83R3715 JRR-F
  By: Hancock S.B. No. 841
  relating to certain authorized investments under the Insurance
         SECTION 1.  Section 424.064(b), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  An insurer with admitted assets of more than $500
  million may individually or in conjunction with other investors
  acquire, own, hold, develop, and improve real property that is
  essentially residential or commercial in character, even though the
  property is subject to an existing mortgage or the insurer
  subsequently mortgages the property. An investment in [investment
  real property other than real property authorized by another
  provision of this code, or participations in that other investment]
  real property is authorized [,] if the property is materially
  enhanced in value by:
               (1)  the construction of durable, permanent-type
  buildings and other improvements that cost an amount at least equal
  to the cost of the real property, excluding buildings and
  improvements at the time the property is acquired; or
               (2)  the construction, commenced before the second
  anniversary of the date the real property is acquired, of buildings
  and improvements described by Subdivision (1).
         SECTION 2.  Section 424.068, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  FOREIGN JURISDICTION. (a) In addition to the investments in Canada
  authorized by Sections 424.051, 424.058-424.071, and 424.074 and
  subject to this section, an insurer may make investments within
  another [invest the insurer's funds in excess of minimum capital
  and surplus in an investment in a] foreign country or a
  commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States[, a
  foreign country other than Canada, or a foreign security
  originating in one of those commonwealths, territories,
  possessions, or countries, if:
               [(1)     the investment is similar to investments the
  insurer is authorized by Sections 424.051, 424.058-424.071, and
  424.074 to make within the United States or Canada; and
               [(2)     if a debt obligation, the investment is rated one
  or two by the securities valuation office].
         (b)  An investment made under this section must be
  substantially the same type as an investment authorized to be made
  within the United States or Canada by this subchapter. [The
  aggregate amount of an insurer's investments under Sections
  424.051, 424.058-424.071, and 424.074 in a single foreign
  jurisdiction may not exceed:
               [(1)     as to a foreign jurisdiction that is given a
  sovereign debt rating of one by the securities valuation office, 10
  percent of the insurer's admitted assets; or
               [(2)     as to any other foreign jurisdiction, five
  percent of the insurer's admitted assets.]
         (c)  The sum of the amount of investments made under this
  section and the amount of similar investments made within the
  United States and Canada may not exceed any limitation imposed by
  Sections 424.051, 424.058-424.071, and 424.074 [the sum of:
               [(1)  the amounts authorized by Section 424.073; and
               [(2)  20 percent of the insurer's assets].
         (d)  The aggregate [combined total of the] amount of an
  insurer's investments [made] under this section[, the amount of
  similar investments made within the United States and Canada, and
  any amounts of investments authorized by Section 424.073] may not
  exceed the sum of:
               (1)  the amount of the insurer's reserves attributable
  to insurance business in force in foreign countries, if any, and any
  additional investments required by a foreign country as a condition
  of engaging in business in that country; and
               (2)  20 percent of the insurer's assets [any limitation
  prescribed by Sections 424.051, 424.058-424.071, and 424.074].
         (e)  An insurer may not invest more than 10 percent of the
  insurer's assets in investments denominated in foreign currency
  that are not hedged under Subchapter E.
         SECTION 3.  Section 425.119(f), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (f)  In addition to an investment authorized by [Except as
  provided by] Subsection (g), an insurance company may individually
  or in conjunction with other investors acquire, [not] own, hold,
  develop, and improve real property that is essentially residential
  or commercial in character, even though the property is subject to
  an existing mortgage or the insurance company subsequently
  mortgages the property [or hold an equity interest in any
  residential property or subdivision, single or multiunit family
  dwelling property, or undeveloped real property to subdivide for or
  develop residential or single or multiunit family dwellings].
         SECTION 4.  Section 424.064(d), Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.