83R6953 GCB-F
  By: Williams S.B. No. 758
  relating to the established schedule of payments from the
  foundation school fund of the yearly entitlement of certain school
         SECTION 1.  Section 42.259, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (c), (d), and (f) and adding Subsections (c-1)
  and (d-1) to read as follows:
         (c)  Payments from the foundation school fund to each
  category 2 school district shall be made as follows:
               (1)  22 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of September of a fiscal year;
               (2)  18 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of October;
               (3)  9.5 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of November;
               (4)  7.5 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of April;
               (5)  five percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of May;
               (6)  10 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of June;
               (7)  13 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of July; and
               (8)  15 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of August [after the 5th day of September and not later
  than the 10th day of September of the calendar year following the
  calendar year of the payment made under Subdivision (1)].
         (c-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c)(8), for the state
  fiscal year ending August 31, 2013, the installment described by
  that subdivision shall be paid on or before the 30th day of August,
  2013.  This subsection expires August 31, 2013.
         (d)  Payments from the foundation school fund to each
  category 3 school district shall be made as follows:
               (1)  45 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of September of a fiscal year;
               (2)  35 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of October; and
               (3)  20 percent of the yearly entitlement of the
  district shall be paid in an installment to be made on or before the
  25th day of August [after the 5th day of September and not later
  than the 10th day of September of the calendar year following the
  calendar year of the payment made under Subdivision (1)].
         (d-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (d)(3), for the state
  fiscal year ending August 31, 2013, the installment described by
  that subdivision shall be paid on or before the 30th day of August,
  2013.  This subsection expires August 31, 2013.
         (f)  Previously [Except as provided by Subsection (c)(8) or
  (d)(3), any previously] unpaid additional funds from prior fiscal
  years owed to a district shall be paid to the district together with
  the September payment of the current fiscal year entitlement.
         SECTION 2.  Section 466.355(c), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  Each August the comptroller shall:
               (1)  estimate the amount to be transferred to the
  foundation school fund on or before September 15; and
               (2)  notwithstanding Subsection (b)(4), transfer the
  amount estimated in Subdivision (1) to the foundation school fund
  before August installment payments are made under Section 42.259,
  Education Code [25].
         SECTION 3.  The changes made by this Act to Section 42.259,
  Education Code, apply only to a payment from the foundation school
  fund that is made on or after the effective date of this Act. A
  payment to a school district from the foundation school fund that is
  made before that date is governed by Section 42.259, Education
  Code, as it existed before amendment by this Act, and the former law
  is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect on the 91st day after the last day of the
  legislative session.