83R7981 PMO-F
  By: Hegar S.B. No. 1074
  relating to electronic transmission of documentation involved in
  certain insurance transactions.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 35, Insurance Code, is amended by
  designating Sections 35.001 through 35.004 as Subchapter A and
  adding a subchapter heading to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Section 35.003, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  to Subchapter B, a [A] regulated entity may conduct business
  electronically to the same extent that the entity is authorized to
  conduct business otherwise if before the conduct of business each
  party to the business agrees to conduct the business
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 35, Insurance Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter B to read as follows:
         Sec. 35.051.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Delivered by electronic means" includes:
                     (A)  delivery to an e-mail address at which a
  party consented to receive notices, documents, or information; and
                     (B)  posting on an electronic network or Internet
  website accessible by an electronic device, including a computer,
  mobile device, or tablet, or a software application, including a
  mobile device application.
               (2)  "Party" means a recipient, including an applicant,
  insured, policyholder, or annuity contract holder, of a notice or a
  document or information required as part of an insurance
               (3)  "Written communication" means a notice, document,
  or other information provided in writing.
         Sec. 35.052.  CONSENT. (a)  Subject to Subsection (c), a
  notice to a party or other written communication with a party
  required in an insurance transaction or that is to serve as evidence
  of insurance coverage may be delivered, stored, and presented by
  electronic means only if the delivery, storage, or presentment
  complies with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (Chapter 322,
  Business & Commerce Code).
         (b)  Delivery of a written communication in compliance with
  this section is equivalent to any delivery method required by law,
  including delivery by first class mail, first class mail, postage
  prepaid, or certified mail.
         (c)  A written communication may be delivered by electronic
  means to a party by a regulated entity under this section if:
               (1)  the party affirmatively consented to delivery by
  electronic means and has not withdrawn the consent;
               (2)  the party, before giving consent, is provided with
  a clear and conspicuous statement informing the party of:
                     (A)  any right or option the party may have for the
  written communication to be provided or made available in paper or
  another nonelectronic form;
                     (B)  the right of the party to withdraw consent
  under this section and any fees, conditions, or consequences
  imposed if consent is withdrawn;
                     (C)  whether the party's consent applies:
                           (i)  only to a specific transaction for
  which the written communication must be given; or
                           (ii)  to identified categories of written
  communications that may be delivered by electronic means during the
  course of the relationship between the party and the regulated
                     (D)  the means, after consent is given, by which a
  party may obtain a paper copy of a written communication delivered
  by electronic means and the amount of the fee, if any, for a paper
  copy; and
                     (E)  the procedure a party must follow to:
                           (i)  withdraw consent under this section;
                           (ii)  update information needed for the
  regulated entity to contact the party electronically; and
               (3)  the party:
                     (A)  before giving consent, is provided with a
  statement identifying the hardware and software requirements for
  the party's access to and retention of a written communication
  delivered by electronic means; and
                     (B)  consents electronically or confirms consent
  electronically in a manner that reasonably demonstrates that the
  party can access a written communication in the electronic form
  used to deliver the communication.
         (d)  After consent of the party is given, in the event a
  change in the hardware or software requirements to access or retain
  a written communication delivered by electronic means creates a
  material risk that the party may not be able to access or retain a
  subsequent written communication to which the consent applies, the
  insurer shall:
                     (A)  provide the party with a statement:
                           (i)  identifying the revised hardware and
  software requirements for access to and retention of a written
  communication delivered by electronic means; and
                           (ii)  disclosing the right of the party to
  withdraw consent without the imposition of any fee, condition, or
  consequence that was not disclosed under Subsection (c)(2)(B); and
                     (B)  comply with Subsection (c)(3).
         (e)  This section does not affect requirements for content or
  timing of any required written communication.
         (f)  If a written communication provided to a party expressly
  requires verification or acknowledgment of receipt, the written
  communication may be delivered by electronic means only if the
  method used provides for verification or acknowledgment of receipt.
         (g)  The legal effectiveness, validity, or enforceability of
  any contract or policy of insurance executed by a party may not be
  denied solely due to the failure to obtain electronic consent or
  confirmation of consent of the party in accordance with Subsection
         (h)  A withdrawal of consent by a party does not affect the
  legal effectiveness, validity, or enforceability of a written
  communication delivered by electronic means to the party before the
  withdrawal of consent is effective.  A withdrawal of consent is
  effective after the date of the receipt by the insurer of the
  withdrawal. Failure by an insurer to comply with Subsection (d) may
  be treated by the party as a withdrawal of consent.
         (i)  If the consent of a party to receive a written
  communication by electronic means is on file with a regulated
  entity before January 1, 2014, and if the entity intends to deliver
  to the party written communications under this subchapter, then
  before the entity may deliver by electronic means additional
  written communications, the insurer must notify the party of:
               (1)  the written communications that may be delivered
  by electronic means that were not previously delivered by
  electronic means; and
               (2)  the party's right to withdraw consent to have
  written communications delivered by electronic means.
         (j)  Except as otherwise provided by law, an oral
  communication or a recording of an oral communication may not
  qualify as a written communication delivered by electronic means
  for purposes of this subchapter.
         (k)  If a signature on a written communication is required by
  law to be notarized, acknowledged, verified, or made under oath,
  the requirement is satisfied if the electronic signature of the
  notary public or other authorized person and the other required
  information are attached to or logically associated with the
  signature or written communication.
         (l)  This section may not be construed to modify, limit, or
  supersede the provisions of the federal Electronic Signatures in
  Global and National Commerce Act (15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq.).
         SECTION 4.  This Act applies only to a written communication
  that is delivered by electronic means on or after January 1, 2014.
  A written communication delivered by electronic means before
  January 1, 2014, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
  before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.