By: West S.B. No. 966
  relating to creation of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission and the consolidation of judicial profession
  regulation; imposing penalties; authorizing fees.
         SECTION 1.01.  Title 2, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subtitle K to read as follows:
         Sec. 151.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this subtitle:
               (1)  "Certification" means a certification issued by
  the commission.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission.
               (3)  "Director" means the administrative director of
  the office.
               (4)  "License" means a license issued by the
               (5)  "Office" means the Office of Court Administration
  of the Texas Judicial System.
               (6)  "Registration" means a registration issued by the
               (7)  "Regulated person" means a person who holds a
  certification, registration, or license issued by the commission.
         Sec. 152.001.  SUNSET PROVISION. The Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission is subject to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset
  Act), but is not abolished under that chapter.  The commission shall
  be reviewed during the period in which state agencies abolished in
  2019 and every 12th year after 2019 are reviewed.
         Sec. 152.051.  ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION. The Judicial
  Branch Certification Commission is established to oversee the
  regulatory programs assigned to it by state law or by the supreme
         Sec. 152.052.  APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION. (a)  The
  commission consists of nine members appointed by the supreme court
  as follows:
               (1)  five judges, at least three of whom must be active
  judges who preside over a court that employs an official court
  reporter; and
               (2)  four public members.
         (b)  Subject to Subsection (d), public members of the
  commission are appointed as follows:
               (1)  one member selected by the supreme court from a
  list of nominees submitted by the Court Reporters Certification
  Advisory Board established under Section 154.051 to represent that
  advisory board;
               (2)  one member selected by the supreme court from a
  list of nominees submitted by the Guardianship Certification
  Advisory Board established under Section 155.051 to represent that
  advisory board;
               (3)  one member selected by the supreme court from a
  list of nominees submitted by the Process Server Certification
  Advisory Board established under Section 156.051 to represent that
  advisory board; and
               (4)  one member selected by the supreme court from a
  list of nominees submitted by the licensed court interpreter
  advisory board established under Section 157.051 to represent that
  advisory board.
         (c)  In making an appointment under Subsection (b), the
  supreme court may reject one or more of the nominees included on a
  list submitted by an advisory board and request a new list of
  nominees that does not include any nominees in the previous list.
         (d)  The supreme court may appoint to the commission a public
  member selected by the supreme court if:
               (1)  an advisory board fails to provide the list of
  nominees in the time required by the supreme court; or
               (2)  a selected nominee does not otherwise meet the
  qualifications required by this chapter.
         (e)  Appointments to the commission shall be made without
  regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
  national origin of the appointee.
         (f)  A member appointed to the commission must be
  knowledgeable about the professions certified by the commission.
         Sec. 152.053.  CONFLICT PROVISIONS. (a)  In this section,
  "Texas trade association" means a cooperative and voluntarily
  joined statewide association of business or professional
  competitors in this state designed to assist its members and its
  industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or
  professional problems and in promoting their common interest.
         (b)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a member of
  the commission if the person or the person's spouse:
               (1)  is employed by or participates in the management
  of a business entity or other organization receiving funds from the
               (2)  owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more
  than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other
  organization receiving funds from the commission; or
               (3)  uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible
  goods, services, or funds from the commission, other than
  compensation or reimbursement authorized by law for commission
  membership, attendance, or expenses.
         (c)  A person may not serve as a member of the commission or
  act as the general counsel to the commission if the person is
  required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305 because of the
  person's activities for compensation on behalf of a profession
  related to the operation of the commission.
         (d)  A person may not be a member of the commission and may
  not be a commission employee employed in a "bona fide executive,
  administrative, or professional capacity," as that phrase is used
  for purposes of establishing an exemption to the overtime
  provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29
  U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.), if:
               (1)  the person is an officer, employee, or paid
  consultant of a Texas trade association in the legal profession; or
               (2)  the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or paid
  consultant of a Texas trade association in the legal profession.
         Sec. 152.054.  TRAINING. (a)  A person who is appointed to
  and qualifies for office as a member of the commission may not vote,
  deliberate, or be counted as a member in attendance at a meeting of
  the commission until the person completes a training program that
  complies with this section.
         (b)  The training program must provide the person with
  information regarding:
               (1)  this subtitle and the rules of the commission,
  with an emphasis on the rules that relate to the commission's
  disciplinary and investigatory authority;
               (2)  rules of ethics, codes of conduct, and other rules
  adopted by the supreme court that are applicable to each profession
  regulated or subject to oversight by the commission;
               (3)  the role and functions of the commission;
               (4)  the current budget for the commission;
               (5)  the results of the most recent formal audit of the
  commission; and
               (6)  any ethics policies applicable to the commission
  and adopted by the commission or supreme court.
         (c)  A person appointed to the commission is entitled to
  reimbursement, as provided by the General Appropriations Act, for
  the travel expenses incurred in attending the training program
  regardless of whether the attendance at the program occurs before
  or after the person qualifies for office.
         Sec. 152.055.  TERMS; VACANCY; REMOVAL.  (a)  Members of the
  commission serve staggered six-year terms. The terms of three
  members expire on February 1 of each odd-numbered year.
         (b)  If a vacancy occurs during a member's term, the supreme
  court shall appoint a similarly qualified person to fill the
  unexpired term.
         (c)  The supreme court may remove a member of the commission
  for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office.
         Sec. 152.056.  PRESIDING OFFICER. The supreme court shall
  designate a member of the commission as presiding officer of the
  commission to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the supreme
         Sec. 152.057.  COMPENSATION; REIMBURSEMENT. (a)  A
  commission member may not receive compensation for service on the
         (b)  A commission member is entitled to reimbursement for
  travel expenses and other actual and necessary expenses incurred in
  performing functions as a commission member, subject to any
  applicable limitation on reimbursement provided by the General
  Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 152.058.  MEETINGS. (a)  The commission shall meet at
  least once in each quarter of the fiscal year.
         (b)  The commission may meet at other times at the call of the
  presiding officer or as provided by commission rules.
         Sec. 152.059.  PUBLIC TESTIMONY. The commission shall
  develop and implement policies that provide the public with a
  reasonable opportunity to appear before the commission and to speak
  on any issue under the jurisdiction of the commission.
         Sec. 152.101.  RULES. The supreme court may adopt rules
  consistent with this subtitle, including rules governing the
  certification, registration, licensing, and conduct of persons
  regulated under this subtitle.  The supreme court may authorize the
  commission to adopt rules as the supreme court considers
  appropriate or as otherwise specified under this subtitle.
  BIDDING. (a)  Subject to any rules related to ethics or
  professional conduct promulgated by the supreme court, the supreme
  court may not adopt rules restricting advertising or competitive
  bidding by a holder of a certification, registration, or license
  except to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  In its rules to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive
  practices, the supreme court may not include a rule that:
               (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;
               (2)  restricts the use of a regulated person's personal
  appearance or voice in an advertisement;
               (3)  relates to the size or duration of an
  advertisement by the regulated person; or
               (4)  restricts the regulated person's advertisement
  under a trade name.
         Sec. 152.103.  ADMINISTRATIVE ATTACHMENT. (a)  The
  commission is administratively attached to the office.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, the office shall:
               (1)  provide administrative assistance, services, and
  materials to the commission, including budget planning and
               (2)  accept, deposit, and disburse money made available
  to the commission;
               (3)  reimburse the travel expenses and other actual and
  necessary expenses of commission members incurred in the
  performance of official commission duties, as provided by the
  General Appropriations Act; and
               (4)  provide the commission with adequate computer
  equipment and support.
         Sec. 152.104.  DIRECTOR. The director shall:
               (1)  perform any duty assigned by the commission and
  other duties specified by law; and
               (2)  administer and enforce the commission's programs.
         Sec. 152.105.  DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES. The commission
  shall develop and implement policies that clearly separate the
  policy-making responsibilities of the commission and the
  management responsibilities of the director and the staff of the
         Sec. 152.106.  USE OF TECHNOLOGY. The commission shall
  implement a policy requiring the commission to use appropriate
  technological solutions to improve the commission's ability to
  perform its functions. The policy must ensure that the public is
  able to interact with the commission on the Internet.
  director or the director's designee shall provide to members of the
  commission and to office employees, as often as necessary,
  information regarding the requirements for service or employment
  under this subtitle, including information regarding a person's
  responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards of
  conduct for state officers or employees.
         Sec. 152.108.  PUBLIC INTEREST INFORMATION. (a)  The
  commission shall prepare information of public interest describing
  the functions of the commission under this subtitle and the
  procedure by which complaints are filed and resolved under this
         (b)  The commission shall make the information available to
  the public and appropriate state agencies.
         Sec. 152.109.  COMPLAINTS. (a)  The commission shall
  establish methods by which consumers are notified of the name,
  mailing address, and telephone number of the commission for the
  purpose of directing complaints about persons regulated under this
  subtitle to the commission.
         (b)  The commission shall list with its regular telephone
  number any toll-free telephone number established under other state
  law that may be called to present a complaint about a person
  regulated under this subtitle.
         Sec. 152.110.  RECORDS OF COMPLAINTS. (a)  The commission
  shall maintain a file on each written complaint filed with the
  commission under this subtitle.  The file must include:
               (1)  the name of the person who filed the complaint;
               (2)  the date the complaint is received by the
               (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
               (4)  the name of each person contacted in relation to
  the complaint;
               (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
  investigation of the complaint; and
               (6)  an explanation of the reason the file was closed,
  if the commission closed the file without taking action other than
  to investigate the complaint.
         (b)  The commission shall provide to the person filing the
  complaint and to each person who is a subject of the complaint a
  copy of the commission's policies and procedures relating to
  complaint investigation and resolution.  A person who reports a
  complaint by telephone shall be given information on how to file a
  written complaint.
         (c)  The commission, at least quarterly and until final
  disposition of the complaint, shall notify the person filing the
  complaint and each person who is a subject of the complaint of the
  status of the investigation unless the notice would jeopardize an
  ongoing investigation.
         Sec. 152.111.  COMPLAINT DISMISSAL. (a)  The commission may
  adopt a policy allowing office employees to dismiss complaints
               (1)  clearly do not allege misconduct; or
               (2)  are not within the commission's jurisdiction.
         (b)  Office employees shall inform the commission of all
  dismissals made under this section.
         (c)  A person who files a complaint that is dismissed under
  this section may request that the commission reconsider the
  (a)  The commission shall develop and implement a policy to
  encourage the use of appropriate alternative dispute resolution
  procedures to assist in the resolution of internal and external
  disputes under the commission's jurisdiction.
         (b)  The procedures relating to alternative dispute
  resolution under this section must conform, to the extent possible,
  to any model guidelines issued by the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings for the use of alternative dispute
  resolution by state agencies.
         Sec. 152.151.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. (a)  The
  commission shall:
               (1)  administer and enforce this subtitle;
               (2)  in consultation with appropriate advisory boards,
  develop and recommend rules to the supreme court;
               (3)  in consultation with appropriate advisory boards,
  develop and recommend to the supreme court a code of ethics for each
  profession regulated under this subtitle;
               (4)  set fees in amounts reasonable and necessary to
  cover the costs of administering the programs or activities
  administered by the commission, including examinations and
  issuance and renewal of certifications, registrations, and
  licenses; and
               (5)  in consultation with appropriate advisory boards,
  establish qualifications for certification, registration, and
  licensing under this subtitle.
         (b)  The commission may:
               (1)  require applicants for certification,
  registration, or licensing under this subtitle to pass an
  examination that is developed and administered by the commission,
  or by the commission in conjunction with a person with whom the
  commission contracts to develop and administer the examination, and
  charge fees for the examination;
               (2)  require regulated persons to obtain continuing
  education; and
               (3)  appoint necessary committees.
         Sec. 152.152.  ADVISORY BOARDS. (a)  In addition to the
  advisory boards specifically established under this subtitle, the
  commission may establish other advisory boards to advise the
  commission on policy and persons regulated under this subtitle.
         (b)  An advisory board established under this subtitle,
  including under this section, shall meet at least once each year and
  at the call of the presiding officer.
         (c)  An advisory board established under this subtitle,
  including under this section, shall assist the commission by
  developing and recommending rules to the commission.  The advisory
  board may establish subcommittees to fulfill the duties imposed
  under this subsection.
         (d)  An advisory board member serves without compensation
  but is entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses and other
  actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing functions as
  an advisory board member, subject to any applicable limitation on
  reimbursement provided by the General Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 152.201.  EXAMINATIONS. (a)  Not later than the 30th
  day after the date a person takes an examination, the commission
  shall notify the person of the results of the examination.
         (b)  If the examination is graded or reviewed by a testing
               (1)  the commission shall notify the person of the
  results of the examination not later than the 30th day after the
  date the commission receives the results from the testing service;
               (2)  if notice of the examination results will be
  delayed for longer than 90 days after the examination date, the
  commission shall notify the person of the reason for the delay
  before the 90th day.
         (c)  The commission may require a testing service to:
               (1)  notify a person of the results of the person's
  examination; or
               (2)  collect a fee for administering an examination
  from a person taking the examination.
         (d)  If requested in writing by a person who fails an
  examination, the commission shall furnish the person with an
  analysis of the person's performance on the examination.
         Sec. 152.202.  ENDORSEMENT; RECIPROCITY. (a)  The
  commission may waive any prerequisite to obtaining a certification,
  registration, or license for an applicant after reviewing the
  applicant's credentials and determining that the applicant holds a
  certification, registration, or license issued by another
  jurisdiction that has certification, registration, or licensing
  requirements substantially equivalent to those of this state.
         (b)  The commission may waive any prerequisite to obtaining a
  certification, registration, or license for an applicant who holds
  a certification, registration, or license issued by another
  jurisdiction with which this state has a reciprocity agreement.
  The commission may make an agreement, subject to the approval of the
  supreme court, with another state to allow for certification,
  registration, or licensing by reciprocity.
         Sec. 152.203.  RULES ON INELIGIBILITY. The supreme court
  shall adopt rules on applicants' ineligibility for certification,
  registration, or licensing under this subtitle based on the
  person's criminal history or other information that indicates the
  person lacks the honesty, trustworthiness, or integrity to hold the
  certification, registration, or license.
         Sec. 152.204.  CONTINUING EDUCATION. (a)  The supreme court
  may authorize and the commission by rule may require continuing
  professional education for persons regulated under this subtitle.
         (b)  The rules for continuing professional education adopted
  by the commission may include standards relating to:
               (1)  reporting by regulated persons or by providers of
  continuing professional education;
               (2)  continuing professional education course content;
               (3)  the minimum number of continuing professional
  education hours required.
         (c)  The commission by rule may exempt certain persons,
  including retired persons and persons with disabilities, from all
  or a portion of the continuing education requirements.
         Sec. 152.205.  CODE OF ETHICS. (a)  The commission shall
  develop and recommend to the supreme court for adoption by rule a
  code of ethics for persons regulated under this subtitle. In
  developing the code of ethics, the commission may use the codes of
  ethics adopted by state or national associations as models.
         (b)  The commission shall publish the code of ethics after
  adoption by the supreme court.
         (c)  After publishing the code of ethics, the commission
  shall propose to the supreme court a rule stating that a person who
  violates the code of ethics is subject to an administrative penalty
  assessed under Chapter 153.
         (d)  The commission shall update the code of ethics as
  necessary to reflect changes in technology or other factors
  affecting a profession regulated under this subtitle.
         Sec. 153.001.  INVESTIGATIONS. The commission may conduct
  investigations as necessary to enforce the laws administered by the
         Sec. 153.002.  SUBPOENAS. (a)  The commission may issue a
  subpoena as provided by this section.
         (b)  The commission may request and, if necessary, compel by
               (1)  the production for inspection and copying of
  records, documents, and other evidence relevant to the
  investigation of an alleged violation of this subtitle, a law
  establishing a regulatory program administered by the commission, a
  rule adopted under this subtitle, or an order issued by the
  commission or director; and
               (2)  the attendance of a witness for examination under
         (c)  A subpoena under this section may be issued throughout
  this state and may be served by any person designated by the
  commission or the director.
         (d)  The commission, acting through the attorney general,
  may bring an action to enforce a subpoena issued under this section
  against a person who fails to comply with the subpoena.
         (e)  Venue for an action brought under this section is in a
  district court in:
               (1)  Travis County; or
               (2)  any county in which the commission may hold a
         (f)  The court shall order compliance with the subpoena if
  the court finds that good cause exists to issue the subpoena.
         Sec. 153.003.  CEASE AND DESIST ORDER. The director may
  issue a cease and desist order if the director determines that the
  action is necessary to prevent a violation of:
               (1)  this subtitle;
               (2)  a law establishing a regulatory program
  administered by the commission; or
               (3)  a rule adopted under this subtitle or order issued
  by the commission or the director.
  RENEW; REPRIMAND; PROBATION.  (a)  The commission may deny, revoke,
  suspend, or refuse to renew a certification, registration, or
  license or may reprimand a regulated person for a violation of this
  subtitle, a law establishing a regulatory program administered by
  the commission, a rule adopted under this subtitle, or an order
  issued by the commission or director.
         (b)  The commission may place on probation a person whose
  certification, registration, or license is suspended. If a
  certification, registration, or license suspension is probated,
  the commission may require the person to:
               (1)  report regularly to the commission on matters that
  are the basis of the probation;
               (2)  limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
  commission; or
               (3)  continue or review professional education until
  the person attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the commission
  in those areas that are the basis for the probation.
         Sec. 153.005.  INJUNCTION. (a)  The commission may apply to
  a district court in any county for an injunction to restrain a
  violation of this subtitle or a rule adopted under this subtitle by
  a person.
         (b)  At the request of the commission, the attorney general
  shall initiate and conduct an action in a district court in the
  state's name to obtain an injunction under this section.
         (c)  If the state prevails in a suit under this section, the
  attorney general may recover on behalf of the state reasonable
  attorney's fees, court costs, and reasonable investigative costs
  incurred in relation to the proceeding.
         Sec. 153.051.  IMPOSITION OF PENALTY. (a)  The commission
  may impose an administrative penalty on a person regulated under
  this subtitle who violates this subtitle or a rule or standard
  adopted or order issued under this subtitle.
         (b)  A proceeding under this subchapter imposing an
  administrative penalty may be combined with a proceeding to impose
  an administrative sanction otherwise imposed under this subtitle.
  If an administrative sanction is imposed in a proceeding under this
  subchapter, the requirements of this subchapter apply to the
  imposition of the sanction.
         Sec. 153.052.  AMOUNT OF PENALTY. (a)  The amount of an
  administrative penalty may not exceed $500 for each violation, and
  each day a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for
  purposes of imposing a penalty.
         (b)  The amount shall be based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
  nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
               (2)  the threat to health or safety caused by the
               (3)  any previous violations;
               (4)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (5)  whether the violator demonstrated good faith,
  including when applicable whether the violator made good faith
  efforts to correct the violation; and
               (6)  any other matter that justice may require.
  SANCTION. (a)  The commission shall:
               (1)  appoint a committee of advisory board members to
  review a complaint, make the initial determination on whether a
  violation occurred, and recommend the imposition of a penalty, a
  sanction, or both for violations;
               (2)  review the determination and recommendation of the
  committee and accept or revise as necessary the determination and
  recommendation; and
               (3)  give to the person who is the subject of the
  complaint written notice by certified mail of the commission's
  determination on whether a violation occurred and each recommended
  penalty or sanction, if any.
         (b)  The notice required under Subsection (a) must:
               (1)  include a brief summary of the alleged violation;
               (2)  state the amount of any recommended penalty;
               (3)  state any recommended sanction; and
               (4)  inform the person of the person's right to a
  hearing on the occurrence of the violation, the amount of the
  penalty, the imposition of the sanction, or any combination.
  REQUESTED. (a)  Not later than the 20th day after the date the
  person receives the notice sent under Section 153.053, the person
  in writing may:
               (1)  accept the determination of the commission and
  recommended penalty or sanction; or
               (2)  make a request for a hearing on the occurrence of
  the violation, the imposition or amount of the penalty, the
  imposition of the sanction, or any combination.
         (b)  If the person accepts the determination and recommended
  penalty or sanction or if the person fails to respond to the notice,
  the commission by order shall approve the determination and impose
  the recommended penalty or sanction.
         Sec. 153.055.  NOTICE; HEARING.  (a)  If the person requests
  a hearing, the commission shall give to the person written notice of
  the hearing that includes the time, place, legal authority, and
  jurisdiction under which the hearing is held and the laws and rules
  related to the violation.
         (b)  The person may appear, present evidence, and respond to
  questions from the commission at the hearing.
         (c)  The commission shall make findings of fact and
  conclusions of law and promptly issue an order on the occurrence of
  the violation, the amount of any penalty imposed, and the
  imposition of any sanction.  The commission shall give the person
  notice of the order.
         (d)  On approval of the supreme court, the commission may
  adopt rules governing the hearing, including rules on appearance by
         (e)  The presiding officer of the commission may hold
  prehearing conferences.
         (f)  The notice of the commission's order under Subsection
  (c) must include a statement of the right of the person to appeal
  the order under Section 153.058.
         (g)  On request of the commission, at least one member of the
  applicable advisory board committee shall attend the hearing to
  consult with the commission on the reasons for the advisory board
  committee's recommendations under Section 153.053(a).
         (h)  At the hearing, the commission shall apply the general
  rules of evidence applicable in a district court, except that the
  commission may admit and consider any information the commission
  determines is relevant, trustworthy, and necessary for a full and
  fair adjudication and determination of fact or law.
  APPEAL. Not later than the 30th day after the date the order of the
  commission imposing an administrative penalty or sanction under
  Section 153.055 becomes final, the person shall:
               (1)  pay the penalty or accept the sanction; or
               (2)  file an appeal of the commission's order
  contesting the occurrence of the violation, the imposition or
  amount of the penalty, the imposition of the sanction, or any
         Sec. 153.057.  COLLECTION OF PENALTY. (a)  If the person
  does not pay the penalty and the enforcement of the penalty is not
  stayed in accordance with supreme court rules, the penalty may be
         (b)  The attorney general may sue to collect the penalty and
  may recover reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees,
  incurred in recovering the penalty.
         (c)  A penalty collected under this subchapter shall be
  deposited in the state treasury in the general revenue fund.
         Sec. 153.058.  APPEAL OF DECISION. (a)  The supreme court
  shall adopt rules governing appeals under this subchapter.
         (b)  The rules must require the appeal to be made to a special
  committee consisting of three regional presiding judges. If the
  alleged violation involves a certified guardian, the committee must
  consist of two regional presiding judges and the presiding judge of
  the statutory probate courts.
         (c)  An appeal must be filed not later than the 30th day after
  the date the commission's order is issued.
         (d)  The special committee shall consider the appeal under an
  abuse of discretion standard of review for all issues except issues
  involving questions of law. The standard of review for issues
  involving questions of law is de novo.
         (e)  The special committee may confer in writing with a
  certification, registration, or license holder who is in the same
  profession as the person appealing the commission's order if the
  special committee provides to the person:
               (1)  notice of the special committee's request for
  information; and
               (2)  a copy of the certification, registration, or
  license holder's response.
         (f)  If the special committee sustains the finding that a
  violation occurred, the special committee may:
               (1)  uphold or reduce the amount of any penalty and
  order the person to pay the full or reduced amount of the penalty;
               (2)  uphold or reduce any sanction and order the
  imposition of the sanction.
         (g)  If the special committee does not sustain the finding
  that a violation occurred, the special committee shall order that a
  penalty is not owed and that a sanction may not be imposed.
         Sec. 153.059.  REMITTANCE OF PENALTY AND INTEREST. (a)  If
  the person paid the penalty and if the amount of the penalty is
  reduced or the penalty is not upheld by the special committee, the
  special committee shall order that the appropriate amount plus
  accrued interest be remitted to the person not later than the 30th
  day after the date the judgment of the special committee becomes
         (b)  The interest accrues at the rate charged on loans to
  depository institutions by the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
         (c)  The interest shall be paid for the period beginning on
  the date the penalty is paid and ending on the date the penalty is
         Sec. 154.001.  DEFINITIONS. (a)  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" means the Court Reporters
  Certification Advisory Board.
               (2)  "Certification" means, notwithstanding Section
  151.001, a certification issued by the supreme court on the
  commission's recommendation.
               (3)  "Official court reporter" means the shorthand
  reporter appointed by a judge as the official court reporter.
               (4)  "Shorthand reporter" and "court reporter" mean a
  person who engages in shorthand reporting.
               (5)  "Shorthand reporting" and "court reporting" mean
  the practice of shorthand reporting for use in litigation in the
  courts of this state by making a verbatim record of an oral court
  proceeding, deposition, or proceeding before a grand jury, referee,
  or court commissioner using written symbols in shorthand, machine
  shorthand, or oral stenography.
               (6)  "Shorthand reporting firm," "court reporting
  firm," and "affiliate office" mean an entity wholly or partly in the
  business of providing court reporting or other related services in
  this state.
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(6), a court reporting
  firm, shorthand reporting firm, or affiliate office is considered
  to be providing court reporting or other related services in this
  state if:
               (1)  any act that constitutes a court reporting service
  or shorthand reporting service occurs wholly or partly in this
               (2)  the firm or affiliate office recruits a resident
  of this state through an intermediary located inside or outside of
  this state to provide court reporting services, shorthand reporting
  services, or other related services in this state; or
               (3)  the firm or affiliate office contracts with a
  resident of this state by mail or otherwise and either party is to
  perform court reporting services, shorthand reporting services, or
  other related services wholly or partly in this state.
         Sec. 154.002.  RULES. The supreme court may adopt rules
  consistent with this subtitle, including rules governing:
               (1)  the certification and conduct of official and
  deputy court reporters and shorthand reporters; and
               (2)  the registration and conduct of court reporting
  and shorthand reporting firms.
         SECTION 1.02.  Chapter 154, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, is amended by adding Subchapter B, and a heading is added
  to that subchapter to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.03.  Sections 52.011 and 52.0111, Government Code,
  are transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 154, Government Code, as
  added by this Act, redesignated as Sections 154.051 and 154.052,
  Government Code, and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.051 [52.011].  ORGANIZATION. (a)  The Court
  Reporters Certification Advisory Board is established as an
  advisory board to the commission. The advisory board is composed of
  at least seven members appointed by the supreme court as follows 
  [and is composed of]:
               (1)  one active district judge presiding over a court
  that employs an official court reporter [who serves as chairman];
               (2)  one [two] active attorney [attorneys] licensed in
  this state who has [have] been a practicing member [members] of the
  State Bar for more than the five years immediately preceding the
  attorney's [their] appointment to the advisory board;
               (3)  two active official court reporters who have
  practiced shorthand reporting in this state for more than the five
  years immediately preceding their appointment to the advisory 
               (4)  two active certified shorthand reporters who work
  on a freelance basis and who have practiced shorthand reporting for
  more than the five years immediately preceding their appointment to
  the advisory board; and
               (5)  one representative of a shorthand reporting firm
  [that is not owned by a certified shorthand reporter and] that has
  operated as a shorthand reporting firm in this state for more than
  the three years immediately preceding the representative's
  appointment to the advisory board[;
               [(6)     one representative of a shorthand reporting firm
  that is owned by a certified shorthand reporter and that has
  operated as a shorthand reporting firm in this state for more than
  the three years immediately preceding the representative's
  appointment to the board; and
               [(7)     four members who are representatives of the
  general public].
         (b)  Appointments to the advisory board shall be made without
  regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
  national origin of the appointees.
         (c)  The advisory board member appointed under Subsection
  (a)(1) serves as presiding officer of the advisory board. [A person
  may not be a member of the board or act as the general counsel to the
  board if the person is:
               [(1)     required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter
  305 because of the person's activities for compensation on behalf
  of a profession related to the operation of the board; or
               [(2)     an owner, officer, or employee of a school or
  institution engaged in instructing persons in shorthand reporting
         (d)  A majority of the advisory board constitutes a quorum. 
  [In this subsection, "Texas trade association" means a cooperative
  and voluntarily joined statewide association of business or
  professional competitors in this state designed to assist its
  members and its industry or profession in dealing with mutual
  business or professional problems and in promoting their common
  interest. A person may not be a member of the board and may not be a
  board employee employed in a "bona fide executive, administrative,
  or professional capacity," as that phrase is used for purposes of
  establishing an exemption to the overtime provisions of the federal
  Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.),
  and its subsequent amendments, if:
               [(1)     the person is an officer, employee, or paid
  consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of shorthand
  reporting; or
               [(2)     the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or
  paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of
  shorthand reporting.]
         (e)  Advisory board [A person may not be a public member of
  the board if the person or the person's spouse:
               [(1)  is a judge;
               [(2)  is licensed to practice law in this state;
               [(3)  is registered or certified by the board;
               [(4)  is an elected public official;
               [(5)  is a full-time governmental employee;
               [(6)     is employed by or participates in the management
  of a business entity or other organization regulated by or
  receiving money from the board;
               [(7)     owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more
  than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other
  organization regulated by or receiving money from the board; or
               [(8)     uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible
  goods, services, or money from the board other than compensation or
  reimbursement authorized by law for board membership, attendance,
  or expenses.
         [(f)  Board] members serve staggered six-year terms of
  office as ordered by the supreme court[, with the terms of two or
  three members expiring on December 31 of each year].
         (f)  [(g)     A member holds office until that member's
  successor is appointed and has qualified for office. A board member
  may not be appointed to an immediately succeeding term unless the
  member has served less than three consecutive years.
         [(h)]  If a vacancy occurs on the advisory board, the supreme
  court shall appoint a similarly qualified person to serve the
  remainder of the term.
         (g)  Advisory board [(i)  Board] members serve without
  compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses
  and other actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
  of official advisory [traveling and performing official] board
  duties, as provided by the General Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 154.052 [52.0111].  ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER TRAINING.
  (a)  A person who is appointed to and qualifies for office as a
  member of the advisory board may not vote, deliberate, or be counted
  as a member in attendance at a meeting of the advisory board until
  the person completes a training program that complies with this
         (b)  The training program must provide the person with
  information regarding:
               (1)  this chapter [the legislation that created the
               (2)  [the programs operated by the board;
               [(3)]  the role and functions of the advisory board;
               (3) [(4)]  the rules of the commission [board], with an
  emphasis on the rules that relate to disciplinary and investigatory
  authority; and
               (4) [(5)  the current budget for the board;
               [(6)     the results of the most recent formal audit of the
               [(7)  the requirements of:
                     [(A)  the open meetings law, Chapter 551;
                     [(B)  the public information law, Chapter 552;
                     [(C)     the administrative procedure law, Chapter
  2001; and
                     [(D)     other laws relating to public officials,
  including conflict-of-interest laws; and
               [(8)]  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
  commission [board or the Texas Ethics Commission].
         (c)  A person appointed to the advisory board is entitled to
  reimbursement, as provided by the General Appropriations Act, for
  the travel expenses incurred in attending the training program
  regardless of whether the attendance at the program occurs before
  or after the person qualifies for office.
         SECTION 1.04.  Subchapter C, Chapter 52, Government Code, is
  transferred to Chapter 154, Government Code, as added by this Act,
  redesignated as Subchapter C, Chapter 154, Government Code, and
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.101 [52.021].  CERTIFICATION OF REPORTERS. (a)  A
  person may not be appointed an official court reporter or a deputy
  court reporter unless the person is certified as a shorthand
  reporter by the supreme court.
         (b)  A person may not engage in shorthand reporting in this
  state unless the person is certified as a shorthand reporter by the
  supreme court.
         (c)  A certification issued under this chapter must be for
  one or more of the following methods of shorthand reporting:
               (1)  written shorthand;
               (2)  machine shorthand;
               (3)  oral stenography; or
               (4)  any other method of shorthand reporting authorized
  by the supreme court.
         (d)  A person certified under state law as a court reporter 
  [this chapter] before September 1, 1983, may retain a general
  certification authorizing the person to use any authorized method
  of shorthand reporting. The person must keep the certification in
  continuous effect.
         (e)  A person may not assume or use the title or designation
  "court recorder," "court reporter," or "shorthand reporter," or any
  abbreviation, title, designation, words, letters, sign, card, or
  device tending to indicate that the person is a court reporter or
  shorthand reporter, unless the person is certified as a shorthand
  reporter by the supreme court. Nothing in this subsection shall be
  construed to either sanction or prohibit the use of electronic
  court recording equipment operated by a noncertified court reporter
  pursuant and according to rules adopted or approved by the supreme
         (f)  Except as provided by Section 154.112 [52.031] and by
  Section 20.001, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, all depositions
  conducted in this state must be recorded by a certified shorthand
         (g)  The commission [board] may enforce this section by
  seeking an injunction or by filing a complaint against a person who
  is not certified by the supreme court in the district court of the
  county in which that person resides or Travis County. Said action
  for an injunction shall be in addition to any other action,
  proceeding, or remedy authorized by law. The commission [board]
  shall be represented by the attorney general and/or the county or
  district attorney of this state, or counsel designated and
  empowered by the commission [board].
         (h)  A court reporting firm shall register with the
  commission [board] by completing an application in a form adopted
  by the commission [board].
         (i)  Rules applicable to a court reporter are also applicable
  to a court reporting firm. The commission [board] may enforce this
  subsection by assessing a reasonable fee against a court reporting
  firm. This subsection does not apply to court reporting services
  performed outside of this state by a foreign shorthand reporter who
  is not certified in this state for use in a court proceeding in this
  state, provided that the work resulting from those services is
  produced and billed wholly outside of this state.
         [Sec.   52.0211.     RULES ON CONSEQUENCES OF CRIMINAL
  CONVICTION. (a)     Chapter 53, Occupations Code, applies to an
  applicant for or a holder of a certification or registration under
  this chapter, notwithstanding Section 53.002, Occupations Code.
         [(b)     The supreme court shall adopt rules necessary to comply
  with Chapter 53, Occupations Code.]
         Sec. 154.102 [52.022].  APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION. A
  person seeking certification must file an application for
  examination with the commission [board] not later than the 30th day
  before the date fixed for the examination. The application must be
  accompanied by the required fee.
         Sec. 154.103 [52.023].  EXAMINATION. (a)  The examination
  for certification in one or more of the authorized methods of
  shorthand reporting consists of two parts, designated Part A and
  Part B.
         (b)  Part A consists of five minutes of two-voice dictation
  of questions and answers given at 225 words per minute, five minutes
  of dictation of jury charges given at 200 words per minute, and five
  minutes of dictation of selected literary material given at 180
  words per minute. Each applicant must personally take down the test
  material, either in writing or in voice, and must prepare a
  transcript of the material taken down.  The minimum passing grade
  for each section of Part A is 95 percent. A dictionary may be used
  during Part A.  Each applicant has three hours to complete the
  transcription of Part A.  If an applicant finishes before the three
  hours have elapsed, the applicant may review the transcript but may
  use only the test material taken down by that applicant to review
  the transcript. An error is charged for:
               (1)  each wrong word;
               (2)  each omitted word;
               (3)  each word added by the applicant that was not
               (4)  each contraction interpreted by the applicant as
  two words;
               (5)  two words interpreted by the applicant as a
               (6)  each misplaced word;
               (7)  each misplaced period that materially alters the
  sense of a group of words or a sentence;
               (8)  each misspelled word;
               (9)  the use of the plural or singular if the opposite
  was dictated; and
               (10)  each wrong number.
         (c)  Part B consists of objective questions relating to
  elementary aspects of shorthand reporting, spelling, and grammar.
  The minimum passing grade for Part B is 75 percent. A dictionary
  may not be used during Part B.
         (d)  An applicant who cheats on the examination is
  disqualified and may not take the examination again until two years
  have elapsed from the date of the examination at which the applicant
  was disqualified.
         [Sec.   52.0231.     EXAMINATION RESULTS. (a)     Not later than
  the 30th day after the date a person takes an examination under this
  chapter, the board shall notify the person of the results of the
         [(b)     If the examination is graded or reviewed by a testing
               [(1)     the board shall notify the person of the results
  of the examination not later than the 30th day after the date the
  board receives the results from the testing service; and
               [(2)     if notice of the examination results will be
  delayed for longer than 90 days after the examination date, the
  board shall notify the person of the reason for the delay before the
  90th day.
         [(c)     The board may require a testing service to notify a
  person of the results of the person's examination.
         [(d)     If requested in writing by a person who fails an
  examination administered under this chapter, the board shall
  furnish the person with an analysis of the person's performance on
  the examination.]
         Sec. 154.104 [52.024].  CERTIFICATION TO SUPREME COURT.
  [(a)]  The commission [board] shall certify to the supreme court
  the name of each qualified applicant who has passed the
  BY ENDORSEMENT. (a)     The board may waive any prerequisite to
  certification for an applicant after reviewing the applicant's
  credentials and determining that the applicant holds a license or
  certification issued by another jurisdiction that has licensing or
  certification requirements substantially equivalent to those of
  this state.
         [(b)     The board may waive any prerequisite to certification
  for an applicant who holds a license or certification issued by
  another jurisdiction with which this state has a reciprocity
  agreement. The board may make an agreement, subject to the approval
  of the supreme court, with another state to allow for certification
  by reciprocity.]
         Sec. 154.105 [52.025].  TITLE; OATHS.  (a)  On
  certification, a shorthand reporter may use the title "Certified
  Shorthand Reporter" or the abbreviation "CSR."
         (b)  A certified shorthand reporter may administer oaths to
  witnesses anywhere in this state.
         Sec. 154.106 [52.0255].  FIRM REGISTRATION. (a)  A
  shorthand reporting firm may not assume or use the title or
  designation "court recording firm," "court reporting firm," or
  "shorthand reporting firm" or any abbreviation, title,
  designation, words, letters, sign, card, or device tending to
  indicate that the firm is a court reporting firm or shorthand
  reporting firm, or offer services as a court reporting firm or
  shorthand reporting firm, unless the firm and its affiliate offices
  are registered with the commission [board] on a form prescribed by
  the commission [board] as required by this subchapter [chapter].
         (b)  The commission [board] may enforce this section against
  a firm, its affiliate office, or both, if the firm or affiliate
  office is not registered with the commission [board], by seeking an
  injunction or by filing a complaint in the district court of the
  county in which the firm or affiliate office is located or in Travis
  County. An action for an injunction is in addition to any other
  action, proceeding, or remedy authorized by law. The attorney
  general, a county or district attorney of this state, or counsel
  designated and empowered by the commission [board] shall represent
  the commission [board].
         Sec. 154.107 [52.026].  CERTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION FEE
  AND RENEWAL. (a)  A person who receives certification as a
  shorthand reporter or a shorthand reporting firm or affiliate
  office that registers with the commission [board] must pay the
  initial fee and any other required fee before receiving the
  certification or registration.
         (b)  A certification or registration expires at 12:01 a.m. on
  January 1 following the second anniversary of the date on which it
  was issued unless the certification or registration is renewed.
  Thereafter, the certification or registration expires at 12:01 a.m.
  of each second January 1 unless renewed.
         (c)  A person who is otherwise eligible to renew a
  certification or registration may renew an unexpired certification
  or registration by paying the required renewal fee to the
  commission [board] before the expiration date of the certification
  or registration. A person whose certification or registration has
  expired may not engage in activities that require a certification
  or registration until the certification or registration has been
         (d)  A person whose certification or registration has been
  expired for 90 days or less may renew the certification or
  registration by paying to the commission [board] a renewal fee that
  is equal to 1-1/2 times the normally required renewal fee.
         (e)  A person whose certification or registration has been
  expired for more than 90 days but less than one year may renew the
  certification or registration by paying to the commission [board] a
  renewal fee that is equal to two times the normally required renewal
         (f)  A person whose certification or registration has been
  expired for one year or more may not renew the certification or
  registration. The person may obtain a new certification or
  registration by complying with the requirements and procedures,
  including the examination requirements, for obtaining an original
  certification or registration.
         (g)  A person who was certified in this state, moved to
  another state, and is currently certified and has been in practice
  in the other state for the two years preceding the date of
  application may obtain a new certification without reexamination.
  The person must pay to the commission [board] a fee that is equal to
  two times the normally required renewal fee for the certification.
         (h)  Not later than the 30th day before the date a person's
  certification or registration is scheduled to expire, the
  commission [board] shall send written notice of the impending
  expiration to the person at the person's last known address
  according to the records of the commission [board].
         Sec. 154.108 [52.0261].  STAGGERED RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATION
  OR REGISTRATION. The supreme court by rule may adopt a system under
  which certifications or registrations expire on various dates
  during the year. For the year in which the certification or
  registration expiration date is changed, the commission [board]
  shall prorate certification or registration fees on a monthly basis
  so that each certification or registration holder pays only that
  portion of the certification or registration fee that is allocable
  to the number of months during which the certification or
  registration is valid. On renewal of the certification or
  registration on the new expiration date, the total certification or
  registration renewal fee is payable.
         Sec. 154.109 [52.027].  COMPLAINT. (a)  To file a complaint
  against a certified shorthand reporter or a shorthand reporting
  firm or affiliate office registered with the commission [board], a
  person must:
               (1)  have personal knowledge of the alleged violation;
               (2)  complete a complaint form provided by the
  commission [board];
               (3)  sign the completed form; and
               (4)  attach any pertinent documentary evidence to the
         (b)  On receipt of a properly executed complaint, the
  commission [board] shall furnish a copy of the complaint and any
  attachments to the shorthand reporter or shorthand reporting firm
  or affiliate office that is the subject of the complaint.
         (c)  This section does not preclude the commission [board] or
  a court of this state from filing a complaint against a certified
  shorthand reporter or a shorthand reporting firm.  An advisory
  board member may recommend to the commission a complaint to be filed
  against a certified shorthand reporter or a shorthand reporting
  firm or affiliated office registered with the commission.
         [Sec.   52.0271.     COMPLAINT DISMISSAL. (a)     The board may
  adopt a policy allowing board employees to dismiss complaints that:
               [(1)  clearly do not allege misconduct; or
               [(2)  are not within the board's jurisdiction.
         [(b)     Board employees shall inform the board of all
  dismissals made under this section.
         [(c)     A person who files a complaint that is dismissed under
  this section may request that the board reconsider the complaint.
         [Sec.   52.028.     NOTICE AND HEARING. (a)     If after receiving
  a verified complaint the board believes that a hearing on the
  complaint is advisable, the board shall set a date for the hearing
  not later than the 30th day after the date on which the board
  received the complaint.
         [(b)     Immediately after setting the date for the hearing, the
  board shall notify the shorthand reporter or shorthand reporting
  firm or affiliate office that is the subject of the complaint. The
  notice must state the cause of any contemplated disciplinary action
  and the time and place of the hearing. The notice shall be mailed to
  the registered address of the shorthand reporter or shorthand
  reporting firm or affiliate office not later than the 30th day
  before the date on which the hearing is scheduled.
         [(c)     The chairman or the chairman's designee shall preside
  at the hearing.
         [(d)     At the hearing, the board shall apply the general rules
  of evidence applicable in a district court.
         [(e)     The board shall rule on requests for continuances with
  regard to the hearing.
         [(f)     At the direction of a majority of the board, each board
  member may administer oaths, subpoena witnesses and compel their
  attendance, take evidence, and require the production of records
  relating to a matter within the board's jurisdiction.
         [(g)     The board shall produce a written summary of the
  evidence before it and a written finding of facts. The board shall
  forward a copy of its findings of fact and rulings to the
  complainant and any aggrieved party.]
         Sec. 154.110 [52.029].  DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST COURT
  REPORTERS. (a)  After receiving a complaint and giving the
  certified shorthand reporter notice and an opportunity for a
  hearing as prescribed by Subchapter B, Chapter 153 [Section
  52.028], the commission [board] shall revoke, suspend, or refuse to
  renew the shorthand reporter's certification or issue a reprimand
  to the reporter for:
               (1)  fraud or corruption;
               (2)  dishonesty;
               (3)  wilful or negligent violation or failure of duty;
               (4)  incompetence;
               (5)  fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining
               (6)  a final conviction of a felony or misdemeanor that
  directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of a certified
  court reporter, as determined by supreme court rules [adopted under
  Section 52.0211];
               (7)  engaging in the practice of shorthand reporting
  using a method for which the reporter is not certified;
               (8)  engaging in the practice of shorthand reporting
  while certification is suspended;
               (9)  unprofessional conduct, including giving directly
  or indirectly, benefiting from, or being employed as a result of any
  gift, incentive, reward, or anything of value to attorneys,
  clients, or their representatives or agents, except for nominal
  items that do not exceed $100 in the aggregate for each recipient
  each year;
               (10)  entering into or providing services under a
  prohibited contract described by Section 154.115 [52.034];
               (11)  committing any other act that violates this
  chapter or a rule or provision of the code of ethics adopted under
  this subtitle [chapter]; or
               (12)  other sufficient cause.
         (b)  The commission [board] may suspend the certification:
               (1)  for a designated period of time not to exceed 12
               (2)  until the person corrects the deficiencies that
  were the grounds for the suspension; or
               (3)  until the person complies with any conditions
  imposed by the commission [board] to ensure the person's future
  performance as a shorthand reporter.
         (c)  A suspended shorthand reporter may apply for
  reinstatement by presenting proof that:
               (1)  the designated time has expired;
               (2)  the person has corrected the deficiencies; or
               (3)  the person has complied with the conditions
  imposed by the commission [board].
         (d)  On its own motion, the commission [board] may conduct a
  hearing to inquire into a suspension. If the commission [board]
  finds that a person has not corrected the deficiencies that were the
  grounds of the suspension or has not complied with the conditions
  imposed by the commission [board], the commission [board] may
  revoke the person's certification.
         (e)  The supreme court may authorize and the commission
  [board] may adopt rules relating to the nonrenewal of the
  certification of a court reporter who is in default on a loan
  guaranteed under Chapter 57, Education Code, by the Texas
  Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation.
         (f)  The commission [board] may place on probation a person
  whose certification is suspended. If a certification suspension is
  probated, the commission [board] may require the person to:
               (1)  report regularly to the commission [board] on
  matters that are the basis of the probation;
               (2)  limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
  commission [board]; or
               (3)  continue or review professional education until
  the person attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the commission
  [board] in those areas that are the basis of the probation.
         Sec. 154.111 [52.0295].  DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST
  FIRMS. (a)  After receiving a complaint and giving the shorthand
  reporting firm or affiliate office notice and an opportunity for a
  hearing as prescribed by Subchapter B, Chapter 153 [Section
  52.028], the commission [board] shall reprimand, assess a
  reasonable fine against, or suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the
  registration of a shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office for:
               (1)  fraud or corruption;
               (2)  dishonesty;
               (3)  conduct on the part of an officer, director, or
  managerial employee of the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate
  office if the officer, director, or managerial employee orders,
  encourages, or permits conduct that the officer, director, or
  managerial employee knows or should have known violates this
  subtitle [chapter];
               (4)  conduct on the part of an officer, director, or
  managerial employee or agent of the shorthand reporting firm or
  affiliate office who has direct supervisory authority over a person
  for whom the officer, director, employee, or agent knows or should
  have known violated this subtitle [chapter] and knowingly fails to
  take reasonable remedial action to avoid or mitigate the
  consequences of the person's actions;
               (5)  fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining
               (6)  a final conviction of an officer, director, or
  managerial employee of a shorthand reporting firm or affiliate
  office for a felony or misdemeanor that is directly related to the
  provision of court reporting services, as determined by supreme
  court rules [adopted under Section 52.0211];
               (7)  engaging the services of a reporter that the
  shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office knew or should have
  known was using a method for which the reporter is not certified;
               (8)  knowingly providing court reporting services
  while the shorthand reporting firm's or affiliate office's
  registration is suspended or engaging the services of a shorthand
  reporter whose certification the shorthand reporting firm or
  affiliate office knew or should have known was suspended;
               (9)  unprofessional conduct, including a pattern of
  giving directly or indirectly or benefiting from or being employed
  as a result of giving any gift, incentive, reward, or anything of
  value to attorneys, clients, or their representatives or agents,
  except for nominal items that do not exceed $100 in the aggregate
  for each recipient each year;
               (10)  entering into or providing services under a
  prohibited contract described by Section 154.115 [52.034];
               (11)  committing any other act that violates this
  chapter or a rule or provision of the code of ethics adopted under
  this subtitle [chapter]; or
               (12)  other sufficient cause.
         (b)  Nothing in Subsection (a)(9) shall be construed to
  define providing value-added business services, including
  long-term volume discounts, such as the pricing of products and
  services, as prohibited gifts, incentives, or rewards.
         (c)  The commission [board] may suspend the registration of a
  shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office:
               (1)  for a designated period of time;
               (2)  until the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate
  office corrects the deficiencies that were the grounds for the
  suspension; or
               (3)  until the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate
  office complies with any conditions imposed by the commission
  [board] to ensure the shorthand reporting firm's or affiliate
  office's future performance.
         (d)  A shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office whose
  registration is suspended may apply for reinstatement by presenting
  proof that:
               (1)  the designated time has expired;
               (2)  the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office
  has corrected the deficiencies; or
               (3)  the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office
  has complied with the conditions imposed by the commission [board].
         (e)  On its own motion, the commission [board] may conduct a
  hearing to inquire into a suspension. If the commission [board]
  finds that a shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office has not
  corrected the deficiencies that were the grounds for the suspension
  or has not complied with the conditions imposed by the commission
  [board], the commission [board] may revoke the registration of the
  shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office.
         (f)  The commission [board] may place on probation a
  shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office whose registration is
  suspended. If a registration suspension is probated, the
  commission [board] may require the firm or office to:
               (1)  report regularly to the commission [board] on
  matters that are the basis of the probation;
               (2)  limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
  commission [board]; or
               (3)  through its officers, directors, managerial
  employees, or agents, continue or review professional education
  until those persons attain a degree of skill satisfactory to the
  commission [board] in those areas that are the basis of the
         [Sec.   52.030.     APPEAL OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION. An aggrieved
  court reporter or shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office may
  appeal a disciplinary action of the board to a district court in the
  county of the court reporter's residence or the county in which the
  shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office is located or in
  Travis County. The appeal shall be by trial de novo, with or
  without a jury. If the aggrieved person is the official or deputy
  court reporter of the court in which the appeal will be heard or if
  the shorthand reporting firm or affiliate office provides the
  official or deputy court reporter of the court in which the appeal
  will be heard, the presiding judge of the administrative judicial
  region shall appoint the judge of another court or a retired judge
  to hear and determine the complaint.]
         Sec. 154.112 [52.031].  EMPLOYMENT OF NONCERTIFIED
  SHORTHAND REPORTERS. (a)  A noncertified shorthand reporter may be
  employed until a certified shorthand reporter is available.
         (b)  A noncertified shorthand reporter may report an oral
  deposition only if:
               (1)  the noncertified shorthand reporter delivers an
  affidavit to the parties or to their counsel present at the
  deposition stating that a certified shorthand reporter is not
  available; or
               (2)  the parties or their counsel stipulate on the
  record at the beginning of the deposition that a certified
  shorthand reporter is not available.
         (c)  This section does not apply to a deposition taken
  outside this state for use in this state.
         Sec. 154.113 [52.032].  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a)  Except as
  provided by Section 154.112 [52.031], a person commits an offense
  if the person engages in shorthand reporting in violation of
  Section 154.101 [52.021 of this code]. Each day of violation
  constitutes a separate offense.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         [Sec.   52.0321.     ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a)     The board may
  assess an administrative penalty against a person who violates this
  chapter or a rule or provision of the code of ethics adopted under
  this chapter.
         [(b)     In determining the amount of an administrative penalty
  assessed under this section, the board shall consider:
               [(1)  the seriousness of the violation;
               [(2)  the history of previous violations;
               [(3)  the amount necessary to deter future violations;
               [(4)  efforts made to correct the violation; and
               [(5)  any other matters that justice may require.]
         Sec. 154.114 [52.033].  EXEMPTIONS. This chapter does not
  apply to:
               (1)  a party to the litigation involved;
               (2)  the attorney of the party; or
               (3)  a full-time employee of a party or a party's
         Sec. 154.115 [52.034].  PROHIBITED CONTRACTS. (a)  A court
  reporter may not enter into or provide services under any
  contractual agreement, written or oral, exclusive or nonexclusive,
               (1)  undermines the impartiality of the court reporter;
               (2)  requires a court reporter to relinquish control of
  an original deposition transcript and copies of the transcript
  before it is certified and delivered to the custodial attorney;
               (3)  requires a court reporter to provide any service
  not made available to all parties to an action; or
               (4)  gives or appears to give an exclusive advantage to
  any party.
         (b)  This section does not apply to a contract for court
  reporting services for a court, agency, or instrumentality of the
  United States or this state.
         SECTION 1.05.  Chapter 111, Government Code, is transferred
  to Subtitle K, Title 2, Government Code, as added by this Act,
  redesignated as Chapter 155, Government Code, and amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 155.001 [111.001].  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" ["Administrative director" means
  the administrative director of the courts as appointed by Chapter
               [(2)  "Board"] means the Guardianship Certification
  Advisory Board.
               (2) [(3)]  "Corporate fiduciary" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 601, Texas Probate Code.
               (3) [(4)     "Director" means the administrative officer
  of the board, as provided by Section 111.021.
               [(5)]  "Guardian" has the meaning assigned by Section
  601, Texas Probate Code.
               (4) [(6)]  "Guardianship program" means a local,
  county, or regional program that provides guardianship and related
  services to an incapacitated person or other person who needs
  assistance in making decisions concerning the person's own welfare
  or financial affairs.
               (5) [(7)]  "Incapacitated person" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 601, Texas Probate Code.
               (6) [(8)     "Office of Court Administration" means the
  Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System.
               [(9)]  "Private professional guardian" means a person,
  other than an attorney or a corporate fiduciary, who is engaged in
  the business of providing guardianship services.
               (7) [(10)]  "Ward" has the meaning assigned by Section
  601, Texas Probate Code.
         Sec. 155.002 [111.002].  RULES. The supreme court may adopt
  rules consistent with this chapter, including rules governing the
  certification of individuals providing guardianship services.
         [Sec.   111.003.     SUNSET PROVISION. The board is subject to
  Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).   Unless continued
  in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and
  this chapter expires September 1, 2015.]
         Sec. 155.051 [111.011].  ADVISORY BOARD. (a)  The
  Guardianship Certification Advisory Board is established as an
  advisory board to the commission. The advisory board is composed of
  at least five members appointed by the supreme court[:
               [(1)  11 members appointed by the supreme court; and
               [(2)     four public members appointed by the supreme
  court from a list of nominees submitted by the governor].
         (b)  [The supreme court shall appoint members under
  Subsection (a)(1) from the different geographical areas of this
         [(c)     In making an appointment under Subsection (a)(2), the
  supreme court may reject one or more of the nominees on a list
  submitted by the governor and request a new list of different
         [(d)     To be eligible for appointment to the board other than
  as a public member, an individual must have demonstrated experience
  working with:
               [(1)  a guardianship program;
               [(2)     an organization that advocates on behalf of or in
  the interest of elderly individuals;
               [(3)     an organization that advocates on behalf of or in
  the interest of individuals with mental illness or mental
  retardation or individuals with physical disabilities; or
               [(4)  incapacitated individuals.
         [(e)  The public members of the board must be:
               [(1)     caretakers of individuals with mental illness or
  mental retardation or individuals with physical disabilities; or
               [(2)     persons who advocate on behalf of or in the
  interest of individuals with mental illness or mental retardation
  or individuals with physical disabilities.
         [(f)]  Appointments to the advisory board shall be made
  without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age,
  or national origin of the appointees.
         (c)  The supreme court shall appoint a presiding officer of
  the advisory board from among the advisory board members to serve
  for two years.
         (d)  A majority of the advisory board constitutes a quorum.
         (e)  Advisory board [(g)  The] members [of the board] serve
  for staggered six-year terms as ordered by the supreme court[, with
  the terms of one-third of the members expiring on February 1 of each
  odd-numbered year].  Advisory board [Board] members serve without
  compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses
  and other actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
  of official advisory board duties, as provided by the General
  Appropriations Act.
         [(h)     The board shall elect from among its members a
  presiding officer and other officers considered necessary.
         [(i)     The board shall meet at least quarterly at the call of
  the presiding officer.
         [(j)     Any action taken by the board must be approved by a
  majority vote of the members present.
         [Sec.   111.012.     ADMINISTRATIVE ATTACHMENT. (a)     The board
  is administratively attached to the Office of Court Administration.
         [(b)     Notwithstanding any other law, the Office of Court
  Administration shall:
               [(1)     provide administrative assistance, services, and
  materials to the board, including budget planning and purchasing;
               [(2)     accept, deposit, and disburse money made
  available to the board;
               [(3)  pay the salaries and benefits of the director;
               [(4)     reimburse the travel expenses and other actual
  and necessary expenses of the director incurred in the performance
  of a function of the board, as provided by the General
  Appropriations Act;
               [(5)     reimburse the travel expenses and other actual
  and necessary expenses of board members incurred in the performance
  of official board duties, as provided by the General Appropriations
  Act; and
               [(6)     provide the board with adequate computer
  equipment and support.
         [Sec.   111.013.     ELIGIBILITY OF PUBLIC MEMBERS. A person is
  not eligible for appointment as a public member of the board if the
  person or the person's spouse:
               [(1)  is certified by the board;
               [(2)     is registered, certified, or licensed by a
  regulatory agency in the field of guardianship;
               [(3)     is employed by or participates in the management
  of a business entity or other organization regulated by the board or
  receiving money from the Office of Court Administration;
               [(4)     owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more
  than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other
  organization regulated by the board or receiving money from the
  Office of Court Administration; or
               [(5)     uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible
  goods, services, or funds from the Office of Court Administration.
  (a)     In this section, "Texas trade association" means a cooperative
  and voluntarily joined statewide association of business or
  professional competitors in this state designed to assist its
  members and its industry or profession in dealing with mutual
  business or professional problems and in promoting their common
         [(b)     A person may not be a member of the board or may not be
  the director in a "bona fide executive, administrative, or
  professional capacity," as that phrase is used for purposes of
  establishing an exemption to the overtime provisions of the federal
  Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.),
               [(1)     the person is an officer, employee, or paid
  consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of
  guardianship; or
               [(2)     the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or
  paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of
         [(c)     A person may not be a member of the board if the person
  is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305 because of
  the person's activities for compensation on behalf of a profession
  related to the operation of the board.
         [Sec.   111.015.     GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM BOARD. (a)     It is a
  ground for removal from the board that a member:
               [(1)     does not have at the time of appointment the
  qualifications required by Section 111.011;
               [(2)     does not maintain during service on the board the
  qualifications required by Section 111.011;
               [(3)     is ineligible for membership under Section
  111.013 or 111.014;
               [(4)     cannot, because of illness or disability,
  discharge the member's duties for a substantial part of the member's
  term; or
               [(5)     is absent from more than half of the regularly
  scheduled board meetings that the member is eligible to attend
  during a calendar year without an excuse approved by a majority vote
  of the board.
         [(b)     The validity of an action of the board is not affected
  by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal of a board
  member exists.
         [(c)     If the director has knowledge that a potential ground
  for removal exists, the director shall notify the presiding officer
  of the board of the potential ground.     The presiding officer shall
  then notify the chief justice of the supreme court that a potential
  ground for removal exists.     If the potential ground for removal
  involves the presiding officer, the director shall notify the next
  highest ranking officer of the board, who shall then notify the
  chief justice of the supreme court that a potential ground for
  removal exists.
         [Sec.   111.016.     POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD. (a)     The board
  is charged with the executive functions necessary to carry out the
  purposes of this chapter under rules adopted by the supreme court.
         [(b)  The board shall:
               [(1)  administer and enforce this chapter;
               [(2)     develop and recommend proposed rules and
  procedures to the supreme court as necessary to implement this
               [(3)     set the amount of each fee prescribed by Section
  111.042, subject to the approval of the supreme court;
               [(4)  establish the qualifications for obtaining:
                     [(A)     certification or recertification under
  Section 111.042; and
                     [(B)     provisional certification under Section
               [(5)  issue certificates to:
                     [(A)     individuals who meet the certification
  requirements of Section 111.042; and
                     [(B)     individuals who meet the provisional
  certification requirements of Section 111.0421; and
               [(6)     perform any other duty required by this chapter
  or other law.
         [(c)     The board may appoint any necessary or proper
         [(d)  The board shall maintain:
               [(1)  a complete record of each board proceeding; and
               [(2)     a complete record of each certification,
  including a provisional certificate, issued, renewed, suspended,
  or revoked under this chapter.]
         Sec. 155.052  [111.017].  TRAINING. (a)  A person who is
  appointed to and qualifies for office as a member of the advisory
  board may not vote, deliberate, or be counted as a member in
  attendance at a meeting of the advisory board until the person
  completes a training program that complies with this section.
         (b)  The training program must provide the person with
  information regarding:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  the role and functions of the advisory board; and
               (3)  [the current budget for the board;
               [(4)     the results of the most recent formal audit of the
  board; and
               [(5)]  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
  commission [board].
         [Sec.   111.018.     USE OF TECHNOLOGY. The Office of Court
  Administration shall research and propose appropriate
  technological solutions to improve the board's ability to perform
  its functions.   The technological solutions must:
               [(1)     ensure that the public is able to easily find
  information about the board on the Internet;
               [(2)     ensure that persons who want to use the board's
  services are able to:
                     [(A)     interact with the board through the
  Internet; and
                     [(B)     access any service that can be provided
  effectively through the Internet; and
               [(3)     be cost-effective and developed through the
  board's planning processes.
  (a)     The board shall develop and implement a policy to encourage
  the use of appropriate alternative dispute resolution procedures to
  assist in the resolution of internal and external disputes under
  the board's jurisdiction.
         [(b)     The procedures relating to alternative dispute
  resolution under this section must conform, to the extent possible,
  to any model guidelines issued by the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings for the use of alternative dispute
  resolution by state agencies.
         [Sec.   111.020.     PUBLIC ACCESS. The board shall develop and
  implement policies that provide the public with a reasonable
  opportunity to appear before the board and to speak on any issue
  under the jurisdiction of the board.
         [Sec.   111.021.     DIRECTOR. (a)     The administrative director
  shall employ a director from a list of candidates submitted by the
  board.   The administrative director may request an additional list
  of candidates if the administrative director does not select any of
  the initial candidates recommended by the board.
         [(b)     The list may contain the hiring preference of the
         [(c)     The director is the administrative officer of the board
  and is charged with carrying out the duties and functions conferred
  on the director by the board, this subchapter, and other law.
         [Sec.   111.022.     DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES. The board
  shall develop and implement policies that clearly separate the
  policy-making responsibilities of the board and the management
  responsibilities of the director.
  INFORMATION. The director shall provide to members of the board, as
  often as necessary, information regarding the requirements for
  office under this chapter, including information regarding a
  person's responsibilities under applicable laws relating to
  standards of conduct for state officers.]
         Sec. 155.101 [111.041].  STANDARDS FOR CERTAIN
  commission [board] shall adopt minimum standards for:
               (1)  the provision of guardianship services or other
  similar but less restrictive types of assistance or services by:
                     (A)  guardianship programs; and
                     (B)  private professional guardians; and
               (2)  the provision of guardianship services by the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services.
         (b)  The commission [board] shall design the standards to
  protect the interests of an incapacitated person or other person
  needing assistance making decisions concerning the person's own
  welfare or financial affairs.
         Sec. 155.102 [111.042].  CERTIFICATION REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN
  GUARDIANS. (a)  To provide guardianship services in this state,
  the following individuals must hold a certificate issued under this
               (1)  an individual who is a private professional
               (2)  an individual who will provide those services to a
  ward of a private professional guardian on the guardian's behalf;
               (3)  an individual, other than a volunteer, who will
  provide those services or other services under Section 161.114,
  Human Resources Code, to a ward of a guardianship program or the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services on the program's or
  department's behalf.
         (b)  An applicant for a certificate under this section must:
               (1)  apply to the commission [board] on a form
  prescribed by the commission [board]; and
               (2)  submit with the application a nonrefundable
  application fee in an amount determined by the commission [board],
  subject to the approval of the supreme court.
         (c)  The supreme court may adopt rules and procedures for
  issuing a certificate and for renewing, suspending, or revoking a
  certificate issued under this section.  Any rules adopted by the
  supreme court under this section must:
               (1)  ensure compliance with the standards adopted under
  Section 155.101 [111.041];
               (2)  provide that the commission [board] establish
  qualifications for obtaining and maintaining certification;
               (3)  provide that the commission [board] issue
  certificates under this section;
               (4)  provide that a certificate expires on the second
  anniversary of the date the certificate is issued;
               (5)  prescribe procedures for accepting complaints and
  conducting investigations of alleged violations of the minimum
  standards adopted under Section 155.101 [111.041] or other terms of
  the certification by certificate holders; and
               (6)  prescribe procedures by which the commission 
  [board], after notice and hearing, may suspend or revoke the
  certificate of a holder who fails to substantially comply with
  appropriate standards or other terms of the certification.
         (d)  If the requirements for issuing a certificate under this
  section include passage of an examination covering guardianship
  education requirements:
               (1)  the commission [board] shall develop and the
  director shall administer the examination; or
               (2)  the commission [board] shall direct the director
  to contract with another person or entity the commission [board]
  determines has the expertise and resources to develop and
  administer the examination.
         (e)  In lieu of the certification requirements imposed under
  this section, the commission [board] may issue a certificate to an
  individual to engage in business as a guardian or to provide
  guardianship services in this state if the individual:
               (1)  submits an application to the commission [board]
  in the form prescribed by the commission [board];
               (2)  pays a fee in a reasonable amount determined by the
  commission [board], subject to the approval of the supreme court;
               (3)  is certified, registered, or licensed as a
  guardian by a national organization or association the commission
  [board] determines has requirements at least as stringent as those
  prescribed by the commission [board] under this subchapter; and
               (4)  is in good standing with the organization or
  association with whom the person is licensed, certified, or
         (f)  An employee of the Department of Aging and Disability
  Services who is applying for a certificate under this section to
  provide guardianship services to a ward of the department is exempt
  from payment of an application fee required by this section.
         (g)  An application fee or other fee collected under this
  section shall be deposited to the credit of the guardianship
  certification account in the general revenue fund and may be
  appropriated only to the office [Office of Court Administration]
  for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
         [(h)     The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall
  advise and assist the board as necessary in administering the
  certification process established under this section.]
         Sec. 155.103 [111.0421].  PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE.
  (a)  Notwithstanding Section 155.102(a) [111.042(a)], the
  commission [board] may issue a provisional certificate to an
  individual who:
               (1)  does not meet the qualifications for obtaining
  certification under Section 155.102 [111.042]; and
               (2)  possesses the qualifications for provisional
  certification required by rules adopted by the supreme court.
         (b)  An individual who holds a provisional certificate may
  provide guardianship services in this state only under the
  supervision of an individual certified under Section 155.102
         (c)  The supreme court may adopt rules and procedures for
  issuing a provisional certificate under this section that, at a
  minimum, must:
               (1)  ensure compliance with the standards adopted under
  Section 155.101 [111.041]; and
               (2)  provide that the commission [board] establishes
  qualifications for obtaining and maintaining the certification.
         Sec. 155.104 [111.043].  INFORMATION FROM PRIVATE
  PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS. In addition to the information submitted
  under Section 697(e), Texas Probate Code, the director may require
  a private professional guardian or a person who represents or plans
  to represent the interests of a ward as a guardian on behalf of the
  private professional guardian to submit information considered
  necessary to monitor the person's compliance with the applicable
  standards adopted under Section 155.101 [111.041] or with the
  certification requirements of Section 155.102 [111.042].
         Sec. 155.105 [111.044].  ANNUAL DISCLOSURE. (a)  Not later
  than January 31 of each year, each guardianship program shall
  provide to the commission [board] a report containing for the
  preceding year:
               (1)  the number of wards served by the guardianship
  program reported by county in which the application to create a
  guardianship for the ward is filed and the total number of wards
  served by the guardianship program;
               (2)  the name, business address, and business telephone
  number of each individual employed by or volunteering or
  contracting with the guardianship program to provide guardianship
  services to a ward or proposed ward of the program;
               (3)  the name of each county in which an individual
  described by Subdivision (2) provides or is authorized to provide
  guardianship services;
               (4)  the total amount of money received from this state
  for the provision of guardianship services; and
               (5)  the amount of money received from any other public
  source, including a county or the federal government, for the
  provision of guardianship services, reported by source, and the
  total amount of money received from those public sources.
         (b)  Not later than January 31 of each year, each private
  professional guardian shall provide to the commission [board] a
  report containing for the preceding year:
               (1)  the number of wards served by the private
  professional guardian reported by county in which the application
  to create a guardianship for the ward is filed and the total number
  of wards served by the private professional guardian;
               (2)  the name, business address, and business telephone
  number of each individual who provides guardianship services to a
  ward of the private professional guardian on behalf of the private
  professional guardian;
               (3)  the total amount of money received from this state
  for the provision of guardianship services; and
               (4)  the amount of money received from any other public
  source, including a county or the federal government, for the
  provision of guardianship services, reported by source, and the
  total amount of money received from those public sources.
         (c)  A private professional guardian shall submit with the
  report required under Subsection (b) a copy of the guardian's
  application for a certificate of registration required by Section
  697(a), Texas Probate Code.
         SECTION 1.06.  Subtitle K, Title 2, Government Code, as
  added by this Act, is amended by adding Chapter 156 to read as
         Sec. 156.001.  DEFINITION.  In this chapter, "advisory
  board" means the Process Server Certification Advisory Board.
         Sec. 156.051.  ORGANIZATION. (a)  The Process Server
  Certification Advisory Board is established as an advisory board to
  the commission. The advisory board is composed of at least five
  members appointed by the supreme court.
         (b)  Appointments to the advisory board shall be made without
  regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
  national origin of the appointees.
         (c)  The supreme court shall appoint a presiding officer of
  the advisory board from among the advisory board members to serve
  for two years.
         (d)  A majority of the advisory board constitutes a quorum.
         (e)  Advisory board members serve staggered six-year terms
  as ordered by the supreme court.
         (f)  If a vacancy occurs on the advisory board, the supreme
  court shall appoint a person to serve the remainder of the term.
         (g)  Advisory board members serve without compensation but
  are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses and other actual
  and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official
  advisory board duties, as provided by the General Appropriations
         SECTION 1.07.  Section 51.008, Government Code, is
  transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 156, Government Code, as added
  by this Act, redesignated as Section 156.052, Government Code, and
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 156.052 [51.008].  FEES FOR PROCESS SERVER
  CERTIFICATION. (a)  The commission [process server review board
  established by supreme court order] may recommend to the supreme
  court the fees to be charged for process server certification and
  renewal of certification.  The supreme court must approve the fees
  recommended by the commission [process server review board] before
  the fees may be collected.
         (b)  If a certification is issued or renewed for a term that
  is less than the certification period provided by supreme court
  rule, the fee for the certification shall be prorated so that the
  process server pays only that portion of the fee that is allocable
  to the period during which the certification is valid.  On renewal
  of the certification on the new expiration date, the process server
  must pay the entire certification renewal fee.
         (c)  The office [Office of Court Administration of the Texas
  Judicial System] may collect the fees recommended by the commission
  [process server review board] and approved by the supreme court.  
  Fees collected under this section shall be sent to the comptroller
  for deposit to the credit of the general revenue fund.
         (d)  Fees collected under this section may be appropriated to
  the office [Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial
  System] for the support of regulatory programs for process servers,
  guardians, and court reporters.
         SECTION 1.08.  Subchapter C, Chapter 57, Government Code, is
  transferred to Subtitle K, Title 2, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, redesignated as Chapter 157, Government Code, and amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 157.001 [57.041].  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter 
               (1)  "Advisory board" ["Board"] means the licensed
  court interpreter advisory board.
               (2)  ["Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               [(4)     "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               [(4-a)     "Executive director" means the executive
  director of the department.
               [(5)]  "Licensed court interpreter" means an
  individual licensed under this chapter by the commission to
  interpret court proceedings for an individual who can hear but who
  does not comprehend English or communicate in English [has the
  meaning assigned by Section 57.001].
         Sec. 157.051 [57.042].  LICENSED COURT INTERPRETER ADVISORY
  BOARD. (a)  The licensed court interpreter advisory board is
  established as an advisory board to the commission.  The advisory
  board is composed of at least five [nine] members appointed by the
  supreme court [presiding officer of the commission, with the
  commission's approval].  Members of the advisory board serve
  staggered six-year terms as ordered by the supreme court[, with the
  terms of one-third of the members expiring on February 1 of each
  odd-numbered year].
         (b)  [The advisory board is composed of:
               [(1)     an active district, county, or statutory county
  court judge who has been a judge for at least the three years
  preceding the date of appointment;
               [(2)     an active court administrator who has been a
  court administrator for at least the three years preceding the date
  of appointment;
               [(3)     an active attorney who has been a practicing
  member of the state bar for at least the three years preceding the
  date of appointment;
               [(4)  three active licensed court interpreters; and
               [(5)     three public members who are residents of this
         [(c)]  The supreme court [presiding officer of the
  commission, with the commission's approval,] shall select from the
  advisory board members a presiding officer of the advisory board to
  serve for two years.
         (c) [(d)]  Members shall be appointed without regard to
  race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national [ethnic]
  origin. The membership of the advisory board must reflect the
  geographical and cultural diversity of the state.
         (d) [(e)]  The supreme court [presiding officer of the
  commission, with the commission's approval,] may remove a member of
  the advisory board for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office[.
  If a vacancy occurs on the board, the presiding officer of the
  commission, with the commission's approval, shall appoint a member
  who represents the same interests as the former member to serve the
  unexpired term].
         (e) [(f)     The board shall meet at least twice a year at the
  call of the presiding officer at a place designated by the presiding
  officer.] A majority of the advisory board constitutes a quorum.
         (f) [(g)]  The advisory board shall advise the commission
  regarding the adoption of rules and the design of a licensing
         (g)  An advisory [(h)  A] board member is entitled to
  reimbursement for travel expenses and other actual and necessary 
  expenses incurred in attending meetings of the advisory board in
  the amount of the per diem set by the General Appropriations Act. A
  member may not receive compensation for the member's services as an
  advisory [a] board member. [Service on the board by a member
  appointed under Subsection (b)(1) is an additional duty required by
  the member's other official capacity, and that service on the board
  is not a dual office holding.]
         Sec. 157.101 [57.043].  ISSUANCE OF LICENSE; TERM. (a)  The
  [executive] director shall issue a court interpreter license to an
  applicant who:
               (1)  can interpret for an individual who can hear but
  who does not comprehend English or communicate in English;
               (2)  passes the appropriate examination prescribed by
  the commission [executive director] not earlier than two years
  before the date the [executive] director receives the applicant's
  application for a license; and
               (3)  possesses the other qualifications for the license
  required by this chapter [subchapter] or by rules adopted under
  this chapter [subchapter].
         (b)  The commission shall adopt rules relating to licensing
  under this chapter. The rules must be approved by the supreme
  court.  The [subchapter and the executive] director shall prescribe
  all forms required under this chapter [subchapter].
         (c)  A license issued under this chapter [subchapter] is
  valid for one year from the date of issuance.
         (d)  A license issued under this chapter [subchapter] must
  include at least one of the following designations:
               (1)  a basic designation that permits the interpreter
  to interpret court proceedings in justice courts and municipal
  courts that are not municipal courts of record, other than a
  proceeding before the court in which the judge is acting as a
  magistrate; or
               (2)  a master designation that permits the interpreter
  to interpret court proceedings in all courts in this state,
  including justice courts and municipal courts described by
  Subdivision (1).
         (e)  In adopting rules relating to licensing under this
  subchapter, the commission shall, after consulting with the
  advisory board, prescribe the minimum score an individual must
  achieve on an examination to receive a license that includes a basic
  designation under Subsection (d) and the minimum score an
  individual must achieve to receive a license that includes a master
  designation under that subsection.
         Sec. 157.102 [57.044].  COURT INTERPRETER LICENSE. To
  qualify for a court interpreter license under this chapter
  [subchapter], an individual must apply on a form prescribed by the
  commission [executive director] and demonstrate, in the manner
  required by the [executive] director, reasonable proficiency in
  interpreting English and court proceedings for individuals who can
  hear but who do not comprehend English or communicate in English.
         [Sec.   57.045.     FEES. The commission by rule shall set
  license and examination fees under this subchapter.]
         Sec. 157.103 [57.046].  EXAMINATIONS. (a)  The [executive]
  director shall prepare examinations under this chapter
  [subchapter] that test an applicant's knowledge, skill, and
  efficiency in interpreting under this chapter [subchapter].  The
  same examinations must be used for issuing a license that includes a
  basic designation or master designation as described by Section
  157.101(d) [57.043(d)].
         (b)  An individual who fails an examination may apply for
  reexamination at a scheduled examination held at least six months
  after the date the individual failed the original examination.
         (c)  Examinations shall be offered in the state at least
  twice a year at times and places designated by the [executive]
         Sec. 157.104 [57.047].  COMMISSION [DEPARTMENT] DUTIES;
  INSPECTIONS. (a)  The commission [executive director] shall
  enforce this chapter [subchapter].
         (b)  The commission [department] shall investigate
  allegations of violations of this chapter [subchapter].
         Sec. 157.105 [57.048].  SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF
  LICENSES; REISSUANCE. (a)  After a hearing, the commission shall
  suspend or revoke a court interpreter license on a finding that the
               (1)  made a material misstatement in an application for
  a license;
               (2)  disregarded or violated this chapter [subchapter]
  or a rule adopted under this chapter [subchapter]; or
               (3)  engaged in dishonorable or unethical conduct
  likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public or a person for whom
  the interpreter interprets.
         (b)  The commission [executive director] may reissue a
  license to an individual whose license has been revoked if the
  individual applies in writing to the department and shows good
  cause to justify reissuance of the license.
         Sec. 157.106 [57.049].  PROHIBITED ACTS. A person may not
  advertise, represent to be, or act as a licensed court interpreter
  unless the person holds an appropriate license under this chapter
         Sec. 157.107 [57.050].  OFFENSE; ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.
  (a)  A person commits an offense if the person violates this
  chapter [subchapter] or a rule adopted under this chapter 
  [subchapter]. An offense under this subsection is a Class A
         (b)  A person who violates this chapter [subchapter] or a
  rule adopted under this chapter [subchapter] is subject to an
  administrative penalty assessed by the commission as provided by
  Chapter 153 [Subchapter F, Chapter 51, Occupations Code].
         [Sec.   57.051.     SUNSET.   The licensed court interpreter
  advisory board is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas
  Sunset Act).     Unless continued in existence as provided by that
  chapter, the board is abolished and this subchapter expires
  September 1, 2017.]
         SECTION 2.01.  Subsection (a-1), Article 38.30, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a-1)  A qualified telephone interpreter may be sworn to
  interpret for the person in the trial of a Class C misdemeanor or a
  proceeding before a magistrate if an interpreter is not available
  to appear in person before the court or if the only available
  interpreter is not considered to possess adequate interpreting
  skills for the particular situation or is unfamiliar with the use of
  slang.  In this subsection, "qualified telephone interpreter" means
  a telephone service that employs:
               (1)  licensed court interpreters as defined by Section
  157.001 [57.001], Government Code; or
               (2)  federally certified court interpreters.
         SECTION 2.02.  Section 61.0513, Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 61.0513.  COURT REPORTER PROGRAMS. The board may not
  certify a court reporter program under Section 61.051(f) [of this
  code] unless the program has received approval from the Judicial
  Branch [Court Reporters] Certification Commission [Board].
         SECTION 2.03.  Subdivision (1), Subsection (b), Section
  132.055, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (1)  The programs, curriculum, and instruction are of
  such quality, content, and length as may reasonably and adequately
  achieve the stated objective for which the programs, curriculum, or
  instruction is offered.  Before a career school or college conducts
  a program of instruction in court reporting, the school or college
  must produce evidence that the school or college has obtained
  approval for the curriculum from the Judicial Branch [Court
  Reporters] Certification Commission [Board].
         SECTION 2.04.  Section 1002.014, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  certification program of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission" ["Guardianship Certification Board"] means the program
  [Guardianship Certification Board] established under Chapter 155
  [111], Government Code.
         SECTION 2.05.  Section 1002.016, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1002.016.  GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM.  "Guardianship
  program" has the meaning assigned by Section 155.001 [111.001],
  Government Code.
         SECTION 2.06.  Section 1002.025, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1002.025.  PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL GUARDIAN.  "Private
  professional guardian" has the meaning assigned by Section 155.001
  [111.001], Government Code.
         SECTION 2.07.  Subsection (b), Section 1101.001, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The application must be sworn to by the applicant and
               (1)  the proposed ward's name, sex, date of birth, and
               (2)  the name, relationship, and address of the person
  the applicant seeks to have appointed as guardian;
               (3)  whether guardianship of the person or estate, or
  both, is sought;
               (4)  the nature and degree of the alleged incapacity,
  the specific areas of protection and assistance requested, and the
  limitation or termination of rights requested to be included in the
  court's order of appointment, including a termination of:
                     (A)  the right of a proposed ward who is 18 years
  of age or older to vote in a public election; and
                     (B)  the proposed ward's eligibility to hold or
  obtain a license to operate a motor vehicle under Chapter 521,
  Transportation Code;
               (5)  the facts requiring the appointment of a guardian;
               (6)  the interest of the applicant in the appointment
  of a guardian;
               (7)  the nature and description of any kind of
  guardianship existing for the proposed ward in any other state;
               (8)  the name and address of any person or institution
  having the care and custody of the proposed ward;
               (9)  the approximate value and description of the
  proposed ward's property, including any compensation, pension,
  insurance, or allowance to which the proposed ward may be entitled;
               (10)  the name and address of any person whom the
  applicant knows to hold a power of attorney signed by the proposed
  ward and a description of the type of power of attorney;
               (11)  for a proposed ward who is a minor, the following
  information if known by the applicant:
                     (A)  the name of each of the proposed ward's
  parents and either the parent's address or that the parent is
                     (B)  the name and age of each of the proposed
  ward's siblings, if any, and either the sibling's address or that
  the sibling is deceased; and
                     (C)  if each of the proposed ward's parents and
  siblings are deceased, the names and addresses of the proposed
  ward's next of kin who are adults;
               (12)  for a proposed ward who is a minor, whether the
  minor was the subject of a legal or conservatorship proceeding in
  the preceding two years and, if so:
                     (A)  the court involved;
                     (B)  the nature of the proceeding; and
                     (C)  any final disposition of the proceeding;
               (13)  for a proposed ward who is an adult, the following
  information if known by the applicant:
                     (A)  the name of the proposed ward's spouse, if
  any, and either the spouse's address or that the spouse is deceased;
                     (B)  the name of each of the proposed ward's
  parents and either the parent's address or that the parent is
                     (C)  the name and age of each of the proposed
  ward's siblings, if any, and either the sibling's address or that
  the sibling is deceased;
                     (D)  the name and age of each of the proposed
  ward's children, if any, and either the child's address or that the
  child is deceased; and
                     (E)  if there is no living spouse, parent, adult
  sibling, or adult child of the proposed ward, the names and
  addresses of the proposed ward's next of kin who are adults;
               (14)  facts showing that the court has venue of the
  proceeding; and
               (15)  if applicable, that the person whom the applicant
  seeks to have appointed as a guardian is a private professional
  guardian who is certified under Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111],
  Government Code, and has complied with the requirements of
  Subchapter G, Chapter 1104.
         SECTION 2.08.  Subsection (a), Section 1104.251, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An individual must be certified under Subchapter C,
  Chapter 155 [111], Government Code, if the individual:
               (1)  is a private professional guardian;
               (2)  will represent the interests of a ward as a
  guardian on behalf of a private professional guardian;
               (3)  is providing guardianship services to a ward of a
  guardianship program on the program's behalf, except as provided by
  Section 1104.254; or
               (4)  is an employee of the Department of Aging and
  Disability Services providing guardianship services to a ward of
  the department.
         SECTION 2.09.  Section 1104.252, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.252.  EFFECT OF PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE.  For
  purposes of this subchapter, a person who holds a provisional
  certificate issued under Section 155.103 [111.0421], Government
  Code, is considered to be certified.
         SECTION 2.10.  Section 1104.253, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  family member or friend of an incapacitated person is not required
  to be certified under Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111], Government
  Code, or any other law to serve as the person's guardian.
         SECTION 2.11.  Section 1104.255, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.255.  EXPIRATION OF CERTIFICATION.  A person whose
  certification under Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111], Government
  Code, has expired must obtain a new certification under that
  subchapter to provide or continue providing guardianship services
  to a ward or incapacitated person under this title.
         SECTION 2.12.  Section 1104.256, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.256.  FAILURE TO COMPLY; COURT'S DUTY TO NOTIFY.  
  The court shall notify the guardianship certification program of
  the Judicial Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship
  Certification Board] if the court becomes aware of a person who is
  not complying with:
               (1)  the terms of a certification issued under
  Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111], Government Code; or
               (2)  the standards and rules adopted under that
         SECTION 2.13.  Section 1104.257, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM.  Not later than January 31 of each year, each
  guardianship program operating in a county shall submit to the
  county clerk a copy of the report submitted to the guardianship
  certification program of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] under Section
  155.105 [111.044], Government Code.
         SECTION 2.14.  Section 1104.258, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  31 of each year, the Department of Aging and Disability Services
  shall submit to the guardianship certification program of the
  Judicial Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship
  Certification Board] a statement containing:
               (1)  the name, address, and telephone number of each
  department employee who is or will be providing guardianship
  services to a ward or proposed ward on the department's behalf; and
               (2)  the name of each county in which each employee
  named in Subdivision (1) is providing or is authorized to provide
  those services.
         SECTION 2.15.  Subsection (a), Section 1104.303, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An application for a certificate of registration must
  include a sworn statement containing the following information
  concerning a private professional guardian or each person who
  represents or plans to represent the interests of a ward as a
  guardian on behalf of the private professional guardian:
               (1)  place of residence;
               (2)  business address and business telephone number;
               (3)  educational background and professional
               (4)  three or more professional references;
               (5)  the name of each ward for whom the private
  professional guardian or person is or will be serving as a guardian;
               (6)  the aggregate fair market value of the property of
  all wards that is or will be managed by the private professional
  guardian or person;
               (7)  whether the private professional guardian or
  person has ever been removed as a guardian by the court or resigned
  as a guardian in a particular case, and, if so:
                     (A)  a description of the circumstances causing
  the removal or resignation; and
                     (B)  the style of the suit, the docket number, and
  the court having jurisdiction over the proceeding; and
               (8)  the certification number or provisional
  certification number issued to the private professional guardian or
  person by the guardianship certification program of the Judicial
  Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification
         SECTION 2.16.  Section 1104.306, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1104.306.  USE OF NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESSES.  Not
  later than January 31 of each year, the clerk shall submit to the
  guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] the
  name and business address of each private professional guardian who
  has satisfied the registration requirements of this subchapter
  during the preceding year.
         SECTION 2.17.  Subsection (a), Section 1104.404, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The clerk described by Section 1104.402 is not required
  to obtain criminal history record information for a person who
  holds a certificate issued under Section 155.102 [111.042],
  Government Code, or a provisional certificate issued under Section
  155.103 [111.0421], Government Code, if the guardianship
  certification program of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] conducted a criminal
  history check on the person before issuing or renewing the
         SECTION 2.18.  Section 1104.407, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  department shall provide the information obtained under Section
  1104.406(a) [1102.406(a)] to:
               (1)  the clerk of the county having venue of the
  guardianship proceeding at the court's request; and
               (2)  the guardianship certification program of the
  Judicial Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship
  Certification Board] at the commission's [board's] request.
         SECTION 2.19.  Section 1104.408, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  CERTIFICATION COMMISSION [BOARD]. (a)  Criminal history record
  information obtained under Section 1104.407 is privileged and
  confidential and is for the exclusive use of the court or
  guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board], as
  appropriate.  The information may not be released or otherwise
  disclosed to any person or agency except:
               (1)  on court order;
               (2)  with the consent of the person being investigated;
               (3)  as authorized by Section 1104.404 of this code or
  Section 411.1386(a-6), Government Code.
         (b)  The county clerk or guardianship certification program
  of the Judicial Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship
  Certification Board] may destroy the criminal history record
  information after the information is used for the purposes
  authorized by this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.20.  Section 1104.410, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  [BOARD].  Criminal history record information obtained by the
  guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] under
  Section 1104.407(2) may be used for any purpose related to the
  issuance, denial, renewal, suspension, or revocation of a
  certificate issued by the commission [board].
         SECTION 2.21.  Subsection (b), Section 1203.052, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In addition to the authority granted to the court under
  Subsection (a), the court may, on the complaint of the guardianship
  certification program of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission [Guardianship Certification Board], remove a guardian
  who would be ineligible for appointment under Subchapter H, Chapter
  1104, because of the guardian's failure to maintain the
  certification required under Subchapter F, Chapter 1104.  The
  guardian shall be cited to appear and contest the request for
  removal under this subsection in the manner provided by Subsection
         SECTION 2.22.  Subsection (b), Section 1251.003, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The application must state:
               (1)  the name and address of the person who is the
  subject of the guardianship proceeding;
               (2)  the danger to the person or property alleged to be
               (3)  the type of appointment and the particular
  protection and assistance being requested;
               (4)  the facts and reasons supporting the allegations
  and requests;
               (5)  the proposed temporary guardian's name, address,
  and qualification;
               (6)  the applicant's name, address, and interest; and
               (7)  if applicable, that the proposed temporary
  guardian is a private professional guardian who is certified under
  Subchapter C, Chapter 155 [111], Government Code, and has complied
  with the requirements of Subchapter G, Chapter 1104.
         SECTION 2.23.  Subsection (i), Section 411.081, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (i)  A criminal justice agency may disclose criminal history
  record information that is the subject of an order of nondisclosure
  under Subsection (d) to the following noncriminal justice agencies
  or entities only:
               (1)  the State Board for Educator Certification;
               (2)  a school district, charter school, private school,
  regional education service center, commercial transportation
  company, or education shared service arrangement;
               (3)  the Texas Medical Board;
               (4)  the Texas School for the Blind and Visually
               (5)  the Board of Law Examiners;
               (6)  the State Bar of Texas;
               (7)  a district court regarding a petition for name
  change under Subchapter B, Chapter 45, Family Code;
               (8)  the Texas School for the Deaf;
               (9)  the Department of Family and Protective Services;
               (10)  the Texas Juvenile Justice Department [Youth
               (11)  the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
               (12)  the Department of State Health Services, a local
  mental health service, a local mental retardation authority, or a
  community center providing services to persons with mental illness
  or retardation;
               (13)  the Texas Private Security Board;
               (14)  a municipal or volunteer fire department;
               (15)  the Texas Board of Nursing;
               (16)  a safe house providing shelter to children in
  harmful situations;
               (17)  a public or nonprofit hospital or hospital
               (18)  [the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission;
               [(19)]  the securities commissioner, the banking
  commissioner, the savings and mortgage lending commissioner, the
  consumer credit commissioner, or the credit union commissioner;
               (19) [(20)]  the Texas State Board of Public
               (20) [(21)]  the Texas Department of Licensing and
               (21) [(22)]  the Health and Human Services Commission;
               (22) [(23)]  the Department of Aging and Disability
               (23) [(24)]  the Texas Education Agency;
               (24)  the Judicial Branch Certification Commission 
  [(25)  the Guardianship Certification Board];
               (25) [(26)]  a county clerk's office in relation to a
  proceeding for the appointment of a guardian under Chapter XIII,
  Texas Probate Code;
               (26) [(27)]  the Department of Information Resources
  but only regarding an employee, applicant for employment,
  contractor, subcontractor, intern, or volunteer who provides
  network security services under Chapter 2059 to:
                     (A)  the Department of Information Resources; or
                     (B)  a contractor or subcontractor of the
  Department of Information Resources;
               (27) [(28)  the Court Reporters Certification Board;
               [(29)]  the Texas Department of Insurance; and
               (28) [(30)]  the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
         SECTION 2.24.  Subsections (a-4), (a-6), (d), and (f),
  Section 411.1386, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a-4)  The Department of Aging and Disability Services shall
  provide the information obtained under Subsection (a-1) to:
               (1)  the clerk of the county having venue over the
  guardianship proceeding at the request of the court; and
               (2)  the guardianship certification program of the
  Judicial Branch Certification Commission [Guardianship
  Certification Board] at the request of the commission [board].
         (a-6)  The clerk described by Subsection (a) is not required
  to obtain criminal history record information for a person who
  holds a certificate issued under Section 155.102 [111.042] or a
  provisional certificate issued under Section 155.103 [111.0421] if
  the guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board]
  conducted a criminal history check on the person before issuing or
  renewing the certificate.  The commission [board] shall provide to
  the clerk at the court's request the criminal history record
  information that was obtained from the department or the Federal
  Bureau of Investigation.
         (d)  The criminal history record information obtained under
  Subsection (a-4) is for the exclusive use of the court or
  guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board], as
  appropriate, and is privileged and confidential.  The information
  may not be released or otherwise disclosed to any person or agency
  except on court order, with the consent of the person being
  investigated, or as authorized by Subsection (a-6) or Section
  698(a-6), Texas Probate Code.  The county clerk or guardianship
  certification program of the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] may destroy the
  criminal history record information after the information is used
  for the purposes authorized by this section.
         (f)  Criminal history record information obtained by the
  guardianship certification program of the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] under
  Subsection (a-4)(2) may be used for any purpose related to the
  issuance, denial, renewal, suspension, or revocation of a
  certificate issued by the commission [board].
         SECTION 2.25.  Section 411.1408, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  "commission" ["board"] means the Judicial Branch Certification
  Commission [Guardianship Certification Board] established under
  Chapter 152 [111].
         (b)  The commission [board] is entitled to obtain from the
  department criminal history record information maintained by the
  department that relates to a person who is an applicant for or the
  holder of a certificate, registration, or license issued by the
  commission or otherwise under Subtitle K, Title 2 [board].
         (c)  Criminal history record information obtained by the
  commission [board] under Subsection (b):
               (1)  may be used by the commission [board] for any
  purpose related to the issuance, denial, suspension, revocation, or
  renewal of a certificate, registration, or license issued by the
  commission or otherwise under Subtitle K, Title 2 [board];
               (2)  may not be released or disclosed to any person
                     (A)  on court order;
                     (B)  with the consent of the person who is the
  subject of the information; or
                     (C)  as authorized by Section 411.1386(a-6) of
  this code or Section 698(a-6), Texas Probate Code, if applicable;
               (3)  shall be destroyed by the commission [board] after
  the information is used for the authorized purposes.
         SECTION 2.26.  Subsection (a), Section 2054.352, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The following licensing entities shall participate in
  the system established under Section 2054.353:
               (1)  Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners;
               (2)  Judicial Branch [Court Reporters] Certification
  Commission [Board];
               (3)  State Board of Dental Examiners;
               (4)  Texas Funeral Service Commission;
               (5)  Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying;
               (6)  Texas Medical Board;
               (7)  Texas Board of Nursing;
               (8)  Texas Optometry Board;
               (9)  Department of Agriculture, for licenses issued
  under Chapter 1951, Occupations Code;
               (10)  Texas State Board of Pharmacy;
               (11)  Executive Council of Physical Therapy and
  Occupational Therapy Examiners;
               (12)  Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners;
               (13)  Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners;
               (14)  Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists;
               (15)  State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners;
               (16)  Texas Real Estate Commission;
               (17)  Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification
               (18)  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation;
               (19)  Texas State Board of Public Accountancy;
               (20)  State Board for Educator Certification;
               (21)  Texas Board of Professional Engineers;
               (22)  Department of State Health Services;
               (23)  Texas Board of Architectural Examiners;
               (24)  Texas Racing Commission;
               (25)  Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards
  and Education; and
               (26)  Texas Private Security Board.
         SECTION 2.27.  Subsection (c), Section 161.114, Human
  Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  A volunteer may provide life enrichment activities,
  companionship, transportation services, and other services to or
  for the ward in a guardianship, except the volunteer may not provide
  services that would require the volunteer to be certified under
  Section 155.102 [111.042], Government Code.
         SECTION 2.28.  Subsection (a), Section 151.353, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Court reporting services relating to the preparation of
  a document or other record in a civil or criminal suit by a notary
  public or a court reporter licensed by the Judicial Branch [State of
  Texas Court Reporters] Certification Commission [Board] are
  exempted from the taxes imposed by this chapter if the document is:
               (1)  prepared for the use of a person participating in a
  suit or the court in which a suit or administrative proceeding is
  brought; and
               (2)  sold to a person participating in the suit.
         SECTION 3.01.  The following provisions of the Government
  Code are repealed:
               (1)  Subdivisions (1), (2), (2-a), and (7), Subsection
  (a), Section 52.001;
               (2)  Sections 52.002, 52.003, 52.0112, 52.012,
  52.0121, 52.013, 52.0131, 52.014, 52.015, 52.016, 52.0165, 52.017,
  52.0175, 52.018, and 52.0185;
               (3)  the heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 52;
               (4)  Subdivision (5), Section 57.001;
               (5)  Section 72.013;
               (6)  Subchapter F, Chapter 72; and
               (7)  Section 411.1403.
         SECTION 3.02.  (a)  In appointing the initial members of the
  Judicial Branch Certification Commission created under Chapter
  152, Government Code, as added by this Act, the Supreme Court of
  Texas shall appoint three members to terms expiring February 1,
  2017, three members to terms expiring February 1, 2019, and three
  members to terms expiring February 1, 2021.
         (b)  The Supreme Court of Texas shall adopt rules,
  procedures, and forms the supreme court determines are necessary to
  implement Subtitle K, Title 2, Government Code, as added by this
  Act, not later than September 1, 2014.
         (c)  On September 1, 2014:
               (1)  the Judicial Branch Certification Commission is
               (2)  the Court Reporters Certification Board,
  Guardianship Certification Board, and process server review board
  are abolished;
               (3)  the powers, duties, functions, programs, and
  activities of the Court Reporters Certification Board,
  Guardianship Certification Board, and process server review board
  and of the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation and the
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation related to licensed
  court interpreters are transferred to the Judicial Branch
  Certification Commission;
               (4)  an employee of the Court Reporters Certification
  Board, Guardianship Certification Board, or process server review
  board becomes an employee of the Office of Court Administration of
  the Texas Judicial System;
               (5)  all obligations and contracts of the Court
  Reporters Certification Board, Guardianship Certification Board,
  and process server review board and of the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Department of Licensing and
  Regulation related to licensed court interpreters are transferred
  to the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System;
               (6)  all property and records in the custody of the
  Court Reporters Certification Board, Guardianship Certification
  Board, and process server review board and of the Texas Commission
  of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Department of Licensing
  and Regulation related to licensed court interpreters shall be
  transferred to the Office of Court Administration of the Texas
  Judicial System;
               (7)  all complaints, investigations, or contested
  cases that are pending before the Court Reporters Certification
  Board, Guardianship Certification Board, and process server review
  board and of the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation and
  the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation related to
  licensed court interpreters are transferred without change in
  status to the Judicial Branch Certification Commission;
               (8)  a rule, form, or fee adopted by the Supreme Court
  of Texas or the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
  related to a profession regulated under Subtitle K, Title 2,
  Government Code, as added by this Act, remains in effect until
  altered by the supreme court;
               (9)  except as otherwise provided by this Act, a
  reference in law to the Court Reporters Certification Board,
  Guardianship Certification Board, or process server review board
  means the Judicial Branch Certification Commission; and
               (10)  a license, certification, or registration in
  effect that was issued by the Court Reporters Certification Board,
  Guardianship Certification Board, process server review board, or
  Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation related to professions
  regulated under Subtitle K, Title 2, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, is continued in effect as a license, certification, or
  registration of the Judicial Branch Certification Commission.
         (d)  The abolition of the Court Reporters Certification
  Board, Guardianship Certification Board, and process server review
  board and the transfer of powers, duties, functions, programs,
  activities, obligations, rights, contracts, records, property,
  funds, and employees as provided by this Act do not affect or impair
  an act done, any obligation, right, order, permit, certificate,
  rule, criterion, standard, or requirement existing, or any penalty
  accrued under former law, and that law remains in effect for any
  action concerning those matters.
         (e)  Subsections (a) and (b) of this section take effect
  September 1, 2013.
         SECTION 3.03.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  this Act takes effect September 1, 2014.