83R9568 JAM-D
  By: Van de Putte S.B. No. 870
  relating to marketing items provided by manufacturers,
  wholesalers, and distributors of alcoholic beverages to retailers
  or consumers.
         SECTION 1.  Section 102.04(b), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as permitted in Section 23.01 or 108.035 [of this
  code], no person to whom this section applies may:
               (1)  have a direct or indirect interest in the
  business, premises, equipment, or fixtures of a mixed beverage
               (2)  furnish or lend any money, service, or other thing
  of value to a mixed beverage permittee or guarantee the fulfillment
  of a financial obligation of a mixed beverage permittee;
               (3)  enter or offer to enter into an agreement,
  condition, or system which in effect amounts to the shipment and
  delivery of alcoholic beverages on consignment;
               (4)  furnish, rent, lend, or sell to a mixed beverage
  permittee any equipment, fixtures, or supplies used in the selling
  or dispensing of alcoholic beverages;
               (5)  pay or make an allowance to a mixed beverage
  permittee for a special advertising or distributing service, or
  allow the permittee an excessive discount;
               (6)  offer to a mixed beverage permittee a prize,
  premium, or other inducement[, except as permitted by Section
  102.07(b) of this code]; or
               (7)  advertise in the convention program or sponsor a
  function at a meeting or convention or a trade association of
  holders of mixed beverage permits, unless the trade association was
  incorporated before 1950.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 102.07(a) and (d), Alcoholic Beverage
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided in Subsections [(b),] (d)[,] and (g)
  and Section 108.035, no person who owns or has an interest in the
  business of a distiller, brewer, rectifier, wholesaler, class B
  wholesaler, winery, or wine bottler, nor the agent, servant, or
  employee of such a person, may:
               (1)  own or have a direct or indirect interest in the
  business, premises, equipment, or fixtures of a retailer;
               (2)  furnish, give, or lend any money, service, or
  thing of value to a retailer;
               (3)  guarantee a financial obligation of a retailer;
               (4)  make or offer to enter an agreement, condition, or
  system which will in effect amount to the shipment and delivery of
  alcoholic beverages on consignment;
               (5)  furnish, give, rent, lend, or sell to a retail
  dealer any equipment, fixtures, or supplies to be used in selling or
  dispensing alcoholic beverages[, except that alcoholic beverages
  may be packaged in combination with other items if the package is
  designed to be delivered intact to the ultimate consumer and the
  additional items have no value or benefit to the retailer other than
  that of having the potential of attracting purchases and promoting
               (6)  pay or make an allowance to a retailer for a
  special advertising or distribution service;
               (7)  allow an excessive discount to a retailer; or
               (8)  offer a prize, premium, gift, or similar
  inducement to a retailer or to the agent, servant, or employee of a
         (d)  [A permittee covered under Subsection (a) may offer
  prizes, premiums, or gifts to a consumer.] The use of rebates or
  coupons redeemable by the public for the purchase of alcoholic
  beverages is prohibited.  The holder of a winery permit may furnish
  to a retailer without cost recipes, recipe books, book matches,
  cocktail napkins, or other advertising items showing the name of
  the winery furnishing the items or the brand name of the product
  advertised if the individual cost of the items does not exceed $1.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 108, Alcoholic Beverage
  Code, is amended by adding Section 108.035 to read as follows:
  AUTHORIZED. (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this code,
  a person who holds a brewer's permit, nonresident brewer's permit,
  distiller's and rectifier's permit, winery permit, wine bottler's
  permit, wholesaler's permit, general class B wholesaler's permit,
  manufacturer's license, nonresident manufacturer's license, or
  general distributor's license, or the agent or employee of the
  person, may:
               (1)  offer to consumers branded prizes, premiums, or
  gifts, including novelty items, that:
                     (A)  are designed to advertise or promote a
  specific product or brand;
                     (B)  have a limited value, which the commission
  may establish by rule; and
                     (C)  are not prohibited by Section 102.07(d);
               (2)  package alcoholic beverages in combination with
  other items if the package is designed to be delivered intact to the
  ultimate consumer and the additional items are branded and have no
  value or benefit to the retailer other than that of having the
  potential of attracting purchases and promoting sales; and
               (3)  provide a retailer with branded advertising
  specialties designed to advertise or promote a specific product or
  brand, the value of which may not exceed $101 per retailer, per
  brand, per calendar year.
         (b)  Persons authorized to provide advertising specialties
  under Subsection (a)(3) may not pool or combine their dollar
  limitations to provide a retailer with advertising specialties
  valued in excess of the maximum permitted by that subdivision.
         (c)  Not more than once a year, the administrator on the
  administrator's own motion or on the motion of a permittee or
  licensee may increase or decrease the total amount of advertising
  specialties permitted under Subsection (a)(3) by not more than six
  percent based on the consumer price index and previous adjustments,
  if any. For the purposes of this subsection, "consumer price index"
  means the annual average over a calendar year of the consumer price
  index (all items, United States city average) published monthly by
  the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor,
  or its successor in function.
         SECTION 4.  Section 108.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 108.06.  PRIZES AND PREMIUMS. No manufacturer or
  distributor, directly or indirectly, or through a subsidiary,
  affiliate, agent, employee, officer, director, or firm member, may
  offer a prize, premium, gift, or other inducement to a retailer
  [dealer in or consumer of brewery products].
         SECTION 5.  Section 102.07(b), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.