from natural catastrophes;
  providing administrative and criminal penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 2, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 152 to read as follows:
         Sec. 152.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Construction" includes alteration, remodeling,
  enlargement, or repair of, or an addition to, a structure.
               (2)  "Mitigation measure" means an improvement to or
  feature of a structure that reduces the risk or amount of loss from
  a covered loss under a residential property insurance policy.
               (3)  "Qualified inspector" includes:
                     (A)  an inspector certified by:
                           (i)  the International Code Council;
                           (ii)  the Building Officials and Code
  Administrators International, Inc.;
                           (iii)  the International Conference of
  Building Officials; or
                           (iv)  the Southern Building Code Congress
  International, Inc.;
                     (B)  a licensed professional engineer whose name
  appears on the roster described by Section 1001.652, Occupations
  Code; or
                     (C)  a person who meets the requirements for
  appointment to conduct windstorm inspections as specified by the
  commissioner by rule.
               (4)  "Seacoast territory" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 2210.003.
               (5)  "Trade association" means a nonprofit,
  cooperative, and voluntarily joined association of business or
  professional competitors designed to assist its members and its
  industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or
  professional problems and in promoting their common interest.
         Sec. 152.002.  ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAMS; PURPOSE.  (a) The
  commissioner in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel shall develop and implement statewide emergency
  preparedness and loss mitigation programs designed to reduce
  potential insured residential property losses in this state.
         (b)  The programs may:
               (1)  improve preparedness for windstorm, hail,
  wildfire, and other natural catastrophes;
               (2)  reduce the risk and amount of potential insured
  residential property losses arising from windstorm, hail,
  wildfire, and other natural catastrophes;
               (3)  provide grants for loss mitigation measures; and
               (4)  promote public education about  emergency
  preparedness and loss mitigation related to windstorm, hail,
  wildfire, and other natural catastrophes.
         (c)  The department and the office of public insurance
  counsel may enter into an interagency contract or other agreements
  with each other as appropriate to implement this chapter. The
  department or the office of public insurance counsel, jointly or
  severally, may enter into agreements with any individual or entity,
  including a political subdivision, a state or federal agency, a
  trade association, a university, or a nonprofit entity or other
  private entity as appropriate to implement this chapter.
  The department in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel shall use its best efforts to obtain funding for loss
  mitigation grants available under Section 152.005, including
               (1)  grants from any individual or entity, including a
  political subdivision, a state or federal agency, a trade
  association, a university, or a nonprofit entity or other private
  entity; or
               (2)  gifts or grants of money or in kind.
  IN SEACOAST TERRITORY. The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association,
  at the direction of the commissioner, shall provide money described
  by Section 2210.454 in an amount determined by the commissioner to
  provide funding in addition to the funding under Section 152.003
  for grants available only to residential property owners in the
  seacoast territory.
         Sec. 152.005.  LOSS MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM. (a)  The
  commissioner in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel may establish and administer a grant program to provide to
  residential property owners financial assistance to implement
  mitigation measures.
         (b)  Subject to eligibility requirements determined by the
  commissioner by rule, grants under this section may be made
  available to residential property owners in areas susceptible to
  windstorm, hail, wildfire, and other natural catastrophes as
  determined by the commissioner by rule.
         (c)  Grants may be made available for implementation,
  addition, or installation of mitigation measures, including:
               (1)  roof deck attachments;
               (2)  secondary water barriers;
               (3)  roof coverings;
               (4)  brace gable ends;
               (5)  roof-to-wall connection reinforcements;
               (6)  exterior opening protections;
               (7)  exterior doors, including garage doors;
               (8)  tie downs;
               (9)  reinforcements of trusses, studs, or other
  structural components; or
               (10)  other mitigation measures approved by the
  commissioner by rule.
         (d)  The commissioner may adopt by rule quality standards
  applicable to the mitigation measures described by Subsection (c).
  (a)  The commissioner by rule may identify actuarially justified
  premium credits that may be given for a residential property
  insurance policy if mitigation measures identified by the
  commissioner by rule have been implemented, added, or installed in
  an insured structure or in the construction of the structure.
         (b)  The commissioner by rule may adopt an actuarially
  justified premium surcharge that may be imposed by an insurer for a
  residential property insurance policy if the insured structure or
  the construction of the structure does not meet building code
  standards adopted by the commissioner by rule. The surcharge shall
  be retained by the insurer issuing the policy for which the
  surcharge is paid.
         (c)  The commissioner by rule may require inspection by a
  qualified inspector of an insured structure or the construction of
  the structure for a property owner to qualify for a premium credit
  or to be subject to a premium surcharge under this section.
         (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to
  implement and enforce this section, including rules that:
               (1)  adopt building code standards; and
               (2)  define "actuarially justified" for the purposes of
  this section.
  AVAILABILITY. (a)  The department may collect information relating
  to premium credits and surcharges:
               (1)  related to loss mitigation generally; or
               (2)  authorized under Section 152.006.
         (b)  The information collected under Subsection (a) may
               (1)  the name of a credit or surcharge;
               (2)  the amount of a credit or surcharge;
               (3)  mitigation measures eligible for a credit;
               (4)  building code standards that must be met to avoid a
  surcharge; and
               (5)  other information the commissioner in cooperation
  with the office of public insurance counsel reasonably believes
  promotes the purpose of this chapter.
         (c)  The information collected under this section may be used
  in connection with the public education program established under
  Section 152.009.
         (d)  The information collected under this section must be:
               (1)  made available to the public;
               (2)  posted on the department's Internet website; and
               (3)  posted on the Internet website of the office of
  public insurance counsel.
         (e)  The department and the office of public insurance
  counsel shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent disclosure
  or use of personal information obtained in the collection of
  information under this section.
  department in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel shall use its best efforts to obtain funding for the public
  education program established under Section 152.009, including
               (1)  grants from any individual or entity, including a
  political subdivision, a state or federal agency, a trade
  association, a university, or a nonprofit entity or other private
  entity; or
               (2)  gifts or grants of money or in kind.
         Sec. 152.009.  PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM. (a)  The
  commissioner in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel may create a public education program to educate and inform
  the public about:
               (1)  the programs established under this chapter;
               (2)  the appropriateness of particular mitigation
  measures in certain circumstances;
               (3)  the availability of credits described by this
  chapter; and
               (4)  the imposition of surcharges described by this
         (b)  To develop and implement the public education program,
  the department in cooperation with the office of public insurance
  counsel may coordinate or collaborate with any individual or
  entity, including a political subdivision, a state or federal
  agency, a trade association, a university, or a nonprofit entity or
  other private entity.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 2210.454(a), (b), and (d), Insurance
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner shall annually develop and implement a
  mitigation and preparedness plan in coordination with the loss
  mitigation programs authorized under Chapter 152.
         (b)  Each state fiscal year, the department may fund the
  mitigation and preparedness plan and provide additional funding for
  the loss mitigation program as described by Section 152.004 using
  available funds.
         (d)  Money in excess of $1 million may not be used under this
  section or provided to the loss mitigation program described by
  Section 152.004 if the commissioner determines that an expenditure
  of investment income from the trust fund would jeopardize the
  actuarial soundness of the fund or materially impair the ability of
  the fund to serve the state purposes for which the fund was
         SECTION 3.  Sections 233.153(a), (c), and (f), Local
  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  New residential construction of a single-family house
  or duplex in the unincorporated area of a county [to which this
  subchapter applies] shall conform to the version of the
  International Residential Code published as of May 1, 2008, or the
  version of the International Residential Code that is applicable in
  the county seat of that county.
         (c)  If a municipality [located within a county to which this
  subchapter applies] has adopted a building code in the
  municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction, the building code
  adopted by the municipality controls and building code standards
  under this subchapter have no effect in the municipality's
  extraterritorial jurisdiction.
         (f)  Except as provided by Section 233.1546, a [A] county may
  not charge a fee to a person subject to standards under this
  subchapter to defray the costs of enforcing the standards.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 233.154(b) and (c), Local Government
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Before [If required by a county to which this subchapter
  applies, before] commencing new residential construction, the
  builder shall provide notice to the county on a form prescribed by
  the county of:
               (1)  the location of the new residential construction;
               (2)  the approximate date by which the new residential
  construction will be commenced; and
               (3)  the version of the International Residential Code
  that will be used to construct the new residential construction
  before commencing construction.
         (c)  Not [If required by the county, not] later than the 10th
  day after the date of the final inspection under this section, the
  builder shall submit notice of the inspection stating whether or
  not the inspection showed compliance with the building code
  standards applicable to that phase of construction in a form
  required by the county to:
               (1)  the county employee, department, or agency
  designated by the commissioners court of the county to receive the
  information; and
               (2)  the person for whom the new residential
  construction is being built, if different from the builder.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter F, Chapter 233, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 233.1545 and 233.1546 to read as
  UTILITIES. (a) A county shall require the issuance of a
  certificate of compliance as a precondition to obtaining utility
  services as provided by this section.
         (b)  Not later than the fifth business day after the date a
  notice of inspection described by Section 233.154(c) stating that
  the inspection showed compliance with applicable building code
  standards is received, the county shall issue the party submitting
  the notice a written certificate of compliance.
         (c)  An electric, gas, water, or sewer service utility may
  not permanently serve or connect new residential construction of a
  single-family house or duplex as described by Section 233.151(a)(1)
  with electricity, gas, water, sewer, or other utility service
  unless the utility receives a certificate issued by the county
  under Subsection (b).
         (d)  Subsection (c) does not prevent the temporary use or
  connection of utilities necessary to complete new residential
  construction, including temporary use or connection of utilities to
  pass an inspection under this subchapter.
         Sec. 233.1546.  FEES. A county may charge a reasonable fee
  to issue a certificate of compliance under Section 233.1545.  The
  fees, aggregated annually, may not exceed the annual cost of
  issuing the certificates under Section 233.1545.
         SECTION 6.  Title 8, Occupations Code, is amended by adding
  Chapter 1307 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1307.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as
  the Roofing Contractor Consumer Protection Act.
         Sec. 1307.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" means the roofing contractors
  advisory board.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (3)  "Controlling person" means an individual who:
                     (A)  is an owner, officer, or director of a
  roofing contractor;
                     (B)  possesses direct or indirect control of at
  least 10 percent of the voting securities of a roofing contractor
  that is a corporation;
                     (C)  owns or possesses direct or indirect control
  of at least $25,000 of the fair market value of a roofing
                     (D)  directly or indirectly possesses the power to
  direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a
  roofing contractor; or
                     (E)  has a direct or indirect interest in at least
  10 percent of the profits, proceeds, or capital gains of a roofing
               (4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (5)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
               (6)  "Roofing contractor" means a person who performs
  roofing services for compensation.
               (7)  "Roofing product" means any material commonly used
  in the construction, installation, or replacement of a commercial
  or residential roof.
               (8)  "Roofing services" means the installation,
  construction, maintenance, repair, alteration, or modification of
  a roofing product for a commercial or residential roof.
         Sec. 1307.003.  EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  This chapter does not apply
               (1)  the owner of residential property or property used
  primarily for agricultural purposes, or an employee of the owner,
  who physically performs roofing services on the owner's dwelling or
  on another structure located on the property;
               (2)  an authorized employee or representative of the
  United States government, this state, or any county, municipality,
  or other political subdivision of this state acting in an official
               (3)  a person who furnishes any fabricated or finished
  roofing product, material, or article of merchandise that is not
  incorporated into or attached to real property by the person;
               (4)  an employee of a roofing contractor licensed under
  this chapter; or
               (5)  a person who performs roofing services for the new
  construction of a commercial or residential structure.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a person described by
  Subsection (a)(5) may be subject to the requirements of this
  chapter to the extent the person provides roofing services other
  than those described by that subdivision.
  LAW.  This chapter shall be construed to be in addition to any
  required licensure of persons in this state.  This chapter is not
  intended to conflict with or affect the authority of any state or
  local agency, board, or department that administers or enforces any
  law or ordinance or that establishes, administers, or enforces a
  policy, rule, qualification, or standard for a trade or profession.
         Sec. 1307.051.  ROOFING CONTRACTORS ADVISORY BOARD. (a)
  The advisory board consists of five members appointed by the
  presiding officer of the commission with the approval of the
  commission as follows:
               (1)  one general contractor who is not a roofing
               (2)  three roofing contractors licensed under this
  chapter; and
               (3)  one public member.
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), the commission may
  appoint a roofing contractor who is not licensed under this chapter
  if the contractor has fulfilled the requirements for the issuance
  of a license and has submitted a complete application to the
  department. The commission shall remove from the advisory board a
  roofing contractor appointed under this subsection if the
  contractor does not receive a license before the 31st day after the
  date the contractor is appointed to the advisory board.
         (c)  Appointments to the advisory board shall be made without
  regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
  national origin of the appointee.
         (d)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  composition or duration of the advisory board.
         Sec. 1307.052.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF ADVISORY BOARD. The
  advisory board shall provide advice and recommendations to the
  commission on the adoption of rules governing the repair of a
  roofing system.
         Sec. 1307.053.  COMPENSATION. Advisory board members may
  not receive compensation for serving as a member.
         Sec. 1307.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The department,
  executive director, or commission, as appropriate, may take action
  as necessary to administer and enforce this chapter.
         Sec. 1307.102.  RULES. The commission shall adopt rules as
  necessary to administer this chapter, including rules relating to:
               (1)  licensing roofing contractors and establishing
  standards of conduct for license holders, including the display of
  a license by a license holder;
               (2)  investigating and resolving complaints filed
  under this chapter;
               (3)  establishing the minimum financial responsibility
  requirements for license holders;
               (4)  administering a licensing examination; and
               (5)  prohibiting false, misleading, or deceptive
  advertising practices by license holders.
         Sec. 1307.103.  CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECK.  The
  department may obtain criminal history record information under
  Subchapter F, Chapter 411, Government Code, for an applicant for or
  holder of a license under this chapter. For purposes of Section
  411.093, Government Code, an applicant for or holder of a license
  under this chapter includes a controlling person of an applicant or
         Sec. 1307.104.  LICENSE HOLDER DATABASE. The commission
  shall make available on its Internet website a publicly accessible
  list of licensed roofing contractors. The list must contain the
  following for each licensed roofing contractor:
               (1)  contact information for the contractor;
               (2)  a statement indicating whether the contractor is
  licensed in good standing;
               (3)  a summary of any disciplinary action taken by the
  commission against the contractor; and
               (4)  any other information that the commission
  determines is relevant.
         Sec. 1307.151.  LICENSE REQUIRED. (a)  A person may not act
  as or offer to act as a roofing contractor unless the person holds a
  license issued under this chapter.
         (b)  A license:
               (1)  is valid only with respect to the person or company
  named on the license; and
               (2)  authorizes the license holder to operate one
  roofing contractor business for each license.
         (c)  A license issued under this chapter is not transferable
  or assignable.
         Sec. 1307.152.  APPLICATION; APPLICATION FEE.  (a)  An
  applicant for a license must:
               (1)  apply to the department on a form prescribed by the
  executive director and under rules adopted by the commission;
               (2)  submit with the application a nonrefundable
  application fee in an amount set by the commission; and
               (3)  pass an examination adopted by the department.
         (b)  The commission by rule shall specify the information
  that must be included on an application submitted to the
  department. The rules must require each application to include:
               (1)  the name and address of, and an authorization for
  the department to obtain criminal history record information for,
  each controlling person; and
               (2)  evidence that the applicant satisfies the minimum
  financial responsibility requirements established by commission
         Sec. 1307.153.  TERM OF LICENSE.  A license issued under this
  chapter is valid for one year.
         Sec. 1307.154.  EXAMINATION. (a) An examination required
  by this chapter shall be conducted at locations throughout the
         (b)  The department shall accept, develop, or contract for
  the examination required by this chapter, including the
  administration of the examination. Each examination must test the
  knowledge of the applicant about basic contracting principles and
  roofing services.
         (c)  The executive director shall determine uniform
  standards for acceptable performance on an examination.
         Sec. 1307.201.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE INFORMATION. (a)  A
  roofing contractor shall display the contractor's business name and
  the number of the license issued by the executive director on each
  vehicle owned by the contractor and used in providing roofing
         (b)  The information required to be displayed must be:
               (1)  printed in letters and numbers that are at least
  two inches high and in a color that contrasts with the color of the
  background surface; and
               (2)  affixed in conspicuous places on both sides of the
  roofing contractor shall comply with local ordinances and
  regulations relating to standards and permits for roofing services.
  PROHIBITED. (a) A person may not attempt to obtain a license under
  any other name during any period during which the person's roofing
  contractor license is suspended or revoked.
         (b)  Subsection (a) applies to any controlling person of a
  business entity or other group whose license is suspended or
  roofing contractor shall timely notify the department of any change
  to the name, address, business entity, liability coverage, or legal
  service agent of the contractor.
         Sec. 1307.205.  PROHIBITED ACTS.  A roofing contractor
  providing roofing services to be paid by a consumer from the
  proceeds of the consumer's property or casualty insurance policy
  may not pay or rebate or promise to pay or rebate all or part of any
  applicable insurance deductible.
         Sec. 1307.206.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST PROHIBITED.  (a)  In
  this section, "public insurance adjuster" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 4102.001, Insurance Code.
         (b)  A roofing contractor may not act as a public insurance
  adjuster for any property for which the contractor is providing
  roofing services, regardless of whether the contractor holds a
  license under Chapter 4102, Insurance Code.
         (c)  A roofing contractor is subject to the prohibitions
  under Section 4102.158, Insurance Code.
         Sec. 1307.251.  INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS. (a)  The
  department shall investigate any complaint alleging that a
  violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter has
         (b)  A complaint must be filed in a manner prescribed by the
         Sec. 1307.252.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  The commission or
  executive director may impose an administrative penalty on a person
  under Subchapter F, Chapter 51, regardless of whether the person
  holds a license under this chapter, if the person violates:
               (1)  this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter;
               (2)  a rule or order of the commission or executive
         Sec. 1307.253.  SANCTIONS. The commission may impose
  sanctions as provided by Section 51.353.
         Sec. 1307.254.  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a)  A person commits an
  offense if the person:
               (1)  violates the licensing requirements of this
  chapter; or
               (2)  performs roofing services without a license
  required by this chapter.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
         SECTION 7.  Section 233.152, Local Government Code, is
         SECTION 8.  Chapter 152, Insurance Code, as added by this
  Act, applies only to an insurance policy that is delivered, issued
  for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2014. A policy
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2014,
  is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 9.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  section, Subchapter F, Chapter 233, Local Government Code, as
  amended by this Act, applies only to new residential construction
  that commences on or after the effective date of this Act.
         (b)  In a county that, before the effective date of this Act,
  required notice under Section 233.154(b), Local Government Code, as
  it existed before amendment by this Act, Subchapter F, Chapter 233,
  Local Government Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to new
  residential construction for which notice was given on or after the
  effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 10.  Not later than February 1, 2014, the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation, the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation, and the executive director of the Texas
  Department of Licensing and Regulation, as appropriate, shall adopt
  rules and forms necessary to implement Chapter 1307, Occupations
  Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 11.  The Texas Department of Licensing and
  Regulation shall issue a roofing contractor license under Chapter
  1307, Occupations Code, as added by this Act, to an applicant who:
               (1)  applies for a license under this section not later
  than June 1, 2014;
               (2)  submits to the department the information required
  by rule;
               (3)  has at least 10 years of experience performing
  roofing services as defined by Section 1307.002, Occupations Code,
  as added by this Act; and
               (4)  pays the application fee established by the Texas
  Commission of Licensing and Regulation.
         SECTION 12.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013.
         (b)  Section 1307.151, Occupations Code, and Subchapters E
  and F, Chapter 1307, Occupations Code, as added by this Act, take
  effect September 1, 2014.